MboxParser::Mail::Body(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation MboxParser::Mail::Body(3pm)

Mail::MboxParser::Mail::Body - rudimentary mail-body object

    use Mail::MboxParser;
    # $msg is a Mail::MboxParser::Mail
    my $body = $msg->body(0);
    # or preferably
    my $body = $msg->body($msg->find_body);
    for my $line ($body->signature) { print $line, "\n" }
    for my $url ($body->extract_urls(unique => 1)) {
        print $url->{url}, "\n";
        print $url->{context}, "\n";

This class represents the body of an email-message. Since emails can have multiple MIME-parts and each of these parts has a body it is not always easy to say which part actually holds the text of the message (if there is any at all). Mail::MboxParser::Mail::find_body will help and suggest a part.

Returns the textual representation of the body as one string. Decoding takes place when the mailbox has been opened using the decode => 'BODY' | 'ALL' option.

If 'strip_sig' is set to a true value, the signature is stripped from the string.

Sames as as_string() just that you get an array of lines with newlines attached to each line.

NOTE: When the body is actually some encoded binary data (most commonly such a body is base64-encoded), you can still use this method. Then you wont really get proper lines. Instead you get chunks of binary data that you should concatenate as in

    my $binary = join "", $body->as_lines;

If 'strip_sig' is set to a true value, the signature is stripped from the string.

Returns the signature of a message as an array of lines. Trailing newlines are already removed.

$body->error returns a string if no signature has been found.

Returns an array of hash-refs. Each hash-ref has two fields: 'url' and 'context' where context is the line in which the 'url' appeared.

When calling it like $mail->extract_urls(unique => 1), duplicate URLs will be filtered out regardless of the 'context'. That's useful if you just want a list of all URLs that can be found in your mails.

$body->error() will return a string if no URLs could be found within the body.

Returns a hash-ref of array-refs where the hash-keys are the several levels of quotation. Each array-element contains the paragraphs of this quotation-level as one string. Example:

        my $quotes = $msg->body($msg->find_body)->quotes;
        print $quotes->{1}->[0], "\n";
        print $quotes->{0}->[0], "\n";

This should print the first paragraph of the mail-body that has been quoted once and below that the paragraph that supposedly is the reply to this paragraph. Perhaps thus:

        > I had been trying to work with the CGI module 
        > but I didn't yet fully understand it.
        Ah, it is tricky. Have you read the CGI-FAQ that 
        comes with the module?

Mark that empty lines will not be ignored and are part of the lines contained in the array of $quotes->{0}.

So below is a little code-snippet that should, in most cases, restore the first 5 paragraphs (containing quote-level 0 and 1) of an email:

        for (0 .. 4) {
                print $quotes->{0}->[$_];
                print $quotes->{1}->[$_];

Since quotes() considers an empty line between two quotes paragraphs as a paragraph in $quotes->{0}, the paragraphs with one quote and those with zero are balanced. That means:

scalar @{$quotes->{0}} - DIFF == scalar @{$quotes->{1}} where DIFF is element of {-1, 0, 1}.

Unfortunately, quotes() can up to now only deal with '>' as quotation-marks.

This is version 0.55.

Tassilo von Parseval <tassilo.von.parseval@rwth-aachen.de>

Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Tassilo von Parseval. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2022-06-15 perl v5.34.0