Math::BaseCalc(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Math::BaseCalc(3pm)

Math::BaseCalc - Convert numbers between various bases

version 1.019

  use Math::BaseCalc;
  my $calc = new Math::BaseCalc(digits => [0,1]); #Binary
  my $bin_string = $calc->to_base(465); # Convert 465 to binary
  $calc->digits('oct'); # Octal
  my $number = $calc->from_base('1574'); # Convert octal 1574 to decimal

This module facilitates the conversion of numbers between various number bases. You may define your own digit sets, or use any of several predefined digit sets.

The to_base() and from_base() methods convert between Perl numbers and strings which represent these numbers in other bases. For instance, if you're using the binary digit set [0,1], $calc->to_base(5) will return the string "101". $calc->from_base("101") will return the number 5.

To convert between, say, base 7 and base 36, use the 2-step process of first converting to a Perl number, then to the desired base for the result:

 $calc7  = new Math::BaseCalc(digits=>[0..6]);
 $calc36 = new Math::BaseCalc(digits=>[0..9,'a'..'z']);
 $in_base_36 = $calc36->to_base( $calc7->from_base('3506') );

If you just need to handle regular octal & hexdecimal strings, you probably don't need this module. See the sprintf(), oct(), and hex() Perl functions.

Ken Williams,

This is free software in the colloquial nice-guy sense of the word. Copyright (c) 1999, Ken Williams. You may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


2022-11-19 perl v5.36.0