IncomingDataQueue(3) | Library Functions Manual | IncomingDataQueue(3) |
IncomingDataQueue - Queue for incoming RTP data packets in an RTP session.
#include <iqueue.h>
Inherits IncomingDataQueueBase, and MembershipBookkeeping.
Inherited by RTPDataQueue.
class SyncSourcesIterator
iterator through the list of synchronizations sources in this session
SyncSourcesIterator begin ()
SyncSourcesIterator end ()
const AppDataUnit * getData (uint32 stamp, const
SyncSource *src=NULL)
Retreive data from a specific timestamped packet if such a packet is currently
available in the receive buffer. bool isWaiting (const
SyncSource *src=NULL) const
Determine if packets are waiting in the reception queue. uint32
getFirstTimestamp (const SyncSource *src=NULL) const
Get timestamp of first packet waiting in the queue. void
setMinValidPacketSequence (uint8 packets)
When receiving packets from a new source, it may be convenient to reject a
first few packets before we are really sure the source is valid. uint8
getDefaultMinValidPacketSequence () const
uint8 getMinValidPacketSequence () const
Get the minimun number of consecutive packets that must be received from a
source before accepting its data packets. void setMaxPacketMisorder
(uint16 packets)
uint16 getDefaultMaxPacketMisorder () const
uint16 getMaxPacketMisorder () const
void setMaxPacketDropout (uint16 packets)
It also prevents packets sent after a restart of the source being immediately
accepted. uint16 getDefaultMaxPacketDropout () const
uint16 getMaxPacketDropout () const
void setInQueueCryptoContext (CryptoContext *cc)
Set input queue CryptoContext. void removeInQueueCryptoContext
(CryptoContext *cc)
Remove input queue CryptoContext. CryptoContext *
getInQueueCryptoContext (uint32 ssrc)
Get an input queue CryptoContext identified by SSRC.
Public Member Functions inherited from
size_t getDefaultMaxRecvPacketSize () const
size_t getMaxRecvPacketSize () const
void setMaxRecvPacketSize (size_t maxsize)
Public Member Functions inherited from RTPQueueBase
bool setPayloadFormat (const PayloadFormat &pf)
Set the payload format in use, for timing and payload type identification
purposes. uint32 getLocalSSRC () const
uint32 getCurrentRTPClockRate () const
Get the clock rate in RTP clock units (for instance, 8000 units per second for
PCMU, or 90000 units per second for MP2T). PayloadType
getCurrentPayloadType () const
timeval getInitialTime () const
static size_t getDefaultMembersSize ()
IncomingDataQueue (uint32 size)
virtual ~IncomingDataQueue ()
bool checkSSRCInIncomingRTPPkt (SyncSourceLink &sourceLink,
bool is_new, InetAddress &na, tpport_t tp)
Apply collision and loop detection and correction algorithm when receiving RTP
data packets. void setSourceExpirationPeriod (uint8 intervals)
Set the number of RTCP intervals that the stack will wait to change the state
of a source from stateActive to stateInactive, or to delete the source after
being in stateInactive. virtual size_t takeInDataPacket ()
This function is used by the service thread to process the next incoming
packet and place it in the receive list. void renewLocalSSRC ()
IncomingDataQueue::IncomingRTPPktLink * getWaiting (uint32
timestamp, const SyncSource *src=NULL)
This is used to fetch a packet in the receive queue and to expire packets
older than the current timestamp. bool recordReception
(SyncSourceLink &srcLink, const IncomingRTPPkt &pkt,
const timeval recvtime)
Log reception of a new RTP packet from this source. void
recordExtraction (const IncomingRTPPkt &pkt)
Log extraction of a packet from this source from the scheduled reception
queue. void purgeIncomingQueue ()
virtual void onNewSyncSource (const SyncSource &)
Virtual called when a new synchronization source has joined the session.
