Mail::Message::Field::Addresses - Fields with e-mail addresses
is a Mail::Message::Field::Structured
is a Mail::Message::Field::Full
is a Mail::Message::Field
is a Mail::Reporter
my $cc = Mail::Message::Field::Full->new('Cc');
my $me = Mail::Message::Field::Address->parse('"Test" <>')
or die;
my $other = Mail::Message::Field::Address->new(phrase => 'Other'
, address => '')
or die;
$cc->addAddress($other, group => 'them');
$cc->addAddress(phrase => 'third', address => ''
, group => 'them');
my $group = $cc->addGroup(name => 'collegues');
$group->addAddress(phrase => "You", address => '');
my $msg = Mail::Message->build(Cc => $cc);
print $msg->string;
my $g = Mail::Message::Field::AddrGroup->new(...);
All header fields which contain e-mail addresses only. Not all
address fields have the same possibilities, but they are all parsed the
same: you never know how broken the applications are which produce those
When you try to create constructs which are not allowed for a
certain kind of field, you will be warned.
Extends "DESCRIPTION" in
Extends "OVERLOADED" in
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Field
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Field
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Field
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Field
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Field
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
Extends "METHODS" in
Extends "Constructors" in
- $obj->clone()
- Inherited, see "Constructors" in Mail::Message::Field
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->from($field,
- Inherited, see "Constructors" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->new()
-Option --Defined in --Default
attributes Mail::Message::Field::Structured <ignored>
charset Mail::Message::Field::Full undef
datum Mail::Message::Field::Structured undef
encoding Mail::Message::Field::Full 'q'
force Mail::Message::Field::Full false
language Mail::Message::Field::Full undef
log Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS'
trace Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS'
Extends "The field" in
- $obj->isStructured()
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->isStructured()
- Inherited, see "The field" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->length()
- Inherited, see "The field" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->nrLines()
- Inherited, see "The field" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->print( [$fh] )
- Inherited, see "The field" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->size()
- Inherited, see "The field" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->string( [$wrap] )
- Inherited, see "The field" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->toDisclose()
- Inherited, see "The field" in Mail::Message::Field
Extends "Access to the name" in
- $obj->Name()
- Inherited, see "Access to the name" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->name()
- Inherited, see "Access to the name" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->wellformedName( [STRING] )
- Inherited, see "Access to the name" in Mail::Message::Field
Extends "Access to the body" in
- $obj->body()
- Inherited, see "Access to the body" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->decodedBody(%options)
- Inherited, see "Access to the body" in
- $obj->folded()
- Inherited, see "Access to the body" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->foldedBody( [$body] )
- Inherited, see "Access to the body" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->stripCFWS( [STRING] )
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->stripCFWS(
- Inherited, see "Access to the body" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->unfoldedBody( [$body, [$wrap]] )
- Inherited, see "Access to the body" in Mail::Message::Field
Extends "Access to the content" in
- $obj->addAddress( [$address], %options )
- Add an $address to the field. The addresses are
organized in groups. If no group is specified, the default group is taken
to store the address in. If no $address is
specified, the option must be sufficient to create a
Mail::Message::Field::Address from. See the
%options of
group ''
- $obj->addAttribute(...)
- Attributes are not supported for address fields.
- $obj->addGroup($group|%options)
- Add a group of addresses to this field. A $group
can be specified, which is a Mail::Message::Field::AddrGroup object, or
one is created for you using the %options. The
group is returned.
name ''
- $obj->addresses()
- Returns a list with all addresses defined in any group of addresses: all
addresses which are specified on the line. The addresses are
Mail::Message::Field::Address objects.
my @addr = $field->addresses;
- $obj->attrPairs()
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->attribute( $object|<STRING,
%options>|<$name,$value,%options> )
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->attributes()
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->beautify()
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->comment( [STRING] )
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->createComment(STRING, %options)
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->createComment(STRING,
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->createPhrase(STRING, %options)
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->createPhrase(STRING,
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->group($name)
- Returns the group of addresses with the specified
$name, or
"undef" if it does not exist. If
$name is
"undef", then the default groep is
- $obj->groupNames()
- Returns a list with all group names which are defined.
- $obj->groups()
- Returns all address groups which are defined in this field. Each element
is a Mail::Message::Field::AddrGroup object.
- $obj->study()
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->toDate( [$time] )
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->toDate(
[$time] )
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
- $obj->toInt()
- Inherited, see "Access to the content" in
Extends "Internals" in
- $obj->consume( $line | <$name,<$body|$objects>>
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->decode(STRING, %options)
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->decode(STRING,
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
- $obj->defaultWrapLength( [$length] )
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->encode(STRING, %options)
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
- $obj->fold( $name, $body, [$maxchars] )
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->fold(
$name, $body, [$maxchars] )
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->setWrapLength( [$length] )
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->stringifyData(STRING|ARRAY|$objects)
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Field
- $obj->unfold(STRING)
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Field
Extends "Parsing" in
- $obj->consumeAddress(STRING, %options)
- Try to destilate address information from the STRING. Returned are an
address object and the left-over string. If no address was found,
the first returned value is
- $obj->consumeComment(STRING)
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->consumeComment(STRING)
- Inherited, see "Parsing" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
- $obj->consumeDomain(STRING)
- Try to get a valid domain representation from STRING. Returned are the
domain string as found (or "undef") and
the rest of the string.
- $obj->consumeDotAtom(STRING)
- Inherited, see "Parsing" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
- $obj->consumePhrase(STRING)
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->consumePhrase(STRING)
- Inherited, see "Parsing" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
- $obj->datum( [$value] )
- Inherited, see "Parsing" in
- $obj->parse(STRING)
- Inherited, see "Parsing" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
- $obj->produceBody()
- Inherited, see "Parsing" in Mail::Message::Field::Full
Extends "Error handling" in
- $obj->AUTOLOAD()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->addReport($object)
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->defaultTrace( [$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level,
$callback] )
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->defaultTrace(
[$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level, $callback] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->errors()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->log( [$level, [$strings]] )
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->log(
[$level, [$strings]] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->logPriority($level)
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses->logPriority($level)
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->logSettings()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->notImplemented()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->report( [$level] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->reportAll( [$level] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->trace( [$level] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->warnings()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
Extends "Cleanup" in
- $obj->DESTROY()
- Inherited, see "Cleanup" in Mail::Reporter
Extends "DETAILS" in
This module is part of Mail-Message distribution version 3.015,
built on December 11, 2023. Website:
Copyrights 2001-2023 by [Mark Overmeer <>].
For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See