GPS::Point(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation GPS::Point(3pm)

GPS::Point - Provides an object interface for a GPS point.

  use GPS::Point;
  my $obj=GPS::Point->newGPSD($GPSD_O_line);#e.g. GPSD,O=....
  my $obj=GPS::Point->new(
         time        => $time,    #float seconds from the unix epoch
         lat         => $lat,     #signed degrees
         lon         => $lon,     #signed degrees
         alt         => $hae,     #meters above the WGS-84 ellipsoid
         speed       => $speed,   #meters/second (over ground)
         heading     => $heading, #degrees clockwise from North
         climb       => $climb,   #meters/second
         etime       => $etime,   #float seconds
         ehorizontal => $ehz,     #float meters
         evertical   => $evert,   #float meters
         espeed      => $espeed,  #meters/second
         eheading    => $ehead,   #degrees
         eclimb      => $eclimb,  #meters/second
         mode        => $mode,    #GPS mode [?=>undef,None=>1,2D=>2,3D=>3]
         tag         => $tag,     #Name of the GPS message for data

This is a re-write of Net::GPSD::Point with the goal of being more re-usable.

GPS::Point - Provides an object interface for a GPS fix (e.g. Position, Velocity and Time).

  Note: Please use Geo::Point, if you want 2D or projection support.

  print scalar($point->latlon), "\n";       #latlon in scalar context
  my ($x,$y,$z)=$point->ecef;               #if Geo::ECEF is available
  my $GeoPointObject=$point->GeoPoint;      #if Geo::Point is available
  my @distance=$point->distance($point2);   #if Geo::Inverse is available
  my $distance=$point->distance($point2);   #if Geo::Inverse->VERSION >=0.05

  my $obj=GPS::Point->newNMEA($NMEA_lines); #e.g. GGA+GSA+RMC

  my $obj = GPS::Point->new();

  my $obj=GPS::Point->newGPSD($GPSD_O_line);#e.g. GPSD,O=....

Note: GPSD protocol 2 is soon to be defunct.

Constructs a GPS::Point from a Multitude of arguments. Arguments can be a GPS::Point, Geo::Point, {lat=>$lat,lon=>$lon} (can be blessed), [$lat, $lon] (can be blessed) or a ($lat, $lon) pair.

  my $point=GPS::Point->newMulti( $lat, $lon, $alt ); #supports lat, lon and alt
  my $point=GPS::Point->newMulti([$lat, $lon, $alt]); #supports lat, lon and alt
  my $point=GPS::Point->newMulti({lat=>$lat, lon=>$lon, ...});
  my $point=GPS::Point->newMulti(GPS::Point->new(lat=>$lat, lon=>$lon));
  my $point=GPS::Point->newMulti(Geo::Point->new(lat=>$lat, long=>$lon, proj=>'wgs84'));
  my $point=GPS::Point->newMulti({latitude=>$lat, longtude=>$lon});

Note: Hash reference context supports the following keys lat, lon, alt, latitude, longitude, long, altitude, elevation, hae, elev.

Note: Units are always decimal degrees for latitude and longitude and meters above the WGS-84 ellipsoid for altitude.

Sets or returns seconds since the Unix epoch, UTC (float, seconds)

  print $obj->time, "\n";

Sets or returns Latitude (float, degrees)

  print $obj->lat, "\n";

Sets or returns Longitude (float, degrees)

  print $obj->lon, "\n";

Sets or returns Altitude (float, meters)

  print $obj->alt, "\n";

Sets or returns speed (float, meters/sec)

  print $obj->speed, "\n";

Sets or returns heading (float, degrees)

  print $obj->heading, "\n";

Sets or returns vertical velocity (float, meters/sec)

  print $obj->climb, "\n";

Sets or returns estimated timestamp error (float, seconds, 95% confidence)

  print $obj->etime, "\n";

Sets or returns horizontal error estimate (float, meters)

  print $obj->ehorizontal, "\n";