virtual bool onRTPPacketRecv (IncomingRTPPkt &)
A virtual function to support parsing of arriving packets to determine if they
should be kept in the queue and to dispatch events. virtual void
onExpireRecv (IncomingRTPPkt &)
A hook to filter packets in the receive queue that are being expired. virtual
bool onSRTPPacketError (IncomingRTPPkt &pkt, int32
A hook that gets called if the decoding of an incoming SRTP was erroneous.
virtual bool end2EndDelayed (IncomingRTPPktLink &)
bool insertRecvPacket (IncomingRTPPktLink *packetLink)
Insert a just received packet in the queue (both general and source specific
queues). virtual size_t recvData (unsigned char *buffer, size_t
length, InetHostAddress &host, tpport_t &port)=0
This function performs the physical I/O for reading a packet from the source.
virtual size_t getNextDataPacketSize () const =0
Protected Member Functions inherited from
IncomingDataQueueBase ()
virtual ~IncomingDataQueueBase ()
Protected Member Functions inherited from RTPQueueBase
RTPQueueBase (uint32 *ssrc=NULL)
void setLocalSSRC (uint32 ssrc)
uint32 getLocalSSRCNetwork () const
virtual ~RTPQueueBase ()
virtual size_t dispatchBYE (const std::string &)
A plugin point for posting of BYE messages.
Protected Member Functions inherited from
MembershipBookkeeping (uint32
The initial size is a hint to allocate the resources needed in order to keep
the members' identifiers and associated information. virtual
~MembershipBookkeeping ()
Purges all RTPSource structures created during the session, as well as the
hash table and the list of sources. SyncSourceLink * getLink
(const SyncSource &source) const
bool isMine (const SyncSource &source) const
Get whether a synchronization source is recorded in this membership
controller. bool isRegistered (uint32 ssrc)
Returns whether there is already a synchronizacion source with 'ssrc' SSRC
identifier. SyncSourceLink * getSourceBySSRC (uint32 ssrc,
bool &created)
Get the description of a source by its ssrc identifier. bool
BYESource (uint32 ssrc)
Mark the source identified by ssrc as having sent a BYE packet. bool
removeSource (uint32 ssrc)
Remove the description of the source identified by ssrc
SyncSourceLink * getFirst ()
SyncSourceLink * getLast ()
uint32 getMembersCount ()
void setMembersCount (uint32 n)
uint32 getSendersCount ()
size_t getDefaultMembersHashSize ()
Protected Member Functions inherited from SyncSourceHandler
SyncSourceHandler ()
virtual ~SyncSourceHandler ()
void * getLink (const SyncSource &source) const
This requires SyncSource - SyncSourceHandler friendship. void
setLink (SyncSource &source, void *link)
void setParticipant (SyncSource &source, Participant
void setState (SyncSource &source, SyncSource::State
void setSender (SyncSource &source, bool active)
void setDataTransportPort (SyncSource &source, tpport_t p)
void setControlTransportPort (SyncSource &source, tpport_t
void setNetworkAddress (SyncSource &source, InetAddress
Protected Member Functions inherited from
ParticipantHandler ()
virtual ~ParticipantHandler ()
void setSDESItem (Participant *part, SDESItemType item,
const std::string &val)
void setPRIVPrefix (Participant *part, const std::string val)
Protected Member Functions inherited from
ApplicationHandler ()
virtual ~ApplicationHandler ()
void addParticipant (RTPApplication &app, Participant
void removeParticipant (RTPApplication &app,
RTPApplication::ParticipantLink *pl)
Protected Member Functions inherited from ConflictHandler
ConflictHandler ()
virtual ~ConflictHandler ()
ConflictingTransportAddress * searchDataConflict (InetAddress
na, tpport_t dtp)
ConflictingTransportAddress * searchControlConflict (InetAddress
na, tpport_t ctp)
void updateConflict (ConflictingTransportAddress &ca)
void addConflict (const InetAddress &na, tpport_t dtp, tpport_t
ThreadLock recvLock
IncomingRTPPktLink * recvFirst
IncomingRTPPktLink * recvLast
uint8 minValidPacketSequence
uint16 maxPacketMisorder
uint16 maxPacketDropout
uint8 sourceExpirationPeriod
Mutex cryptoMutex
std::list< CryptoContext * > cryptoContexts
Protected Attributes inherited from ConflictHandler
ConflictingTransportAddress * firstConflict
ConflictingTransportAddress * lastConflict
static const uint8 defaultMinValidPacketSequence
static const uint16 defaultMaxPacketMisorder
static const uint16 defaultMaxPacketDropout
static const size_t defaultMembersSize
Static Protected Attributes inherited from
static const size_t defaultMembersHashSize
static const uint32 SEQNUMMOD
Queue for incoming RTP data packets in an RTP session.
