Longident(3o) | OCaml library | Longident(3o) |
Longident - Long identifiers, used in parsetree.
Module Longident
Module Longident
: sig end
Long identifiers, used in parsetree.
Warning: this module is unstable and part of Compiler_libs .
To print a longident, see Pprintast.longident , using Format.asprintf to convert to a string.
type t =
| Lident of string
| Ldot of t * string
| Lapply of t * t
val flatten : t -> string list
val unflatten : string list -> t option
For a non-empty list l , unflatten l is Some lid where lid is the long identifier created by concatenating the elements of l with Ldot . unflatten [] is None .
val last : t -> string
val parse : string -> t
This function is broken on identifiers that are not just "Word.Word.word"; for example, it returns incorrect results on infix operators and extended module paths.
If you want to generate long identifiers that are a list of dot-separated identifiers, the function Longident.unflatten is safer and faster. Longident.unflatten is available since OCaml 4.06.0.
If you want to parse any identifier correctly, use the long-identifiers functions from the Parse module, in particular Parse.longident . They are available since OCaml 4.11, and also provide proper input-location support.
2023-10-26 | OCamldoc |