GraphicCompTool(3U) InterViews Reference Manual GraphicCompTool(3U)

GraphicCompTool - tool for instantiating graphical components

#include <Unidraw/Tools/grcomptool.h>

A GraphicCompTool lets the user instantiate graphical components by direct manipulation. The GraphicCompTool keeps a prototypical component that defines the type of component it can instantiate.

Create a new GraphicCompTool, supplying the prototypical GraphicComp. (You should not normally call the parameterless constructor, which Creator requires.) The first constructor creates a graphical view of the prototype for internal use.
CreateManipulator clears the editor's selection and delegates manipulator creation and interpretation to the graphical view of the prototype.
Return the prototypical GraphicComp.

GraphicComp(3U), Tool(3U)

24 January 1991 Unidraw