Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram(3pm)

Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram - Encapsulate a go diagram

 use Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram
 my $diagram = Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram->new (options);
 $diagram->put($coords, 'white' | 'black', ? number ?);
 $diagram->label($coords, 'a');
 my $new_diagram = $diagram->next;

A Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram object represents a diagram similar to those seen in go textbooks and magazines. Most of the properties defined in SGF FF[4] are supported.

The caller puts 'white' or 'black' stones (possibly numbered), on the intersection selected by $coords. The caller may mark and label intersections and stones.

put, mark, label and property are 'actions'. Actions are provisional until the node method is called. If any provisioanl actions cause a conflict, none of the actions associated with the node are applied, and the node method either calls a user-defined callback function, or returns an error.

When a conflict occurs, the caller should dispose of the current Diagram by getting the information from each intersection and doing something (like printing it). Then the caller converts the Diagram to the starting point of the next diagram by calling the clear method. Alternatively, the caller may save the current Diagram and create the starting point for the next diagram by calling the next method. clear and next may also be called at arbitrary times (for example, to launch a variation diagram).

'coords' may be any unique identifier for the intersection. For example:

    my $coords = 'qd';          # SGF format
    my $coords = 'a4';          # NNGS / IGS style coordinates
    my $coords = "$x,$y";       # real coordinates
    my $coords = 'George';      # as long as there's only one George

A new Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram can take the following options:

A reference to a list of coordinates where the Diagram should place hoshi points.
A reference to a list of coordinates where the Diagram should start with black stones already in place.
A reference to a list of coordinates where the Diagram should start with white stones already in place.
Defines the coordinate translation system. Note that while Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram doesn't use this coordinate system directly, sgf2dg converters may call the coordinate translator methods xcoord and ycoord, which rely on coord_style and boardSizeX/Y (below).

Legal values are:

This is the standard coordinate system used for drawing diagrams: the vertical coordinates start with 1 at the bottom and increase towards the top edge. The horizontal coordinates are letters starting with A on the left, and increasing towards the right, but skipping over 'I'. This is the default coordinate style.
Coordinates within SGF files are single letters, lower case first, then upper case. The origin (aa) is the top left corner. 'A' follows 'z', so the point at (26, 27) translates to (zA).
Number coordinates can be either increasing or decreasing. '++' starts with (0, 0) in the upper left corner, '-+' has (0, 0) in the upper right corner, etc.
boardSizeX/Y are used by the coordinate translation methods (xcoord and ycoord to calculate the appropriate coordinate string.
A reference to a user defined callback function. The user callback is called (with a reference to the Diagram as the only argument) when node is called after conflict is detected.

The user callback should either save the current Diagram and call <next>, or flush the Diagram (by printing for example) and call <clear>.

If the user callback is defined, a call to node always returns non-zero (the current node number).

If true (default), overstones are enabled and may be created by the Diagram during a call to the put method. The user must be prepared to deal with overstones information in response to a call to the get method.

Clears the Diagram. All marks, labels, and numbers are removed from the stones and intersections. All captured stones are removed, and all overstones are deleted (at which point, the Diagram is in the same state as a new Diagram). Pending actions that were not applied due to conflicts are now applied to the cleared Diagram.

The following options are preserved:

  • node (gets incremented)
  • callback
  • enable_overstones
$diagram->force_conflict(? $msg ?)
Set the conflict flag to force pending actions to be flushed and a new $diagram created. It's a good idea to pass a short $msg explaining the conflict is being created. $msg is printed in -verbose mode of sgf2dg. If no $msg is defined, a generic (and probably not very helpful) message is produced.
Returns the number of actions that would be executed if node were called.
Returns the number of actions that have been done for the current $diagram.
Creates a new Diagram object starting from the current Diagram. $nextDiagram is the starting point for the next Diagram in a series, or for a variation.

As with the clear method, all captured stones are removed, and all overstones are deleted. Pending actions that were not applied due to conflicts are now applied to the next Diagram.

The following options are preserved:

  • node (gets incremented)
  • callback
  • enable_overstones
Adds the coords listed in @hoshi_coords to any existing hoshi points. In array context, returns the list of coords that are hoshi points. In scalar context, returns a reference to the list.
All actions (put, mark, label and property) are provisional until node is called. This makes a collection of actions atomic. A Diagram node is analogous to a Smart Go Format (SGF) node. If there are no conflicts with the collected provisional actions, node incorporates them into the Diagram and returns non-zero (the current node number).

