IM::Util(3pm) Internet Message Perl modules IM::Util(3pm)

IM::Util - utility functions for IM

 use IM::Util;


Subroutines: unixp win95p wntp os2p progname im_getlogin im_msg im_info im_debug im_notice im_warn im_err im_die im_die2 im_save_error im_saved_errors im_open im_sysopen debug_option set_debug debug set_verbose verbose flush

The IM::Util module provides utility functions for IM.

This modules is provided by IM (Internet Message).

IM (Internet Message) is copyrighted by IM developing team. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the modified BSD license. See the copyright file for more details.

2016-10-10 IM153