Mojo::Headers(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Mojo::Headers(3pm) |
Mojo::Headers - HTTP headers
use Mojo::Headers; # Parse my $headers = Mojo::Headers->new; $headers->parse("Content-Length: 42\x0d\x0a"); $headers->parse("Content-Type: text/html\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"); say $headers->content_length; say $headers->content_type; # Build my $headers = Mojo::Headers->new; $headers->content_length(42); $headers->content_type('text/plain'); say $headers->to_string;
Mojo::Headers is a container for HTTP headers, based on RFC 7230 <> and RFC 7231 <>.
Mojo::Headers implements the following attributes.
my $size = $headers->max_line_size; $headers = $headers->max_line_size(1024);
Maximum header line size in bytes, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE" environment variable or 8192 (8KiB).
my $num = $headers->max_lines; $headers = $headers->max_lines(200);
Maximum number of header lines, defaults to the value of the "MOJO_MAX_LINES" environment variable or 100.
Mojo::Headers inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones.
$headers = $headers->add(Foo => 'one value'); $headers = $headers->add(Foo => 'first value', 'second value');
Add header with one or more lines.
# "Vary: Accept # Vary: Accept-Encoding" $headers->add(Vary => 'Accept')->add(Vary => 'Accept-Encoding')->to_string;
$headers = $headers->append(Vary => 'Accept-Encoding');
Append value to header and flatten it if necessary.
# "Vary: Accept" $headers->append(Vary => 'Accept')->to_string; # "Vary: Accept, Accept-Encoding" $headers->vary('Accept')->append(Vary => 'Accept-Encoding')->to_string;
my $clone = $headers->clone;
Return a new Mojo::Headers object cloned from these headers.
$headers = $headers->dehop;
Remove hop-by-hop headers that should not be retransmitted.
my $all = $headers->every_header('Location');
Similar to "header", but returns all headers sharing the same name as an array reference.
# Get first header value say $headers->every_header('Location')->[0];
$headers = $headers->from_hash({'Cookie' => 'a=b'}); $headers = $headers->from_hash({'Cookie' => ['a=b', 'c=d']}); $headers = $headers->from_hash({});
Parse headers from a hash reference, an empty hash removes all headers.
my $value = $headers->header('Foo'); $headers = $headers->header(Foo => 'one value'); $headers = $headers->header(Foo => 'first value', 'second value');
Get or replace the current header values.
my $bool = $headers->is_finished;
Check if header parser is finished.
my $bool = $headers->is_limit_exceeded;
Check if headers have exceeded "max_line_size" or "max_lines".
my $bytes = $headers->leftovers;
Get and remove leftover data from header parser.
my $names = $headers->names;
Return an array reference with all currently defined headers.
# Names of all headers say for @{$headers->names};
$headers = $headers->parse("Content-Type: text/plain\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a");
Parse formatted headers.
$headers = $headers->remove('Foo');
Remove a header.
my $single = $headers->to_hash; my $multi = $headers->to_hash(1);
Turn headers into hash reference, array references to represent multiple headers with the same name are disabled by default.
say $headers->to_hash->{DNT};
my $str = $headers->to_string;
Turn headers into a string, suitable for HTTP messages.
Additionally, the following shortcuts are available, for accessing and manipulating commonly-used headers:
my $accept = $headers->accept; $headers = $headers->accept('application/json');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Accept" header.
my $charset = $headers->accept_charset; $headers = $headers->accept_charset('UTF-8');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Accept-Charset" header.
my $encoding = $headers->accept_encoding; $headers = $headers->accept_encoding('gzip');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Accept-Encoding" header.
my $language = $headers->accept_language; $headers = $headers->accept_language('de, en');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Accept-Language" header.
my $ranges = $headers->accept_ranges; $headers = $headers->accept_ranges('bytes');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Accept-Ranges" header.
my $origin = $headers->access_control_allow_origin; $headers = $headers->access_control_allow_origin('*');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header from Cross-Origin Resource Sharing <>.
my $allow = $headers->allow; $headers = $headers->allow('GET, POST');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Allow" header.
my $authorization = $headers->authorization; $headers = $headers->authorization('Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Authorization" header.
my $cache_control = $headers->cache_control; $headers = $headers->cache_control('max-age=1, no-cache');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Cache-Control" header.
my $connection = $headers->connection; $headers = $headers->connection('close');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Connection" header.
my $disposition = $headers->content_disposition; $headers = $headers->content_disposition('foo');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Content-Disposition" header.
my $encoding = $headers->content_encoding; $headers = $headers->content_encoding('gzip');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Content-Encoding" header.
my $language = $headers->content_language; $headers = $headers->content_language('en');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Content-Language" header.
my $len = $headers->content_length; $headers = $headers->content_length(4000);
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Content-Length" header.
my $location = $headers->content_location; $headers = $headers->content_location('');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Content-Location" header.