If there is a conflict and a user callback is defined, node calls the callback with a reference to the Diagram ($diagram) as the only argument. The user callback should either flush the Diagram and call clear (to reuse the Diagram) or save the current Diagram, and call next (to generate a new Diagram).

If there is a conflict and no user callback is defined, node returns 0. The user should either:

  • flush the current Diagram and call $diagram->clear to continue working with the current Diagram, or:
  • save the current Diagram (and call $diagram->next to create a new Diagram to continue working with)

Calling either next or clear causes the pending collection of conflicting actions to be incorporated into the resulting Diagram.

$diagram->put ('coords', 'black' | 'white', ? number ? )
put a black or white stone on the Diagram at coords. The stone color is must be 'black' or 'white' (case insensitive, 'b' and 'w' also work). Optional number is the number on the stone. If not defined, the stone is un-numbered (which is probably a mistake except at the very start of a Diagram.

putting can cause any of the following conflicts:

  • stone is numbered and number is already used
  • stone is numbered and the intersection is already labeled

In certain situations, (notably ko and snapbacks but also some other capturing situations), put stones may become overstones. overstones are stones played on an intersection that contains a stone that has been captured, but not yet removed from the Diagram. There are two kinds of overstones: normal and marked, depending on the state of the underlying (captured but not yet removed) stone.

If the underlying stone is numbered, B>mark>ed or labeled, the overstone is normal and there will be no conflicts (unless the number is already used!).

If the underlying stone is un-numbered and un-labeled, the Diagram attempts to convert it into a marked stone. If the conversion succeeds, the overstone becomes a marked overstone, and there is no conflict.

The conversion of the underlying stone causes a conflict if:

  • a stone of the same color as the underlying stone has already been converted elsewhere in the Diagram, or
  • a mark of the same color as the underlying stone exists elsewhere in the Diagram.

See the get method for details of how overstone information is returned.

$diagram->renumber($coords, $color, $old_num, $new_num);
Changes the number of a stone already on the board. $color, and $old_num must match the existing color and number for the stone at $coords ($old_num or $new_num may be undef for an un-numbered stone). Only the displayed stone is compared for the match, overstones (game_stones) are not considered.

Fails and returns 0 if:

  • there is no diagram stone on the intersection, or
  • $color or $old_num don't match, or
  • $new_num is already used, or
  • a property item exists for $old_num and $new_num is undef

If none of the above, renumber sets the new number and returns 1.

Set a new offset for the diagram if $new_offset is defined. Returns the current value of the offset, or 0 if no offset has been set.

Note that Diagram doesn't use the offset for anything, but external programs (like a converter) can use it to adjust the numbering.

$diagram->label('coords', 'text');
Place a label on an intersection. text may be any text, but notice that long strings may overflow a stone or intersection. If 'text' is empty ('') any existing label is removed.

The same label can be applied to several intersections only if they are all labeled within a single node.

If the intersection or stone is already labeled, or occupied by a marked, or numbered stone, or if the label has already been used outside the labeling group, label causes a conflict.

$diagram->mark('coords', ? 'mark_type' ?);
Place a mark on a stone or intersection. The 'mark_type' can be any text, but is usually the SGF property:

If 'mark_type' is not supplied (or undef), MA is assumed.

The mark raises a conflict if:

  • the intersection is already labelled or numbered, or
  • the same color and 'mark_type' already exists in the Diagram for a previous node (possibly from creating an understone).
$propID should be one of 'TB', 'TW', or undef. territory marks the intersection $coords as being white or black territory (see 'TB', 'TW' in the get method below). If $number is undef, any previous territory marking is removed.
If $coords is defined, then the game-level VW property is set, and the intersection at $coords is marked as viewable (hash key is 'VW'). If $coords is '' or undef, then the game-level VW property is deleted, and the VW mark is removed from all intersections.
Adds name(s) to the current Diagram. Names accumulate by getting pushed onto a list.

In array context, name returns the current name list. In scalar context, name returns a reference to the list of names.

$diagram->property ($number, $propName, $propValue, ? $propValue... ?);
If $propName and $propVal are defined, pushes them onto the collection of properties associated with move $number.

Note that renumbering a move also renumbers the properties.

