Math::GSL::BSpline - Functions for the computation of smoothing
basis splines
use Math::GSL::BSpline qw/:all/;
- gsl_bspline_alloc($k,
- This function allocates a workspace for computing B-splines of order
$k. The number of breakpoints is given by
$nbreak. This leads to n =
$nbreak + $k - 2 basis
functions. Cubic B-splines are specified by $k =
- gsl_bspline_free($w)
- This function frees the memory associated with the workspace
- gsl_bspline_ncoeffs($w)
- This function returns the number of B-spline coefficients given by n =
nbreak + k - 2.
- gsl_bspline_order
- gsl_bspline_nbreak
- gsl_bspline_breakpoint
- gsl_bspline_knots($breakpts,
- This function computes the knots associated with the given breakpoints
inside the vector $breakpts and stores them
internally in $w->{knots}.
- gsl_bspline_knots_uniform($a,
$b, $w)
- This function assumes uniformly spaced breakpoints on [$a,$b] and
constructs the corresponding knot vector using the previously specified
nbreak parameter. The knots are stored in
- gsl_bspline_eval($x,
$B, $w)
- This function evaluates all B-spline basis functions at the position
$x and stores them in the vector
$B, so that the ith element of
$B is B_i($x). $B must be
of length n = $nbreak + $k
- 2. This value may also be obtained by calling gsl_bspline_ncoeffs. It is
far more efficient to compute all of the basis functions at once than to
compute them individually, due to the nature of the defining recurrence
For more information on the functions, we refer you to the GSL
official documentation:
Jonathan "Duke" Leto <> and
Thierry Moisan <>
Copyright (C) 2008-2023 Jonathan "Duke" Leto and Thierry
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.