Image::Info(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Image::Info(3pm) |
Image::Info - Extract meta information from image files
use Image::Info qw(image_info dim); my $info = image_info("image.jpg"); if (my $error = $info->{error}) { die "Can't parse image info: $error\n"; } my $color = $info->{color_type}; my $type = image_type("image.jpg"); if (my $error = $type->{error}) { die "Can't determine file type: $error\n"; } die "No gif files allowed!" if $type->{file_type} eq 'GIF'; my($w, $h) = dim($info);
This module provides functions to extract various kinds of meta information from image files.
Exports nothing by default, but can export the following methods on request:
image_info image_type dim html_dim determine_file_type
The following functions are provided by the "Image::Info" module:
In case of error, a hash containing the "error" key will be returned. The corresponding value will be an appropriate error message.
If a reference to a scalar is passed as an argument to this function, then it is assumed that this scalar contains the raw image data directly.
The image_info() function also take optional key/value style arguments that can influence what information is returned.
This function is a dramatically faster alternative to the image_info function for situations in which you only need to find the image type.
It uses only the internal file-type detection to do this, and thus does not need to load any of the image type-specific driver modules, and does not access to entire file. It also only needs access to the first 11 bytes of the file.
To maintain some level of compatibility with image_info, image_type returns in the same format, with the same error message style. That is, it returns a HASH reference, with the "$type->{error}" key set if there was an error.
On success, the HASH reference will contain the single key "file_type", which represents the type of the file, expressed as the type code used for the various drivers ('GIF', 'JPEG', 'TIFF' and so on).
If there are multiple images within the file they will be ignored, as this function provides only the type of the overall file, not of the various images within it. This function will not return multiple hashes if the file contains multiple images.
Of course, in all (or at least effectively all) cases the type of the images inside the file is going to be the same as that of the file itself.
print "<img src="..." @{[html_dim($info)]}>\n";
The image_info() function returns meta information about each image in the form of a reference to a hash. The hash keys used are in most cases based on the TIFF element names. All lower case keys are mandatory for all file formats and will always be there unless an error occurred (in which case the "error" key will be present.) Mixed case keys will only be present when the corresponding information element is available in the image.
The following key names are common for any image format:
These names can also be prefixed by "Indexed-" if the image is composed of indexes into a palette. Of these, only "Indexed-RGB" is likely to occur.
It is similar to the TIFF field "PhotometricInterpretation", but this name was found to be too long, so we used the PNG inspired term instead.
The syntax of this field is:
<res> <unit> <xres> "/" <yres> <unit> <xres> "/" <yres>
The <res>, <xres> and <yres> fields are numbers. The <unit> is a string like "dpi", "dpm" or "dpcm" (denoting "dots per inch/cm/meter).
The following image file formats are supported:
For more information see Image::Info::BMP.
"Exif" is the file format written by most digital cameras. This encode things like timestamp, camera model, focal length, exposure time, aperture, flash usage, GPS position, etc.
The "Exif" spec can be found at: <>.
The "color_type" element may have the following values: "Gray", "YCbCr", and "CMYK". Note that detecting "RGB" and "YCCK" currently does not work, but will hopefully in future.
The EXIF spec can be found at: <>
While this module is fine for parsing basic image information like image type, dimensions and color depth, it is probably not good enough for parsing out more advanced information like EXIF data. If you want an up-to-date and tested EXIF parsing library, please use Image::ExifTool.
Image::Size, Image::ExifTool
Copyright 1999-2004 Gisle Aas.
See the CREDITS file for a list of contributors and authors.
Tels - (c) 2006 - 2008.
Current maintainer: Slaven Rezic - (c) 2008 - 2015.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl v5.8.8 itself.
2024-02-01 | perl v5.38.2 |