Mail::Server::IMAP4::List(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Mail::Server::IMAP4::List(3pm)

Mail::Server::IMAP4::List - folder related IMAP4 answers

 my $imap = Mail::Server::IMAP4::List->new
   ( folders   => $folders   # Mail::Box::Identity
   , inbox     => $inbox     # Mail::Box
   , delimiter => '#'
 my $imap = Mail::Server::IMAP4::List->new(user => $user);
 print $imap->list(...);        # for LIST command

Create a (temporary) object to handle the LIST requests for a certain user, based upon a set of folders. The data is kept by Mail::Box::Identity and Mail::Box::Collection objects, which mean that the folders will not be opened to answer these questions.

 -Option   --Default
  delimiter  '/'
  folders    <from user>
  inbox      <from user>
  user       <undef>
Either the constant delimiter, or a code reference which will get passed a folder name and should return the delimiter string used in that name. If that folder name is empty, the default delimiter must be reported. See delimiter() for an example.
You need to specify either a set of folders explicitly or via the user. Some Mail::Box::Identity OBJECT is needed.
For now, only used to see whether there is an inbox, so a truth value will do. This may change in the future. By default, the flag is set if "$user-"inbox> is defined.
A Mail::Box::Manage::User OBJECT, representing the user who's folders must get reported.

$obj->delimiter( [$foldername] )
Returns the delimiter string. The foldername is only required when a CODE reference was specified at initiation.

example: setting-up an IMAP4 delimiter

 sub delim($)
 {   my $path = shift;
     my ($delim, $root)
       = $path =~ m/^(#news\.)/ ? ('.', $1)
       = $path =~ m!^/!         ? ('/', '/')
       :                          ('/', '');
     wantarray ? ($delim, $root) : $delim;
 my $list = Mail::Server::IMAP4::List->new(delimiter => \&delim, ...);
 print $list->delimiter('abc/xyz');      # returns a / (slash) and ''
 print $list->delimiter('#news.feed');   # returns a . (dot)   and $news.
 print $list->delimiter('');             # returns default delimiter
Returns the Mail::Box::Identity of the toplevel folder.
Returns the Mail::Box or filename of the INBOX.
Returns the Mail::Box::Manage::User object, if defined.

IMAP Commands

$obj->list($base, $pattern)
IMAP's LIST command. The request must be partially decoded, the answer will need to be encoded.

example: using IMAP list

 my $imap  = Mail::Server::IMAP4::List->new(delimiter => \&delim, ...);
 local $"  = ';';
 my @lines = $imap->list('', '');  # returns the default delimiter
 print ">@{$lines[0]}<";           #  >(\Noselect);/;<
 my @lines = $imap->list('#news',''); # specific delimiter
 print ">@{$lines[0]}<";           #  >(\Noselect);.;<
 my @lines = $imap->list('top/x/', '%');
 print ">@$_<," foreach @lines;    #  >();/;/tmp/x/y<,>(\Marked);/;/tmp/x/z<


sections 6.3.8 (LIST question) and 7.2.2 (LIST answer)

This module is part of Mail-Box-IMAP4 distribution version 3.008, built on August 09, 2023. Website:

Copyrights 2001-2023 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See

2023-10-02 perl v5.36.0