Gearman::Objects(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Gearman::Objects(3pm)

Gearman::Objects - a parent class for Gearman::Client and Gearman::Worker

Initialize the list of job servers. $job_serversshould be array or array reference of hash references or stringified job servers. If the port number is not provided, 4730 is used as the default. For example:

    C<< $client->job_servers('', { host => "", port => 4730 }); >>

return "[job_servers]"

set job_servers attribute by canonicalized $js

$js a string, hash reference or array reference of aforementioned.

Hash reference should contain at least host key.

All keys: host, port (4730 on default), use_ssl, ca_file, cert_file, key_file, socket_cb

return [canonicalized list]

return "join $prefix_separator, $prefix, $func"

get/set the namespace / prefix for the function names.


default: "\t"

If gearmand uses memcached persistent queue type, override default separator to insure jobs recovery

depends on "use_ssl" prepare IO::Socket::IP or IO::Socket::SSL

  • $host_port peer address
  • $timeout default: 1

return depends on "use_ssl" IO::Socket::(IP|SSL) on success

set TCP_NODELAY on $sock, die on failure

2018-08-30 perl v5.26.2