GO::Model::Graph(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation GO::Model::Graph(3pm)

GO::Model::Graph - a collection of relationships over terms

  use GO::Parser;
  my $parser = new GO::Parser({handler=>'obj'});
  $parser->parse("gene_ontology.obo");     # ontology
  $parser->parse("gene-associations.sgd"); # gene assocs
  # get L<GO::Model::Graph> object
  my $graph = $parser->handler->graph;
  my $terms = $graph->term_query("/transmembrane/");  # matching terms
  foreach my $term (@$terms) {
    # find gene products associated to this term
    my $assocs = $graph->deep_association_list($term->acc);
    printf "Term: %s %s\n", $term->acc, $term->name;
    print "  Associations (direct and via transitive closure_\n";
    foreach my $assoc (@$assocs) {
      next if $assoc->is_not;
      printf "  Assoc evidence: %s to: %s %s\n",
        join(';', map {$_->code} @{$assoc->evidence_list}),
  # -- alternatively, use this code... --
  # FETCHING FROM DATABASE (requires go-db-perl library)
  # pretty-printing a subgraph from "nuclear pore"
  $apph = GO::AppHandle->connect(-dbname=>"$dbname");
  $term = $apph->get_term({name=>"nuclear pore"});
  $graph =
          $apph->get_graph_by_terms([$term], $depth);
  $it = $graph->create_iterator;
  # returns a GO::Model::GraphIterator object
  while (my $ni = $it->next_node_instance) {
    $depth = $ni->depth;
    $term = $ni->term;
    $reltype = $ni->parent_rel->type;
      "%s %8s Term = %s (%s)  // number_of_association=%s // depth=%d\n",
          "----" x $depth,
          $term->n_associations || 0,

Object containing Nodes (GO::Model::Term objects) and relationships (:<GO::Model::Relationship> objects)

this may be either the whole ontology tree, or a subgraph, depending on how the object is instantiated.


relationships can be thought of as statements or sentences of the form


for example,

  "dog" IS_A "animal"
  "G-Protein coupled receptor" IS_A "transmembrane receptor"

Statements have a subject (i.e. the subject of the sentence/statement), a predicate/relationship-type and an object (i.e. the object of the sentence/statement)

Relationships can also be seen as arcs in a directed graph, with the subject being equivalent to the child, and the object equivalent to the parent. The arc is labeled with the predicate/relationship-type.

perl doesn't handle bidirectional links between objects too well, so rather than having the relationship object know about the terms or the term know about the realtionships, all the graph info is in the Graph object

the Relationship object gives you the accessions of the related terms, use the Graph methods to fetch these actual terms.

The idea is to keep the Term & Relationship objects lightweight, and keep the Graph logic in the Graph object. The Graph object is responsible for stuff like making sure that a Term object is not instantiated twice if it can be reached by two different paths.

Currently all graphs are acyclic, cyclic graphs may be allowed in the future when such relationships are added to GO/OBOA


 graph object will calculate transitive closures for you - that is it
will follow the path in the graph to the root or to all leafs


Using the create_iterator and iterate methods, you can create "visitors" that will traverse the graph, performing actions along the way. Functional-style programming is encouraged, as the iterature() method allows for the passing of lexical closures:

  $graph->iterate(sub {$term=shift->term;
                       printf "%s %s\n", $term->acc,$term->name},


go-perl GO::Model::Term GO::Parser GO::AppHandle

  Usage   - $g = GO::Model::Graph->new;
  Returns - GO::Model::Graph;
  Args    -

Normally you would not create a graph object yourself - this is typically done for you by either a GO::Parser object or a GO::AppHandle object

  Usage   - $it = $graph->create_iterator("GO:0003677")
  Usage   - $it = $graph->create_iterator({acc=>"GO:0008045",
  Returns - GO::Model::GraphIterator;
  Args    - accession no [optional] or GO::Model::Term [optional]

makes a GO::Model::GraphIterator, an object which traverses the graph

  Usage   - $graph->iterate(sub {$ni=shift;printf "%s\n", $ni->term->name});
  Usage   - sub mysub {...}; $graph->iterate(\&mysub);
  Returns -
  Args    -  CODE

iterates through the graph executing CODE on every GO::Model::GraphNodeInstance object

  Alias   - node_filter
  Usage   - $terms =
               $graph->term_filter(sub {shift->term->name =~ /transmembrane/});
  Usage   - sub mysub {...}; $graph->iterate(\&mysub);
  Returns -   ref to an array of GO::Model::Term objects
  Args    -  CODE

iterates through the graph executing CODE on every GO::Model::GraphNodeInstance object. If CODE returns true, that node will be returned

  Usage   - $terms = $graph->term_query({name=>'/transmembrane/'});
  Usage   - $terms = $graph->term_query({acc=>'GO:0008045'});
  Usage   - $terms = $graph->term_query('/transmembrane/');
  Returns - ref to an array of GO::Model::Term objects
  Args    - hashref of constraints
            OR name constraint as string

returns a set of terms matching query constraints. If the constraint value is enclosed in // a regexp match will be performed

constraints are ANDed. For more complex queries, use node_filter()

  Usage   - my $subgraph = $graph->subgraph({acc=>"GO:0008045"});
  Returns - GO::Model::Graph
  Args    - as term_query()

creates a subgraph of the current graph containing the terms returned by a term_query() call and all paths to the root

  Usage   - my $subgraph = $graph->subgraph_by_terms($terms);
  Usage   - my $subgraph = $graph->subgraph_by_terms($terms,{partial=>1});
  Returns - GO::Model::Graph
  Args    - GO::Model::Term listref

creates a subgraph of the current graph containing the specified terms

The path-to-top will be calculated for all terms and added to the subgraph, UNLESS the partial option is set; in this case a relationship between

