GO::Parser(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | GO::Parser(3pm) |
GO::Parser - parses all GO files formats and types
fetch GO::Model::Graph objects using a parser:
# Scenario 1: Getting objects from a file use GO::Parser; my $parser = new GO::Parser({handler=>'obj',use_cache=>1}); $parser->parse("function.ontology"); # ontology $parser->parse("GO.defs"); # definitions $parser->parse("ec2go"); # external refs $parser->parse("gene-associations.sgd"); # gene assocs # get GO::Model::Graph object my $graph = $parser->handler->graph; # Scenario 2: Getting OBO XML from a file use GO::Parser; my $parser = new GO::Parser({handler=>'xml'}); $parser->handler->file("output.xml"); $parser->parse("gene_ontology.obo"); # Scenario 3: Using an XSL stylesheet to convert the OBO XML use GO::Parser; my $parser = new GO::Parser({handler=>'xml'}); # xslt files are kept in in $ENV{GO_ROOT}/xml/xsl # (if $GO_ROOT is not set, defaults to install directory) $parser->xslt("oboxml_to_owl"); $parser->handler->file("output.owl-xml"); $parser->parse("gene_ontology.obo"); # Scenario 4: via scripts my $cmd = "go2xml gene_ontology.obo | xsltproc my-transform.xsl -"; my $fh = FileHandle->new("$cmd |") || die("problem initiating $cmd"); while(<$fh>) { print $_ } $fh->close || die("problem running $cmd");
Module for parsing GO flat files; for examples of GO/OBO flatfile formats see:
For a description of the various file formats, see:
This module will generate XML events from a correctly formatted GO/OBO file
This module is a part of go-dev, see:
for more details
Title : new Usage : my $p = GO::Parser->new({format=>'obo_xml',handler=>'obj'}); $p->parse("go.obo-xml"); my $g = $p->handler->graph; Synonyms: Function: creates a parser object Example : Returns : GO::Parser Args : a hashref of arguments: format: a format for which a parser exists handler: a format for which a perl handler exists use_cache: (boolean) see caching below
Title : parse Usage : $p->parse($file); Synonyms: Function: parses a file Example : Returns : Args : str filename
Title : handler Usage : my $handler = $p->handler; Synonyms: Function: gets/sets a GO::Handler object Example : Returns : L<GO::Handlers::base> Args : L<GO::Handlers::base>
This module is a front end wrapper for a number of different GO/OBO formats - see the relevant module documentation below for details.
The full list of parsers can be found in the go-perl/GO/Parsers/ directory
This is a new file format replacement for the existing GO flat file formats. It handles ontologies, definitions and xrefs (but not associations)
These store the ontology DAGs
Files with suffix "2go" (eg ec2go, metacyc2go)
Files with prefix "gene-association."
This is the XML version of the OBO flat file format above
See <http://www.godatabase.org/dev/xml/doc/xml-doc.html>
Each parser fires XML events. The XML events are known as Obo-XML.
These XML events can be caught by a handler written in perl, or they can be caught by an XML parser written in some other language, or by using XSL stylesheets.
go-dev comes with a number of stylesheets in the
go-dev/xml/xsl directory
Anything that catches these XML events is known as a handler
go-perl comes with some standard perl XML handlers, in addition to some standard XSL stylesheets. These can be found in the go-dev/go-perl/GO/Handlers directory
If you are interested in getting perl objects from files then you will want the obj handler, which gives back GO::Model::Graph objects
The parsing architecture gives you the option of using the go-perl object model, or just parsing the XML events directly
If you are using the go-db-perl library, the load-go-into-db.pl script will perform the following processes when loading files into the database
The Obo-XML format DTD is stored in the go-dev/xml/dtd directory
Currently the various parsers and perl event handlers use the stag module for this - see Data::Stag for more details, or http://stag.sourceforge.net
nested events can be thought of as xml, without attributes; nested events can easily be turned into xml
events have a start, a body and an end
event handlers can *catch* these events and do something with them.
an object handler can turn the events into objects, centred around the GO::Model::Graph object; see GO::Handlers::obj
other handlers can catch the events and convert them into other formats, eg OWL or OBO
Or you can bypass the handler and get output as an XML stream - to do this, just run the go2xml script
a database loading event handler can catch the events and turn them into SQL statements, loading a MySQL or postgres database (see the go-db-perl library)
the advantage of an event based parsing architecture is that it is easy to build lightweight parsers, and heavy weight object models can be bypassed if preferred.
