JSON::Validator::Joi(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation JSON::Validator::Joi(3pm)

JSON::Validator::Joi - Joi validation sugar for JSON::Validator

  use JSON::Validator::Joi "joi";
  my @errors = joi->object->props(
    age   => joi->integer->min(0)->max(200),
    email => joi->regex(".@.")->required,
    name  => joi->string->min(1),
    name  => "Jan Henning",
    age   => 34,
    email => "jhthorsen@cpan.org",
  die "@errors" if @errors;


  $joi = joi(%attrs);

Same as:


JSON::Validator::Joi is an elegant DSL schema-builder. The main purpose is to build a JSON Schema <https://json-schema.org/> for JSON::Validator, but it can also validate data directly with sane defaults.

  my $joi       = $joi->enum(["foo", "bar"]);
  my $array_ref = $joi->enum;

Defines a list of enum values for "integer", "number" and "string".

  my $joi = $joi->format("email");
  my $str = $joi->format;

Used to set the format of the "string". See also "iso_date", "email" and "uri".

  my $joi = $joi->max(10);
  my $int = $joi->max;
  • array

    Defines the max number of items in the array.

  • integer, number

    Defined the max value.

  • object

    Defines the max number of items in the object.

  • string

    Defines how long the string can be.

  my $joi = $joi->min(10);
  my $int = $joi->min;
  • array

    Defines the minimum number of items in the array.

  • integer, number

    Defined the minimum value.

  • object

    Defines the minimum number of items in the object.

  • string

    Defines how short the string can be.

  my $joi = $joi->multiple_of(3);
  my $int = $joi->multiple_of;

Used by "integer" and "number" to define what the number must be a multiple of.

  my $joi = $joi->regex("^\w+$");
  my $str = $joi->regex;

Defines a pattern that "string" will be validated against.

  my $joi = $joi->type("string");
  my $joi = $joi->type([qw(null integer)]);
  my $any = $joi->type;

Sets the required type. This attribute is set by the convenience methods "array", "integer", "object" and "string", but can be set manually if you need to check against a list of type.

  my $joi = $joi->validator(JSON::Validator::Schema::Draft7->new);
  my $jv  = $joi->validator;

Defaults to a JSON::Validator object. This object is used by "validate".

Note: This might change to JSON::Validator::Schema::Draft7 or a later schema in the future.


Alias for "compile".

  my $joi = $joi->alphanum;

Sets "regex" to "^\w*$".

  my $joi = $joi->array;

Sets "type" to "array".

  my $joi = $joi->boolean;

Sets "type" to "boolean".

  my $hash_ref = $joi->compile;

Will convert this object into a JSON-Schema data structure that "schema" in JSON::Validator understands.

  my $joi = $joi->date_time;

Sets "format" to date-time.

  my $joi = $joi->email;

Sets "format" to email.

  my $new_joi = $joi->extend($other_joi_object);

Will extend $joi with the definitions in $other_joi_object and return a new object.

Alias for "date_time".

  my $joi = $joi->integer;

Sets "type" to "integer".

  my $joi = $joi->items($joi);
  my $joi = $joi->items([$joi, ...]);

Defines a list of items for the "array" type.

  my $joi = $joi->length(10);

Sets both "min" and "max" to the number provided.

  my $joi = $joi->lowercase;

Will set "regex" to only match lower case strings.

  my $joi = $joi->negative;

Sets "max" to 0.

  my $joi = $joi->number;

Sets "type" to "number".

  my $joi = $joi->object;

Sets "type" to "object".

Alias for "regex".

  my $joi = $joi->positive;

Sets "min" to 0.

  my $joi = $joi->props(name => JSON::Validator::Joi->new->string, ...);

Used to define properties for an "object" type. Each key is the name of the parameter and the values must be a JSON::Validator::Joi object.

  my $joi = $joi->required;

Marks the current property as required.

  my $joi = $joi->strict;

Sets "array" and "object" to not allow any more items/keys than what is defined.

  my $joi = $joi->string;

Sets "type" to "string".

  my $joi = $joi->token;

Sets "regex" to "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$".

  my @errors = $joi->validate($data);

Used to validate $data using "validate" in JSON::Validator. Returns a list of JSON::Validator::Error objects on invalid input.

  my $joi = $joi->unique;

Used to force the "array" to only contain unique items.

  my $joi = $joi->uppercase;

Will set "regex" to only match upper case strings.

  my $joi = $joi->uri;

Sets "format" to uri.



2023-03-06 perl v5.36.0