MARC::Loader(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation MARC::Loader(3pm)

MARC::Loader - Perl module for creating MARC record from a hash

Version 0.004001

    use MARC::Loader;
    my $foo={
            'ldr' => 'optionnal_leader',
            'cleannsb' => 1,
            'f005'  => [
                            'f005_' => 'controlfield_contenta'
                            'f005_' => 'controlfield_contentb'
            'f006_' => 'controlfield_content',
            'f010d' => '45',
            'f099c' => '2011-02-03',
            'f099t' => 'LIVRE',
            'i0991' => '3',
            'i0992' => '4',
            'f200a' => "\x88le \x89titre",
            '001##f101a' => ['lat','fre','spa'],
            'f215a' => [ 'test' ],
            'f700'  => [
                            'f700f' => '1900-1950',
                            'f700a' => 'ICHER',
                            'f700b' => ['jean','francis']
                            'f700f' => '1353? - 1435',
                            'f700a' => 'PAULUS',
                            'f700b' => 'MARIA'}
            'f995'  => [
                            'f995e' => 'S1',
                            'f995b' => 'MP',
                            'f995f' => '8002-ex'
                            '001##f995e' => 'S2',
                            '002##f995b' => 'MP',
                            '005##f995f' => '8001-ex'
    my $record = MARC::Loader->new($foo);
    # Here, the command "print $record->as_formatted;" will return :
    # LDR optionnal_leader
    # 005     controlfield_contenta
    # 005     controlfield_contentb
    # 006     controlfield_content
    # 101    _afre
    #        _alat
    #        _aspa
    # 010    _d45
    # 099 34 _c2011-02-03
    #        _tLIVRE
    # 200    _ale titre
    # 215    _atest
    # 700    _aICHER
    #        _bfrancis
    #        _bjean
    #        _f1900-1950
    # 700    _aPAULUS
    #        _bMARIA
    #        _f1353? - 1435
    # 995    _bMP
    #        _eS1
    #        _f8002-ex
    # 995    _eS2
    #        _bMP
    #        _f8001-ex

This is a Perl module for creating MARC records from a hash variable. MARC::Loader use MARC::Record.

Hash keys naming convention.

The names of hash keys are very important. They must begin with letter f followed by the 3-digit field name ( e.g. f099), followed, for the subfields, by their letter or digit ( e.g. f501b).

Repeatable fields are arrays of hash ( e.g., 'f700' => [{'f700f' => '1900','f700a' => 'ICHER'},{'f700f' => '1353','f700a' => 'PAULUS'}] ).

Repeatable subfields are arrays ( e.g., 'f101a' => [ 'lat','fre','spa'] ).

Controlfields are automatically detected when the hash key begin with letter f followed by 3-digit lower than 10 followed by underscore ( e.g. f005_).

Indicators must begin with the letter i followed by the 3-digit field name followed by the indicator's position (1 or 2) : e.g. "i0991".

Record's leader can be defined with the hash key 'ldr' ( e.g., 'ldr' => 1 ).

reorder fields and subfields

Fields and subfields are in lexically order. If you want reorder fields and subfields differently, you can add a reordering string (necessarily followed by ##) at the beginning of hash keys (e.g., to reorder the subfields of f995 to have $e followed by $b : 'f995' => [{'001##f995e' => 'S2','002##f995b' => 'MP')]};). If you want to reorder fields, please note that the controlfields will always be located before the other (e.g., if you define '001##f101a' => [ 'lat','fre','spa'] , the f101 will be placed after the last controlfield ).

Be careful, the reorder is made lexically, not numerically : 10 will be placed before 2, while 002 will be placed before 010.

If the script you use to build your hash requires you to precede fields AND subfields with a reordering string when you want to reorder only those sub-fields, you can force the module to reorder the fields in alphabetical order with an hash key named 'orderfields' ( e.g., 'orderfields' => 1 ).

You can also remove non-sorting characters with an hash key named 'cleannsb' ( e.g., 'cleannsb' => 1 ).


$record = MARC::Loader->new($foo);

This is the only method provided by the module.

Stephane Delaune, (delaune.stephane at

Copyright 2011 Stephane Delaune for, all rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2023-01-27 perl v5.36.0