Util(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Util(3pm)

Iterator::Util - Essential utilities for the Iterator class.

This documentation describes version 0.02 of Iterator::Util, August 23, 2005.

 use Iterator::Util;
 # Transform sequences
 $iterator = imap { transformation code } $some_other_iterator;
 # Filter sequences
 $iterator = igrep { condition code } $some_other_iterator;
 # Range of values  (arithmetic sequence)
 $iter = irange ($start, $end, $increment);
 $iter = irange ($start, $end);
 $iter = irange ($start);
 # Iterate over an arbitrary list
 $iter = ilist (item, item, ...);
 $iter = ilist (@items);
 # Iterate over an array, by reference
 $iter = iarray (\@array);
 # Return at most $num items from an iterator
 $iter   = ihead ($num, $some_other_iterator);
 @values = ihead ($num, $some_other_iterator);
 # Append multiple iterators into one
 $iter = iappend ($it1, $it2, $it3, ...);
 # Apply a function to pairs of iterator values
 $iter = ipairwise {code} $iter_A, $iter_B;
 # Skip the first $num values of an iterator
 $iter = iskip ($num, $some_other_iterator);
 # Skip values from an iterator until a condition is met
 $iter = iskip_until {code} $some_other_iterator;
 # Mesh iterators together
 $iter = imesh ($iter, $iter, ...);
 $iter = izip  ($iter, $iter, ...);
 # Return each value of an iterator once
 $iter = iuniq ($another_iterator);

This module implements many useful functions for creating and manipulating iterator objects.

An "iterator" is an object, represented as a code block that generates the "next value" of a sequence, and generally implemented as a closure. For further information, including a tutorial on using iterator objects, see the Iterator documentation.

 $iter = imap { transformation code } $some_other_iterator;

Returns an iterator that is a transformation of some other iterator. Within the transformation code, $_ is set to each value of the other iterator, in turn.


 $evens   = imap { $_ * 2  }  irange (0);  # returns 0, 2, 4, ...
 $squares = imap { $_ * $_ }  irange (7);  # 49, 64, 81, 100, ...
 $iter = igrep { condition } $some_other_iterator;

Returns an iterator that selectively returns values from some other iterator. Within the "condition" code, $_ is set to each value of the other iterator, in turn.


 $fives = igrep { $_ % 5 == 0 } irange (0,10);   # returns 0, 5, 10
 $small = igrep { $_ < 10 }     irange (8,12);   # returns 8, 9
 $iter = irange ($start, $end, $increment);
 $iter = irange ($start, $end);
 $iter = irange ($start);

"irange" returns a sequence of numbers. The sequence begins with $start, ends at $end, and steps by $increment. This is sort of the Iterator version of a "for" loop.

If $increment is not specified, 1 is used. $increment may be negative -- or even zero, in which case iterator returns an infinite sequence of $start.

If $end is not specified (is "undef"), the sequence is infinite.


 $iter = irange (1, 2);           #  Iterate from 1 to 2
 $val  = $iter->value();          #  $val is now 1.
 $val  = $iter->value();          #  $val is now 2.
 $bool = $iter->is_exhausted();   #  $bool is now true.
 $iter = irange (10, 8, -1);      #  Iterate from 10 down to 8
 $iter = irange (1);              #  Iterate from 1, endlessly.
 $iter = ilist (@items);

Returns an iterator that iterates over an arbitrary sequence of values. It's sort of an Iterator version of "foreach".

This function makes an internal copy of the list, so it may not be appropriate for an extremely large list.


 $iter = ilist (4, 'minus five', @foo, 7);
 $val  = $iter->value();          # $val is now 4
 $val  = $iter->value();          # $val is now 'minus five'
 $iter = iarray (\@array);

Returns an iterator that iterates over an array. Note that since it uses a reference to that array, if you modify the array, that will be reflected in the values returned by the iterator. This may be What You Want. Or it may cause Hard-To-Find Bugs.

 $iter   = ihead ($num, $some_other_iterator);
 @values = ihead ($num, $some_iterator);

In scalar context, creates an iterator that returns at most $num items from another iterator, then stops.

In list context, returns the first $num items from the iterator. If $num is "undef", all remaining values are pulled from the iterator until it is exhausted. Use "undef" with caution; iterators can be huge -- or infinite.


 $iota5 = ihead 5, irange 1;    # returns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
 $iter = irange 1;            # infinite sequence, starting with 1
 @vals = ihead (5, $iter);    # @vals is (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
 $nextval = $iter->value;     # $nextval is 6.
 $iter = iappend (@list_of_iterators);

Creates an iterator that consists of any number of other iterators glued together. The resulting iterator pulls values from the first iterator until it's exhausted, then from the second, and so on.

 $iter = ipairwise {code} $it_A, $it_B;

Creates a new iterator which applies "{code}" to pairs of elements of two other iterators, $it_A and $it_B in turn. The pairs are assigned to $a and $b before invoking the code.

The new iterator is exhausted when either $it_A or $it_B are exhausted.

This function is analogous to the pairwise function from List::MoreUtils.


 $first  = irange 1;                              # 1,  2,  3,  4, ...
 $second = irange 4, undef, 2;                    # 4,  6,  8, 10, ...
 $third  = ipairwise {$a * $b} $first, $second;   # 4, 12, 24, 40, ...
 $iter = iskip ($num, $another_iterator);

Returns an iterator that contains the values of $another_iterator, minus the first $num values. In other words, skips the first $num values of $another_iterator.


 $iter = ilist (24, -1, 7, 8);        # Bunch of random values
 $cdr  = iskip 1, $iter;              # "pop" the first value
 $val  = $cdr->value();               # $val is -1.
 $iter = iskip_until {code} $another_iterator;

Returns an iterator that skips the leading values of $another_iterator until "{code}" evaluates to true for one of its values. "{code}" can refer to the current value as $_.


 $iter = iskip_until {$_ > 5}  irange 1;    # returns 6, 7, 8, 9, ...
 $iter = imesh ($iter1, $iter2, ...);

This iterator accepts any number of other iterators, and "meshes" their values together. First it returns the first value of the first iterator, then the first value of the second iterator, and so on, until it has returned the first value of all of its iterator arguments. Then it goes back and returns the second value of the first iterator, and so on. It stops when any of its iterator arguments is exhausted.


 $i1 = ilist ('a', 'b', 'c');
 $i2 = ilist (1, 2, 3);
 $i3 = ilist ('rock', 'paper', 'scissors');
 $iter = imesh ($i1, $i2, $i3);
 # $iter will return, in turn, 'a', 1, 'rock', 'b', 2, 'paper', 'c',...

"izip" is a synonym for "imesh".

 $iter = iuniq ($another_iterator);

Creates an iterator to return unique values from another iterator; weeds out duplicates.


 $iter = ilist (1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4);
 $uniq = iuniq ($iter);            # returns 1, 2, 3, 4.

All function names are exported to the caller's namespace by default.

Iterator::Util uses Exception::Class objects for throwing exceptions. If you're not familiar with Exception::Class, don't worry; these exception objects work just like $@ does with "die" and "croak", but they are easier to work with if you are trapping errors.

See the Iterator module documentation for more information on trapping and handling these exceptions.

Requires the following additional modules:


Higher Order Perl, Mark Jason Dominus, Morgan Kauffman 2005.


Much thanks to Will Coleda and Paul Lalli (and the RPI lily crowd in general) for suggestions for the pre-release version.

Eric J. Roode, roode@cpan.org

Copyright (c) 2005 by Eric J. Roode. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

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2022-06-15 perl v5.34.0