Apply collision and loop detection and correction algorithm when receiving RTP data packets. Follows section 8.2 in draft-ietf-avt-rtp-new.
Retreive data from a specific timestamped packet if such a packet is currently available in the receive buffer.
Return values
audiorx.cpp, rtpduphello.cpp, rtphello.cpp, and
Get timestamp of first packet waiting in the queue.
audiorx.cpp, rtpduphello.cpp, rtphello.cpp, and
Get an input queue CryptoContext identified by SSRC.
Get the minimun number of consecutive packets that must be received from a source before accepting its data packets.
Implemented in RTPDuplex, TRTPSessionBase< RTPDataChannel, RTCPChannel, ServiceQueue >, and TRTPSessionBase< DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel, DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel, AVPQueue >.
This is used to fetch a packet in the receive queue and to expire packets older than the current timestamp.
Insert a just received packet in the queue (both general and source specific queues). If the packet was already in the queue (same SSRC and sequence number), it is not inserted but deleted.
Return values
Determine if packets are waiting in the reception queue.
A hook to filter packets in the receive queue that are being expired. This hook may be used to do some application specific processing on expired packets before they are deleted.
Virtual called when a new synchronization source has joined the session.
A virtual function to support parsing of arriving packets to determine if they should be kept in the queue and to dispatch events. A generic header validity check (as specified in RFC 1889) is performed on every incoming packet. If the generic check completes successfully, this method is called before the packet is actually inserted into the reception queue.
May be used to perform additional validity checks or to do some application specific processing.
A hook that gets called if the decoding of an incoming SRTP was erroneous.
Log extraction of a packet from this source from the scheduled reception queue.
Log reception of a new RTP packet from this source. Usually updates data such as the packet counter, the expected sequence number for the next packet and the time the last packet was received at.
This function performs the physical I/O for reading a packet from the source. It is a virtual that is overridden in the derived class.
Implemented in RTPDuplex, TRTPSessionBase< RTPDataChannel, RTCPChannel, ServiceQueue >, and TRTPSessionBase< DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel, DualRTPUDPIPv4Channel, AVPQueue >.
Remove input queue CryptoContext. The endQueue method (provided by RTPQueue) also deletes all registered CryptoContexts.
Reimplemented from RTPQueueBase.
Reimplemented in RTPDataQueue.
Set input queue CryptoContext. The endQueue method (provided by RTPQueue) deletes all registered CryptoContexts.
It also prevents packets sent after a restart of the source being immediately accepted.
When receiving packets from a new source, it may be convenient to reject a first few packets before we are really sure the source is valid. This method sets how many data packets must be received in sequence before the source is considered valid and the stack starts to accept its packets.
this validation is performed after the generic header validation and the additional validation done in onRTPPacketRecv().
if any valid RTCP packet is received from this source, it will be immediatly considered valid regardless of the number of sequential data packets received.
Set the number of RTCP intervals that the stack will wait to change the state of a source from stateActive to stateInactive, or to delete the source after being in stateInactive. Note that this value should be uniform accross all participants and SHOULD be fixed for a particular profile.
The default for this value is, as RECOMMENDED, 5.
This function is used by the service thread to process the next incoming packet and place it in the receive list.
Reimplemented in SingleThreadRTPSession< RTPDataChannel, RTCPChannel, ServiceQueue >.
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