"LaTeXML::Util::Pathname" - portable pathname and
file-system utilities
This module combines the functionality File::Spec and
File::Basename to give a consistent set of filename utilities for LaTeXML. A
pathname is represented by a simple string.
- "$path = pathname_make(%peices);"
- Constructs a pathname from the keywords in pieces
dir : directory
name : the filename (possibly with extension)
type : the filename extension
- "($dir,$name,$type) = pathname_split($path);"
- Splits the pathname $path into the components:
directory, name and type.
- "$path = pathname_canonical($path);"
- Canonicallizes the pathname $path by simplifying
repeated slashes, dots representing the current or parent directory,
- "$dir = pathname_directory($path);"
- Returns the directory component of the pathname
- "$name = pathname_name($path);"
- Returns the name component of the pathname
- "$type = pathname_type($path);"
- Returns the type component of the pathname
- "$path = pathname_concat($dir,$file);"
- Returns the pathname resulting from concatenating the directory
$dir and filename
- "$boole = pathname_is_absolute($path);"
- Returns whether the pathname $path appears to be
an absolute pathname.
- "$boole = pathname_is_url($path);"
- Returns whether the pathname $path appears to be a
url, rather than local file.
- "$boole = pathname_is_literaldata($path);"
- Returns whether the pathname $path is actually a
blob of literal data, with a leading "literal:" protocol.
- "$boole = pathname_is_raw($path);"
- Check if pathname indicates a raw TeX source or definition file.
- "$rel = pathname_is_contained($path,$base);"
- Checks whether $path is underneath the directory
$base; if so it returns the pathname
$path relative to $base;
otherwise returns undef.
- "$path = pathname_relative($path,$base);"
- If $path is an absolute, non-URL pathname, returns
the pathname relative to the directory $base,
otherwise simply returns the canonical form of
- "$path = pathname_absolute($path,$base);"
- Returns the absolute pathname resulting from interpretting
$path relative to the directory
$base. If $path is already
absolute, it is returned unchanged.
- "$relative_url = pathname_to_url($path);"
- Creates a local, relative URL for a given pathname, also ensuring proper
path separators on non-Unix systems.
- "$modtime = pathname_timestamp($path);"
- Returns the modification time of the file named by
$path, or undef if the file does not exist.
- "$path = pathname_cwd();"
- Returns the current working directory.
- "$dir = pathname_mkdir($dir);"
- Creates the directory $dir and all missing
ancestors. It returns $dir if successful, else
- "$dest = pathname_copy($source,$dest);"
- Copies the file $source to
$dest if needed; ie. if
$dest is missing or older than
$source. It preserves the timestamp of
- "$path = pathname_find($name,%options);"
- Finds the first file named $name that exists and
that matches the specification in the keywords
%options. An absolute pathname is returned.
If $name is not already an absolute
pathname, then the option "paths"
determines directories to recursively search. It should be a list of
pathnames, any relative paths are interpreted relative to the current
directory. If "paths" is omitted, then
the current directory is searched.
If the option
"installation_subdir" is given, it
indicates, in addition to the above, a directory relative to the LaTeXML
installation directory to search. This allows files included with the
distribution to be found.
The "types" option specifies
a list of filetypes to search for. If not supplied, then the filename
must match exactly. The type "*"
matches any extension.
- "@paths = pathname_findall($name,%options);"
- Like "pathname_find", but returns
all matching (absolute) paths that exist.
- "$path = pathname_kpsewhich(@names);"
- Attempt to find a candidate name via the external
"kpsewhich" capability of the system's
TeX toolchain. If "kpsewhich" is not
available, or the file is not found, returns a Perl undefined value.
Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov>
Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the
United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US.