"LaTeXML::Common::XML" - XML utilities
This module provides utilities for accessing XML, along with some
patches to XML::LibXML.
- element_nodes($node)
- Returns a list of the element children of
- text_in_node($node)
- Returns the string combining the text nodes within
- isTeXtNode($node)
- Checks whether $node is a text node.
- isElementNode($node)
- Checks whether $node is a element node.
- "isChild($child,$parent)"
- Checks whether $child is a child of
- "isDecscendant($child,$parent)"
- Checks whether $child is a descendant of
- "isDecscendantOrSelf($child,$parent)"
- Checks whether $child is a descendant of, or the
same as, $parent.
- "new_node($nsURI,$tag,$children,%attributes)"
- Creates a new element node with tag $tag (in the
namespace $nsURI), with the children in the array
ref $children (if any) and assigning the given
- "append_nodes($node,@children)"
- Appends the given children to $node.
- clear_node($node)
- Removes all element and text children from
- maybe_clone($node)
- Clones $node if it has a parent, otherwise returns
- "copy_attributes($to,$from)"
- Copy all attributes from $from to
- "rename_attribute($node,$from,$to)"
- Rename the attribute $from to
$to on the node
- "remove_attr($node,@attr)"
- Remove the given attributes from $node.
- "get_attr($node,@attr)"
- Returns the list of values for the given attributes on
- initialize_catalogs()
- Initialize XML::LibXML to recognize the catalogs given in
- "set_RDFa_prefixes($document,$map)"
- This method scans the document's RDFa attributes, extracting the prefixes
used. These prefixes are then filtered through a
$map of known RDFa prefixes and the ones allowed
are declared globally for the document via the
"prefix" attribute of its root
Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov>, Deyan Ginev
Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the
United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US.