my $range = $headers->content_range; $headers = $headers->content_range('bytes 2-8/100');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Content-Range" header.
my $policy = $headers->content_security_policy; $headers = $headers->content_security_policy('default-src https:');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Content-Security-Policy" header from Content Security Policy 1.0 <>.
my $type = $headers->content_type; $headers = $headers->content_type('text/plain');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Content-Type" header.
my $cookie = $headers->cookie; $headers = $headers->cookie('f=b');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Cookie" header from RFC 6265 <>.
my $date = $headers->date; $headers = $headers->date('Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:27:35 GMT');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Date" header.
my $dnt = $headers->dnt; $headers = $headers->dnt(1);
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "DNT" (Do Not Track) header, which has no specification yet, but is very commonly used.
my $etag = $headers->etag; $headers = $headers->etag('"abc321"');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "ETag" header.
my $expect = $headers->expect; $headers = $headers->expect('100-continue');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Expect" header.
my $expires = $headers->expires; $headers = $headers->expires('Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Expires" header.
my $host = $headers->host; $headers = $headers->host('');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Host" header.
my $date = $headers->if_modified_since; $headers = $headers->if_modified_since('Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:27:35 GMT');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "If-Modified-Since" header.
my $etag = $headers->if_none_match; $headers = $headers->if_none_match('"abc321"');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "If-None-Match" header.
my $date = $headers->last_modified; $headers = $headers->last_modified('Sun, 17 Aug 2008 16:27:35 GMT');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Last-Modified" header.
my $link = $headers->link; $headers = $headers->link('<>; rel="next"');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Link" header from RFC 5988 <>.
my $links = $headers->links; $headers = $headers->links({next => '', prev => ''});
Get or set web links from or to "Link" header according to RFC 5988 <>.
# Extract information about next page say $headers->links->{next}{link}; say $headers->links->{next}{title};
my $location = $headers->location; $headers = $headers->location('');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Location" header.
my $origin = $headers->origin; $headers = $headers->origin('');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Origin" header from RFC 6454 <>.
my $authenticate = $headers->proxy_authenticate; $headers = $headers->proxy_authenticate('Basic "realm"');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Proxy-Authenticate" header.
my $authorization = $headers->proxy_authorization; $headers = $headers->proxy_authorization('Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Proxy-Authorization" header.
my $range = $headers->range; $headers = $headers->range('bytes=2-8');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Range" header.
my $referrer = $headers->referer; $headers = $headers->referer('');
Alias for "referrer".
my $referrer = $headers->referrer; $headers = $headers->referrer('');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Referer" header, there was a typo in RFC 2068 <> which resulted in "Referer" becoming an official header.
my $accept = $headers->sec_websocket_accept; $headers = $headers->sec_websocket_accept('s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Sec-WebSocket-Accept" header from RFC 6455 <>.
my $extensions = $headers->sec_websocket_extensions; $headers = $headers->sec_websocket_extensions('foo');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions" header from RFC 6455 <>.
my $key = $headers->sec_websocket_key; $headers = $headers->sec_websocket_key('dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Sec-WebSocket-Key" header from RFC 6455 <>.
my $proto = $headers->sec_websocket_protocol; $headers = $headers->sec_websocket_protocol('sample');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol" header from RFC 6455 <>.
my $version = $headers->sec_websocket_version; $headers = $headers->sec_websocket_version(13);
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Sec-WebSocket-Version" header from RFC 6455 <>.
my $server = $headers->server; $headers = $headers->server('Mojo');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Server" header.
my $timing = $headers->server_timing; $headers = $headers->server_timing('app;desc=Mojolicious;dur=0.0001');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Server-Timing" header from Server Timing <>.
my $cookie = $headers->set_cookie; $headers = $headers->set_cookie('f=b; path=/');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Set-Cookie" header from RFC 6265 <>.
my $status = $headers->status; $headers = $headers->status('200 OK');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Status" header from RFC 3875 <>.
my $policy = $headers->strict_transport_security; $headers = $headers->strict_transport_security('max-age=31536000');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Strict-Transport-Security" header from RFC 6797 <>.
my $te = $headers->te; $headers = $headers->te('chunked');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "TE" header.
my $trailer = $headers->trailer; $headers = $headers->trailer('X-Foo');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Trailer" header.
my $encoding = $headers->transfer_encoding; $headers = $headers->transfer_encoding('chunked');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Transfer-Encoding" header.
my $upgrade = $headers->upgrade; $headers = $headers->upgrade('websocket');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Upgrade" header.
my $agent = $headers->user_agent; $headers = $headers->user_agent('Mojo/1.0');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "User-Agent" header.
my $vary = $headers->vary; $headers = $headers->vary('*');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "Vary" header.
my $authenticate = $headers->www_authenticate; $headers = $headers->www_authenticate('Basic realm="realm"');
Get or replace current header value, shortcut for the "WWW-Authenticate" header.
Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.
2023-10-28 | perl v5.36.0 |