Mojo::ByteStream(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Mojo::ByteStream(3pm)

Mojo::ByteStream - ByteStream

  use Mojo::ByteStream;
  # Manipulate bytestream
  my $stream = Mojo::ByteStream->new('foo_bar_baz');
  say $stream->camelize;
  # Chain methods
  my $stream = Mojo::ByteStream->new('foo bar baz')->quote;
  $stream = $stream->unquote->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode('');
  say "$stream";
  # Use the alternative constructor
  use Mojo::ByteStream qw(b);
  my $stream = b('foobarbaz')->b64_encode('')->say;

Mojo::ByteStream is a scalar-based container for bytestreams that provides a more friendly API for many of the functions in Mojo::Util.

  # Access scalar directly to manipulate bytestream
  my $stream = Mojo::ByteStream->new('foo');
  $$stream .= 'bar';

Mojo::ByteStream implements the following functions, which can be imported individually.

  my $stream = b('test123');

Construct a new scalar-based Mojo::ByteStream object.

Mojo::ByteStream implements the following methods.

  $stream = $stream->b64_decode;

Base64 decode bytestream with "b64_decode" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->b64_encode;
  $stream = $stream->b64_encode("\n");

Base64 encode bytestream with "b64_encode" in Mojo::Util.

  # "Zm9vIGJhciBiYXo="
  b('foo bar baz')->b64_encode('');

  $stream = $stream->camelize;

Camelize bytestream with "camelize" in Mojo::Util.

  my $stream2 = $stream->clone;

Return a new Mojo::ByteStream object cloned from this bytestream.

  $stream = $stream->decamelize;

Decamelize bytestream with "decamelize" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->decode;
  $stream = $stream->decode('iso-8859-1');

Decode bytestream with "decode" in Mojo::Util, defaults to using "UTF-8".

  # "♥"

  $stream = $stream->encode;
  $stream = $stream->encode('iso-8859-1');

Encode bytestream with "encode" in Mojo::Util, defaults to using "UTF-8".

  # "%E2%99%A5"

  $stream = $stream->gunzip;

Uncompress bytestream with "gunzip" in Mojo::Util.

  stream = $stream->gzip;

Compress bytestream with "gzip" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->hmac_sha1_sum('passw0rd');

Generate HMAC-SHA1 checksum for bytestream with "hmac_sha1_sum" in Mojo::Util.

  # "7fbdc89263974a89210ea71f171c77d3f8c21471"
  b('foo bar baz')->hmac_sha1_sum('secr3t');

  $stream = $stream->html_unescape;

Unescape all HTML entities in bytestream with "html_unescape" in Mojo::Util.

  # "%3Chtml%3E"

  $stream = $stream->humanize_bytes;

Turn number of bytes into a simplified human readable format for bytestream with "humanize_bytes" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->md5_bytes;

Generate binary MD5 checksum for bytestream with "md5_bytes" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->md5_sum;

Generate MD5 checksum for bytestream with "md5_sum" in Mojo::Util.

  my $stream = Mojo::ByteStream->new('test123');

Construct a new scalar-based Mojo::ByteStream object.

  $stream = $stream->punycode_decode;

Punycode decode bytestream with "punycode_decode" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->punycode_encode;

Punycode encode bytestream with "punycode_encode" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->quote;

Quote bytestream with "quote" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->say;
  $stream = $stream->say(*STDERR);

Print bytestream to handle and append a newline, defaults to using "STDOUT".

  my $bool = $stream->secure_compare($str);

Compare bytestream with "secure_compare" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->sha1_bytes;

Generate binary SHA1 checksum for bytestream with "sha1_bytes" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->sha1_sum;

Generate SHA1 checksum for bytestream with "sha1_sum" in Mojo::Util.

  my $size = $stream->size;

Size of bytestream.

  $stream = $stream->slugify;
  $stream = $stream->slugify($bool);

Generate URL slug for bytestream with "slugify" in Mojo::Util.

  my $collection = $stream->split(',');
  my $collection = $stream->split(',', -1);

Turn bytestream into Mojo::Collection object containing Mojo::ByteStream objects.

  # "One,Two,Three"
  # "One,Two,Three,,,"
  b("one,two,three,,,")->split(',', -1)->map('camelize')->join(',');

  $stream = $stream->tap(sub {...});

Alias for "tap" in Mojo::Base.

  $stream = $stream->term_escape;

Escape POSIX control characters in bytestream with "term_escape" in Mojo::Util.

  # Print binary checksum to terminal

  my $str = $stream->to_string;

Stringify bytestream.

  $stream = $stream->trim;

Trim whitespace characters from both ends of bytestream with "trim" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->unindent;

Unindent bytestream with "unindent" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->unquote;

Unquote bytestream with "unquote" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->url_escape;
  $stream = $stream->url_escape('^A-Za-z0-9\-._~');

Percent encode all unsafe characters in bytestream with "url_escape" in Mojo::Util.

  # "%E2%98%83"

  $stream = $stream->url_unescape;

Decode percent encoded characters in bytestream with "url_unescape" in Mojo::Util.

  # "<html>"

  my $new_class = Mojo::ByteStream->with_roles('Mojo::ByteStream::Role::One');
  my $new_class = Mojo::ByteStream->with_roles('+One', '+Two');
  $stream       = $stream->with_roles('+One', '+Two');

Alias for "with_roles" in Mojo::Base.

  $stream = $stream->xml_escape;

Escape only the characters "&", "<", ">", """ and "'" in bytestream with "xml_escape" in Mojo::Util.

  $stream = $stream->xor_encode($key);

XOR encode bytestream with "xor_encode" in Mojo::Util.

  # "%04%0E%15B%03%1B%10"
  b('foo bar')->xor_encode('baz')->url_escape;

Mojo::ByteStream overloads the following operators.

  my $bool = !!$bytestream;

Always true.

  my $str = "$bytestream";

Alias for "to_string".

Mojolicious, Mojolicious::Guides, <>.

2023-10-28 perl v5.36.0