Sets or returns vertical error estimate (float, meters)

  print $obj->evertical, "\n";

Sets or returns error estimate for speed (float, meters/sec, 95% confidence)

  print $obj->espeed, "\n";

Sets or returns error estimate for course (float, degrees, 95% confidence)

  print $obj->eheading, "\n";

Sets or returns Estimated error for climb/sink (float, meters/sec, 95% confidence)

  print $obj->eclimb, "\n";

Sets or returns the NMEA mode (integer; undef=>no mode value yet seen, 1=>no fix, 2=>2D, 3=>3D)

  print $obj->mode, "\n";

Sets or returns a tag identifying the last sentence received. For NMEA devices this is just the NMEA sentence name; the talker-ID portion may be useful for distinguishing among results produced by different NMEA talkers in the same wire. (string)

  print $obj->tag, "\n";

Returns either 1 or 0 based upon if the GPS point is from a valid fix or not.

  print $obj->fix, "\n";

At a minimum this method requires mode to be set.

Returns a DateTime object from time

  my $dt=$point->datetime;

At a minimum this method requires time to be set.

Returns Latitude, Longitude as an array in array context and as a space joined string in scalar context

  my @latlon=$point->latlon;
  my $latlon=$point->latlon;

At a minimum this method requires lat and lon to be set.

Sets altitude from USGS web service and then returns the GPS::Point object. This method is a wrapper around Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS.

  my $point=GPS::Point->new(lat=>$lat, lon=>$lon)->setAltitude;
  my $alt=$point->alt;

At a minimum this method requires lat and lon to be set and alt to be undef.

Returns ECEF coordinates. This method is a wrapper around Geo::ECEF.

  my ($x,$y,$z) = $point->ecef;
  my @xyz       = $point->ecef;
  my $xyz_aref  = $point->ecef; #if Geo::ECEF->VERSION >= 0.08

At a minimum this method requires lat and lon to be set. (alt of 0 is assumed by Geo::ECEF->ecef).

Returns a Geo::Point Object in the WGS-84 projection.

  my $GeoPointObject = $point->GeoPoint;

At a minimum this method requires lat and lon to be set.

Returns distance in meters between the object point and the argument point. The argument can be any valid argument of newMulti constructor. This method is a wrapper around Geo::Inverse.

  my ($faz, $baz, $dist) = $point->distance($pt2); #Array context
  my $dist = $point->distance($lat, $lon);  #if Geo::Inverse->VERSION >=0.05

At a minimum this method requires lat and lon to be set.

Returns a point object at the predicted location in time seconds assuming constant velocity. Using Geo::Forward calculation.

  my $new_point=$point->track($seconds); #default $point->heading
  my $new_point=$point->track($seconds => $heading);

At a minimum this method requires lat and lon to be set. It might be very useful to have speed, heading and time set although they all default to zero.

Returns a point object at the distance and heading using Geo::Forward calculations.

  my $point=$point->forward($dist);             #default $point->heading
  my $point=$point->forward($dist => $heading); #meters => degrees

At a minimum this method requires lat and lon to be set. It might be useful to have heading set although the default is zero.

Returns a list of GPS::Point objects equidistant from the current object location.

  my @buffer=$point->buffer($radius_meters, $sections); #returns (GPS::Point, GPS::Point, ...)
  my $buffer=$point->buffer($radius_meters, $sections); #returns [GPS::Point, GPS::Point, ...]

Please log on RT and send email to GPSD-DEV or GEO-PERL email lists. supports all Perl applications including this package.

  Michael R. Davis

This program is free software licensed under the...

  The BSD License

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

Geo::Point, Net::GPSD, Net::GPSD::Point, Geo::ECEF, Geo::Functions, Geo::Forward, Geo::Inverse, Geo::Distance, Geo::Ellipsoids, Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS, DateTime

2022-11-19 perl v5.36.0