If $number and $propName are defined and $propValue is not ( or is empty), the $propName property is removed.

If $number is defined and $propName/$propValue are not, property returns a reference to the (possibly empty) hash of property IDs and property Values associated with the move number:

    my $prop_ref = $diagram->property($number);
    my $prop_value = $prop_ref->{$propID}->[$idx];

If $number is not defined, returns a reference to the (possibly empty) hash of properties stored in the Diagram. Hash keys are the move number, and each hash value is in turn a hash. The keys of the property hashes are (short) property IDs and the hash values are lists of property values for each property ID:

    my $all_prop_ref = $diagram->property();
    my $prop_value = $all_props_ref->{$moveNumber}->{$propID}->[$idx]

property (when $propName and $propValue are defined) is an action (it is provisional until node is called) because properties are associated with a node in the SGF. However, property never causes a conflict.

Note that sgf2dg stores the following properties:

        propID          number  propVal          comment
        ------          ------  -------
    Move properties
        W[] or W[tt]    move    'pass'           white pass
        B[] or B[tt]    move    'pass'           black pass
        KO              move     ''              force move
        PL[W|B]         move     'W' | 'B'       set player
    Node annotation properties
        C[text]         move     text            move comment
        DM[dbl]         move     0 | 1           Even position
        GB[dbl]         move     0 | 1           Good for black
        GW[dbl]         move     0 | 1           Good for white
        HO[dbl]         move     0 | 1           Hotspot
        UC[dbl]         move     0 | 1           Unclear
        N[stxt]         move     simple_text     Name (node name)
        V[real]         move     real            Value (estimated game score)
    Move annotation properties
        BM[dbl]         move     0 | 1           Bad move
        DO              move     ''              Doubtful move
        IT              move     ''              Interesting move
        TE[dbl]         move     0 | 1           Tesuji (good move)
    Markup properties
        AR[c_pt]        move     'pt:pt'         Arrow
        DD[elst]        move     'pt?'           Dim points: DD[] clears
        LN[c_pt]        move     'pt:pt'         Line
        SL[lst]         move     'pt'            Select points (markup unknown)
    Root properties
        AP[stxt:stxt]   0        'stxt:stxt'     Application_name:version
        CA[stxt]        0        'charset'       character set
        FF[1-4]         0        0 - 4           FileFormat
        GM[1-16]        0        0 - 16          Game
        ST[0-3]         0        0 - 3           How to show variations (style?)
    Game info properties
        AN[stxt]        0        simple_text     Annotater (name)
        BT[stxt]        0        simple_text     Black team
        WT[stxt]        0        simple_text     White team
        CP[stxt]        0        simple_text     Copyright
        ON[stxt]        0        simple_text     Opening information
        OT[stxt]        0        simple_text     Overtime description (byo-yomi)
        PC[stxt]        0        simple_text     Place game was played
        RE[stxt]        0        simple_text     Result
        RO[stxt]        0        simple_text     Round
        RU[stxt]        0        simple_text     Rules
        SO[stxt]        0        simple_text     Source
        US[stxt]        0        simple_text     User/program who entered the game
        GC[text]        0        text            Game comment
        TM[real]        0        real_number     Time limits
    Timing properties
        BL[real]        move     real_number     BlackLeft (time)
        WL[real]        move     real_number     WhiteLeft (time)
        OB[num]         move     number          Black moves left (after this move)
        OW[num]         move     number          White moves left
    Go-specific properties
        HA[num]         0        number          Handicap
        KM[real]        0        real_number     Komi
    Misc. properties
        PM[num]         move     number          Print mode - see FF4 spec
        BS[stext]       move     stext           BlackSpecies (deprecated)
        WS[stext]       move     stext           WhiteSpecies (deprecated)
        FG[pt:stext]    move     bitmask:stext   Figure: see FF4 spec
@title_lines = $diagram->gameProps_to_title (\&emph_sub)
gameProps_to_title converts game (node 0) properties extracted from the SGF file. The properties are scanned in the order listed here:

For each property that is found, a line is added to the @title_lines return array. If the property has a string in double-quotes in the list above, that string (plus one space) is prefixed to the property text. In addition, if \&emph_sub is defined, the prefix is passed to &$emph_sub to make those portions appear emphasized in the title lines. Example:

    my @title = $diagram->gameProps_to_title(sub { "{\\bf $_[0]}" });

wraps portions of the title line in TeX's bold-face (bf) style.

