JSON::RPC::Legacy(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | JSON::RPC::Legacy(3pm) |
JSON::RPC - Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol
JSON-RPC is a stateless and light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol for inter-networking applications over HTTP. It uses JSON as the data format for of all facets of a remote procedure call, including all application data carried in parameters.
quoted from <http://json-rpc.org/wd/JSON-RPC-1-1-WD-20060807.html>.
This module was in JSON package on CPAN before. Now its interfaces was completely changed.
The old modules - JSONRPC::Transport::HTTP and Apache::JSONRPC are deprecated. Please try to use JSON::RPC::Server and JSON::RPC::Client which support both JSON-RPC protocol version 1.1 and 1.0.
CGI version.
#-------------------------- # In your application class package MyApp; use base qw(JSON::RPC::Procedure); # Perl 5.6 or more than sub echo : Public { # new version style. called by clients # first argument is JSON::RPC::Server object. return $_[1]; } sub sum : Public(a:num, b:num) { # sets value into object member a, b. my ($s, $obj) = @_; # return a scalar value or a hashref or an arryaref. return $obj->{a} + $obj->{b}; } sub a_private_method : Private { # ... can't be called by client } sub sum_old_style { # old version style. taken as Public my ($s, @arg) = @_; return $arg[0] + $arg[1]; } #-------------------------- # In your triger script. use JSON::RPC::Server::CGI; use MyApp; # simple JSON::RPC::Server::CGI->dispatch('MyApp')->handle(); # or JSON::RPC::Server::CGI->dispatch([qw/MyApp FooBar/])->handle(); # or INFO_PATH version JSON::RPC::Server::CGI->dispatch({'/Test' => 'MyApp'})->handle(); #-------------------------- # Client use JSON::RPC::Client; my $client = new JSON::RPC::Client; my $uri = 'http://www.example.com/jsonrpc/Test'; my $obj = { method => 'sum', # or 'MyApp.sum' params => [10, 20], }; my $res = $client->call( $uri, $obj ) if($res){ if ($res->is_error) { print "Error : ", $res->error_message; } else { print $res->result; } } else { print $client->status_line; } # or $client->prepare($uri, ['sum', 'echo']); print $client->sum(10, 23);
See to JSON::RPC::Server::CGI, JSON::RPC::Server::Daemon, JSON::RPC::Server::Apache JSON::RPC::Client and JSON::RPC::Procedure.
Makamaka Hannyaharamitu, <makamaka[at]cpan.org>
Copyright 2007-2008 by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2022-06-15 | perl v5.34.0 |