To see examples of the events generated by the GO::Parser class, run the script go2xml; for example
go2xml function.ontology
on any GO-formatted flatfile
This also works on OBO-formatted files:
go2xml gene_ontology.obo
You can also use the script "stag-parse.pl" which comes with the Data::Stag distribution. for example
stag-parse.pl -p GO::Parsers::go_assoc_parser gene-association.fb
The full list can be found in the go-dev/xml/xsl directory
see GO::Handlers::* for all the different handlers possible; more can be added dynamically.
you can either create the handler object yourself, and pass it as an argument, e.g.
my $apph = new GO::AppHandle(-db=>"go"); my $handler = new GO::Handlers::godb({apph=>$apph}); my $parser = new GO::Parser({handler=>$handler}); $parser->parse(@files);
or you can use one of the registered handlers:
my $parser = new GO::Parser({handler=>'db', handler_args=>{apph=>$apph}});
or you can just do things from the command line
go2fmt.pl -w oboxml function.ontology
the registered perl handlers are as follows:
OWL is a W3C standard format for ontologies
You will need the XSL files from the full go-dev distribution to run this; see the XML section in <http://www.godatabase.org/dev>
catches events and loads them into a database conforming to the GO database schema; see the directory go-dev/sql, as part of the whole go-dev distribution; or www.godatabase.org/dev/database
eg format: go_ont for storing graphs and metadata; for example:
!version: $Revision: 1.15 $ !date: $Date: 2006/04/20 22:48:23 $ !editors: Michael Ashburner (FlyBase), Midori Harris (SGD), Judy Blake (MGD) $Gene_Ontology ; GO:0003673 $cellular_component ; GO:0005575 %extracellular ; GO:0005576 <fibrinogen ; GO:0005577 <fibrinogen alpha chain ; GO:0005972 <fibrinogen beta chain ; GO:0005973
See GO::Parsers::go_ont_parser for more details
this is the following file parsed with events turned directly into OBO-XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <obo> <source> <source_type>file</source_type> <source_path>z.ontology</source_path> <source_mtime>1075164285</source_mtime> </source> <term> <id>GO:0003673</id> <name>Gene_Ontology</name> <ontology>root</ontology> </term> <term> <id>GO:0005575</id> <name>cellular_component</name> <ontology>root</ontology> <is_a>GO:0003673</is_a> </term> <term> <id>GO:0005576</id> <name>extracellular</name> <ontology>root</ontology> <is_a>GO:0005575</is_a> </term> <term> <id>GO:0005577</id> <name>fibrinogen</name> <ontology>root</ontology> <relationship> <type>part_of</type> <to>GO:0005576</to> </relationship> </term> <term> <id>GO:0005972</id> <name>fibrinogen alpha chain</name> <ontology>root</ontology> <relationship> <type>part_of</type> <to>GO:0005577</to> </relationship> </term> <term> <id>GO:0005973</id> <name>fibrinogen beta chain</name> <ontology>root</ontology> <relationship> <type>part_of</type> <to>GO:0005577</to> </relationship> </term> </obo>
eg format: go_defs for storing definitions:
!Gene Ontology definitions ! term: 'de novo' protein folding goid: GO:0006458 definition: Processes that assist the folding of a nascent peptide chain into its correct tertiary structure. definition_reference: Sanger:mb
See GO::Parsers::go_def_parser for more details
eg format: go_xrefs for storing links between GO IDs and IDs for terms in other DBs:
EC:1.-.-.- > GO:oxidoreductase ; GO:0016491 EC:1.1.-.- > GO:1-phenylethanol dehydrogenase ; GO:0018449
See GO::Parsers::go_xref_parser for more details
eg format: go-assocs for storing gene-associations:
SGD S0004660 AAC1 GO:0005743 SGD:12031|PMID:2167309 TAS C ADP/ATP translocator YMR056C gene taxon:4932 20010118 SGD S0004660 AAC1 GO:0006854 SGD:12031|PMID:2167309 IDA P ADP/ATP translocator YMR056C gene taxon:4932 20010118
See GO::Parsers::go_assoc_parser for more details
Usage - my $parser = GO::Parser->new() Returns - GO::Parser
creates a new parser
Usage - my $handler = GO::Parser->create_handler('obj'); Returns - L<GO::Handlers::base> Args - handler type [str]
2023-12-18 | perl v5.36.0 |