Mail::Message::Body::String - body of a Mail::Message stored as
single string
is a Mail::Message::Body
is a Mail::Reporter
The body (content) of a message can be stored in various ways. In
this documentation you will find the description of extra functionality you
have when a message is stored as a single scalar.
Storing a whole message in one string is only a smart choice when
the content is small or encoded. Even when stored as a scalar, you can still
treat the body as if the data is stored in lines or an external file, but
this will be slower.
Extends "DESCRIPTION" in Mail::Message::Body.
Extends "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body.
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body
- overload:
'==' and '!='
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body
- overload:
- Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body
Extends "METHODS" in Mail::Message::Body.
Extends "Constructors" in Mail::Message::Body.
- $obj->clone()
- Inherited, see "Constructors" in Mail::Message::Body
- Mail::Message::Body::String->new(%options)
-Option --Defined in --Default
based_on Mail::Message::Body undef
charset Mail::Message::Body 'PERL'
checked Mail::Message::Body <false>
content_id Mail::Message::Body undef
data Mail::Message::Body undef
description Mail::Message::Body undef
disposition Mail::Message::Body undef
eol Mail::Message::Body 'NATIVE'
file Mail::Message::Body undef
filename Mail::Message::Body undef
log Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS'
message Mail::Message::Body undef
mime_type Mail::Message::Body 'text/plain'
modified Mail::Message::Body <false>
trace Mail::Reporter 'WARNINGS'
transfer_encoding Mail::Message::Body 'none'
Extends "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->attach($messages, %options)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->charsetDetect(%options)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- Mail::Message::Body::String->charsetDetectAlgorithm(
[CODE|undef|METHOD] )
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->check()
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->concatenate($components)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->decoded(%options)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->encode(%options)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->encoded(%options)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->eol( ['CR'|'LF'|'CRLF'|'NATIVE'] )
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->foreachLine(CODE)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->stripSignature(%options)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
- $obj->unify($body)
- Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
Extends "The body" in Mail::Message::Body.
- $obj->isDelayed()
- Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->isMultipart()
- Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->isNested()
- Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->message( [$message] )
- Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->partNumberOf($part)
- Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body
Extends "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body.
- $obj->charset()
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->checked( [BOOLEAN] )
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->contentId( [STRING|$field] )
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->description( [STRING|$field] )
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->disposition( [STRING|$field] )
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->dispositionFilename( [$directory] )
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in
- $obj->isBinary()
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in
- $obj->isText()
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in
- $obj->mimeType()
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->nrLines()
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->size()
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->transferEncoding( [STRING|$field] )
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->type( [STRING|$field] )
- Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body
Extends "Access to the payload" in
- $obj->endsOnNewline()
- Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in
- $obj->file()
- Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in
- $obj->lines()
- Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in
- $obj->print( [$fh] )
- Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in
- $obj->printEscapedFrom($fh)
- Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in
- $obj->string()
- Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in
- $obj->stripTrailingNewline()
- Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in
- $obj->write(%options)
- Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in
Extends "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body.
- $obj->addTransferEncHandler( $name, <$class|$object>
- Mail::Message::Body::String->addTransferEncHandler(
$name, <$class|$object> )
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
- $obj->contentInfoFrom($head)
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->contentInfoTo($head)
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->fileLocation( [$begin, $end] )
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->getTransferEncHandler($type)
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
- $obj->isModified()
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->load()
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->modified( [BOOLEAN] )
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->moveLocation( [$distance] )
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->read( $parser, $head, $bodytype, [$chars, [$lines]] )
- Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body
Extends "Error handling" in Mail::Message::Body.
- $obj->AUTOLOAD()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Message::Body
- $obj->addReport($object)
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->defaultTrace( [$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level,
$callback] )
- Mail::Message::Body::String->defaultTrace(
[$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level, $callback] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->errors()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->log( [$level, [$strings]] )
- Mail::Message::Body::String->log(
[$level, [$strings]] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->logPriority($level)
- Mail::Message::Body::String->logPriority($level)
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->logSettings()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->notImplemented()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->report( [$level] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->reportAll( [$level] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->trace( [$level] )
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
- $obj->warnings()
- Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
Extends "Cleanup" in Mail::Message::Body.
- $obj->DESTROY()
- Inherited, see "Cleanup" in Mail::Reporter
Extends "DETAILS" in Mail::Message::Body.
This module is part of Mail-Message distribution version 3.015,
built on December 11, 2023. Website:
Copyrights 2001-2023 by [Mark Overmeer <>].
For other contributors see ChangeLog.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See