Misc.Color(3o) OCaml library Misc.Color(3o)

Misc.Color - no description

Module Misc.Color

Module Color
: sig end

type color =
| Black
| Red
| Green
| Yellow
| Blue
| Magenta
| Cyan
| White

type style =
| FG of color
| BG of color
| Bold
| Reset

type Format.stag +=
| Style of style list

val ansi_of_style_l : style list -> string

type styles = {
error : style list ;
warning : style list ;
loc : style list ;

val default_styles : styles

val get_styles : unit -> styles

val set_styles : styles -> unit

type setting =
| Auto
| Always
| Never

val default_setting : setting

val setup : setting option -> unit

val set_color_tag_handling : Format.formatter -> unit

2023-10-26 OCamldoc