MIME::EcoEncode::Param(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation MIME::EcoEncode::Param(3pm)

MIME::EcoEncode::Param - RFC 2231 Encode/Decode

 use MIME::EcoEncode::Param;
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, 'UTF-8');       # encode utf8 string
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, "UTF-8'XX'");   # XX is language
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, 'UTF-8*XX?B');  # "B" encoding
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, 'UTF-8*XX?Q');  # "Q" encoding
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, 'GB2312');      # euc-cn string
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, 'EUC-KR');      # euc-kr string
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, 'Big5');        # big5 string
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, 'Shift_JIS');   # cp932 string
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, 'ISO-2022-JP'); # 7bit-jis string
 $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, $sbcs);         # $sbcs :
                                                 #   single-byte charset
                                                 #   (e.g. 'ISO-8859-1')
 $decoded = mime_deco_param($encoded);           # decode encoded string
 ($decoded, $param, $charset, $lang, $value)     # return array
          = mime_deco_param($encoded);

This module implements RFC 2231 Mime Parameter Value Encoding.

  $encoded = mime_eco_param($str, $charset, $lf, $bpl);
               # $charset : 'UTF-8' / "UTF-8'XX'" /
               #            'UTF-8*XX?B' / 'UTF-8*XX?Q' /
               #            'GB2312' / 'EUC-KR' / 'Big5' /
               #            'Shift_JIS' / 'ISO-2022-JP' / ...
               #            (default: 'UTF-8')
               #              Note: The others are all encoded as
               #                    single-byte string.
               # $lf      : line feed (default: "\n")
               # $bpl     : bytes per line (default: 76)
  $decoded = mime_deco_param($encoded, $bq_on);
               # $bq_on   : 1 : ON decode "B/Q" encoding
               #            0 : OFF
               #            (default: 1)

Ex1 - RFC 2231 encoding

  use MIME::EcoEncode::Param;
  my $str = " filename=\xe5\xaf\x8c\xe5\xa3\xab\xe5\xb1\xb1_2013.jpeg";
  print mime_eco_param($str, "UTF-8'ja'", "\n", 33), "\n";

Ex1's output:


Ex2 - "Q" encoding (for Windows)

  use MIME::EcoEncode::Param;
  my $str = " name=\xe5\xaf\x8c\xe5\xa3\xab\xe5\xb1\xb1_2013.jpeg";
  print mime_eco_param($str, 'UTF-8?Q', "\n", 33), "\n";

Ex2's output:


Ex3 - "B" encoding (for Windows)

  use MIME::EcoEncode::Param;
  my $str = " name=\xe5\xaf\x8c\xe5\xa3\xab\xe5\xb1\xb1_2013.jpeg";
  print mime_eco_param($str, 'UTF-8?B', "\n", 33), "\n";

Ex3's output:



MURATA Yasuhisa <murata@nips.ac.jp>

Copyright (C) 2013 MURATA Yasuhisa

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2022-10-13 perl v5.36.0