$diagram->capture ('coords')
Captures the stone at the intersection.

Note that capture has no visible affect on the diagram. Rather, it marks the stone so that it is removed when creating the next Diagram.

capture is not considered an action because it cannot cause a conflict or change the visible status of the board.

$diagram->remove ('coords')
Removes the stone at the intersection.

Unlike capture, remove changes the visible status of the Diagram: the stone is deleted, along with all marks and letters (only the 'hoshi', if any, is retained).

remove is typically used at the start of a variation to remove any stones that are improperly placed for the variation. It is closely related to the AddEmpty (AE) SGF property.

Returns 'black' or 'white' if there is a stone currently on the coords or intersection (a reference to an intersection, such as is returned by $diagram->get) , otherwise returns undef.

Note that the return value is determined by the game perspective, not the diagram perspective. If a stone is put and later captured, game_stone returns undef even though the diagram should still show the original stone. If a white stone is put and later captured, and then a black stone is put, game_stone returns 'black', and get indicates that a white stone should be displayed on the diagram.

Note also that since put is provisional until node is called. If you use game_stone to check for liberties and captures, it must be done after the call to node that realizes the put.

$diagram->get ('coords')
Return the current status of the intersection. Status is returned as a reference to a hash. The keys of the hash indicate the items of interest, and the values of the hash are the indices where the item was applied, except where noted below.

Only keys that have been applied are returned - an empty hash means an empty intersection.

The hash keys can be any of:

This intersection is a hoshi point. Note that since hoshi points are determined at new time, the value of this hash entry is always 0. This key is returned even if a stone has been placed on the intersection.
The color of a stone at this intersection.
The color of a stone at this intersection.
The hash value is the number on the stone. The node for number is found in the 'black' or 'white' hash value.
The stone on this intersection has been captured, the intersection is currently empty from the perspective of the game.
The intersection or stone is marked. The value indicates the type of mark, usually the SGF property:
The intersection has been labeled. The value indicates the text of the label.
If this hash entry exists it means that one or more stones were overlayed on the stone that is currently displayed on this intersection of the Diagram.

The hash value is a reference to an array of color/number pairs. The colors and numbers were passed to the put method which decided to convert the stone into an overstone.

This is typically seen as notes to the side of the diagram saying something like "black 33 was played at the marked white stone". In this example. the information returned by get describes 'the marked white stone', while 'black' will be the first item in the 'overstones' array, and '33' will be the second:

    $diagram->get($coords) == {white => node_number,
                               overstones => ['black', 33],
'TB' or 'TW'
Intersection has been marked as black or white territory with a TB or TW property.
Set when the intersection is marked with a VW view property. Relates to the VW game property:

    if ((not $diagram->property(0)->VW) or      # no game-level VieW property
         $intersection->{view}) {               # this intersection is viewable
       # display this intersection

The hash reference returned by get points to the data in the Diagram object - don't change it unless you know what you are doing.

Returns a string to display for a given $x or $y coordinate. The string returned depends not only on the $x or $y value, but also on the coords_style and boardSizeX/Y configuration options,
Returns the lowest number put on the Diagram, or 0 if no numbered stones have been put.
Returns the highest number put on the Diagram, or 0 if no numbered stones have been put.
If $parent is defined, sets the parent for this diagram.

Always returns the current value of parent (possibly undef).

If $new_number is defined, sets the var_on_move for this diagram. This is intended to be used in conjunction with the <Bparent> information to title diagrams such as

    my $title = "Variation 2 on move " .
                $diagram->var_on_move .
                " in " .

Always returns the current value of var_on_move (possibly undef).

Returns a reference to the list of intersections with overstones. The list members are the same intersection hash references returned by the get method.

The list is sorted by the order the intersections first had an overstone put on. If there are no intersections with overstones, returns a reference to an empty list.

If $new_user is defined, sets the user value for the Diagram. Note that the user is not used within Diagram, but can be used by external code for any purpose. Most useful is probably if $new_user is a reference to a hash of user-defined items of interest.

Returns the current user value (default is undef).

Script to convert SGF format files to Go diagrams

With the current architecture, conflicts within a node are not detected. I think this would probably be malformed SGF. This deficiency could be fixed by adding a 'shadow' diagram to which provisional actions are applied.

2019-10-27 perl v5.30.0