HTTP::Entity::Parser(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | HTTP::Entity::Parser(3pm) |
HTTP::Entity::Parser - PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser
use HTTP::Entity::Parser; my $parser = HTTP::Entity::Parser->new; $parser->register('application/x-www-form-urlencoded','HTTP::Entity::Parser::UrlEncoded'); $parser->register('multipart/form-data','HTTP::Entity::Parser::MultiPart'); $parser->register('application/json','HTTP::Entity::Parser::JSON'); sub app { my $env = shift; my ( $params, $uploads) = $parser->parse($env); }
HTTP::Entity::Parser is a PSGI-compliant HTTP Entity parser. This module also is compatible with HTTP::Body. Unlike HTTP::Body, HTTP::Entity::Parser reads HTTP entities from PSGI's environment "$env->{'psgi.input'}" and parses it. This module supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data and application/json.
$parser->register('application/x-www-form-urlencoded','HTTP::Entity::Parser::UrlEncoded'); $parser->register('multipart/form-data','HTTP::Entity::Parser::MultiPart'); $parser->register('application/json','HTTP::Entity::Parser::JSON');
If the request content_type matches the registered type, HTTP::Entity::Parser uses the registered parser class. If content_type does not match any registered type, HTTP::Entity::Parser::OctetStream is used.
my ( $params:ArrayRef, $uploads:ArrayRef) = $parser->parse($env);
$param is a key-value pair list.
my ( $params, $uploads) = $parser->parse($env); my $body_parameters = Hash::MultiValue->new(@$params);
$uploads is an ArrayRef of HashRef.
my ( $params, $uploads) = $parser->parse($env); warn Dumper($uploads->[0]); { "name" => "upload", #field name "headers" => [ "Content-Type" => "application/octet-stream", "Content-Disposition" => "form-data; name=\"upload\"; filename=\"\"" ], "size" => 78, #size of upload content "filename" => "hello.png", #original filename in the client "tempname" => "/tmp/XXXXX", # path to the temporary file where uploaded file is saved }
When used with Plack::Request::Upload:
my ( $params, $uploads) = $parser->parse($env); my $upload_hmv = Hash::MultiValue->new(); while ( my ($k,$v) = splice @$uploads, 0, 2 ) { my %copy = %$v; $copy{headers} = HTTP::Headers::Fast->new(@{$v->{headers}}); $upload_hmv->add($k, Plack::Request::Upload->new(%copy)); }
MultiPart parser use HTTP::MultiPartParser.
It is convenient to use with Ajax forms.
HTTP::Entity::Parser accept PSGI's env and read body from it.
HTTP::Entity::Parser is able to choose parsers by the instance, HTTP::Body requires to modify global variables.
Copyright (C) Masahiro Nagano.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Masahiro Nagano <>
Tokuhiro Matsuno <>
This module is based on tokuhirom's code, see <>
2022-08-28 | perl v5.36.0 |