"LaTeXML::Util::Unicode" - Unicode Utilities.
provides several useful utilities for manipulating Unicode for LaTeXML,
mostly to assist with mathematics.
- "$string = UTF($codepoint);"
- Converts the given numeric codepoint to unicode. This is useful for
codepoints under 255, such as UTF(0xA0) for
non-breaking space, which perl does not reliably handle.
- "$mathvariant = unicode_mathvariant($font);"
- Converts the font to a Unicode-appropriate mathvariant. The font should be
in the string form generally found during post-processing, eg "bold
italic". The mathvariant returned can be used in MathML, or passed to
"unicode_convert" to convert strings
into the given style.
- "$unicode = unicode_convert($string,$style);"
- Converts the given string to the codepoints correspinding to the requested
style. Returns undef if not all characters in the string can be converted.
The recognized styles are "bold",
"double-struck", as well as
"superscript" and