  Usage   - my $node_listref = $graph->get_all_nodes();
  Synonyms- get_all_terms
  Returns - ref to an array of GO::Model::Term objects
  Args    - none

The returned array is UNORDERED

If you want the returned list ordered (eg breadth first or depth first) use the create_iterator() method to get a GO::Model::GraphIterator

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $term = $graph->get_term($acc);
  Synonyms- get_node
  Returns - GO::Model::Term
  Args    - id
  returns a GO::Model::Term object for an accession no.
  the term must be in the Graph object

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $term = $graph->get_term_by_name("blah");
  Returns - GO::Model::Term
  Args    - string
  returns a GO::Model::Term object for a name
  the term must be in the Graph object


See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $term = $graph->get_terms_by_subset("goslim_plant");
  Returns - GO::Model::Term
  Args    - string
  returns a GO::Model::Term object for a subset
  the term must be in the Graph object


See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $node_listref = $graph->get_top_nodes();
  Synonyms- get_top_terms
  Returns - ref to an array of GO::Model::Term objects
  Args    - none

usually returns 1 node - the root term

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $node_listref = $graph->get_top_nodes();
  Synonyms- get_leaf_terms
  Returns - ref to an array of GO::Model::Term objects
  Args    - none

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - if ($graph->is_leaf_node($acc)) {...}
  Returns - bool
  Args    - accession str

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - $nodes = $graph->seed_nodes;
  Returns - GO::Model::Term listref
  Args    - GO::Model::Term listref [optional]

gets/sets the "seed" nodes/terms - these are the terms the Graph is started from, e.g. for building a node ancestory graph, the seed term would be the leaf of this graph, but not term that are expanded or collpased from the ancestory graph.

This is mostly relevant if you are fetching your graphs from a database via go-db-perl

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - $nodes = $graph->focus_nodes;
  Synonyms- focus_terms
  Returns - GO::Model::Term listref
  Args    - GO::Model::Term listref [optional]

gets/sets the "focus" nodes/terms - these are the terms the Graph is centred around; for instance, if the graph was built around a query to "endoplasmic*" all the terms matching this string would be focused

This is mostly relevant if you are fetching your graphs from a database via go-db-perl

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - if ($g->is_focus_node($term)) {..}
  Returns - bool
  Args    - GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - $g->add_focus_node($term)
  Returns -
  Args    - GO::Model::Term

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $paths = $graph->paths_to_top("GO:0005045");
  Returns - arrayref of GO::Model::Path objects
  Args    -

See also GO::Model::Path

  Usage   - my $count = $g->node_count
  Synonyms- term_count
  Returns - int
  Args    -

returns the number of terms/nodes in the graph

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $count = $g->n_associations($acc);
  Returns - int
  Args    -

if you parsed an association file into this graph, this will return the number of instances attached directly to acc

See also GO::Model::Association See also GO::Model::GeneProduct

  Usage   - my $count = $g->n_deep_associations($acc);
  Returns - int
  Args    -

if you parsed an association file into this graph, this will return the number of instances attached directly to acc OR to a node subsumed by acc

See also GO::Model::Association See also GO::Model::GeneProduct

  Usage   - $n = $graph->n_children('GO:0003677');
  Synonyms- n_sterms, n_subj_terms, n_subject_terms
  Returns - int
  Args    -

returns the number of DIRECT children/subject/subordinate terms beneath this one

  Usage   - $n = $graph->n_parents(3677);
  Synonyms- n_oterms, n_obj_terms, n_object_terms
  Returns - int
  Args    -

returns the number of DIRECT parent/object/superordinate terms above this one

  Usage   - $assocs = $g->association_list('GO:0003677')
  Returns - listref of GO::Model::Association
  Args    - acc (string)

returns a list of association objects directly attached to the specified term

See also GO::Model::Association

  Usage   -
  Returns -
  Args    -

See also GO::Model::Association

  Usage   - $assocs = $g->association_list('GO:0003677')
  Returns - listref of GO::Model::Association
  Args    - acc (string)

returns a list of association objects directly and indirectly attached to the specified term. (ie assocs attached to the term or to terms subsumed by the specified term).

See also GO::Model::Association

  Usage   - $prods = $g->product_list('GO:0003677')
  Returns - listref of GO::Model::GeneProduct
  Args    - acc (string)

returns a list of distinct gene product objects directly attached to the specified term.

See also GO::Model::GeneProduct

  Usage   - $prods = $g->deep_product_list('GO:0003677')
  Returns - listref of GO::Model::GeneProduct
  Args    - acc (string)

returns a list of distinct gene product objects directly and indirectly attached to the specified term. (ie assocs attached to the term or to terms subsumed by the specified term).

See also GO::Model::GeneProduct

  Usage   - $n_prods = $g->deep_product_count('GO:0003677')
  Returns - int
  Args    - acc (string)

returns a count of distinct gene product objects directly and indirectly attached to the specified term. performs transitive closure. will not count gene products twice

See also GO::Model::GeneProduct

  Usage   - my $rel_listref = $graph->get_relationships('GO:0003677');
  Returns - ref to an array of GO::Model::Relationship objects
  Args    - identifier/acc (string)

returns relationships which concern the specified term; the specified term can be the subject or object term in the relationship (ie child or parent)

See also GO::Model::Relationship

  Usage   - my $rel_listref = $graph->get_parent_relationships('GO:0003677');
  Synonym - get_relationships_by_child
  Synonym - get_relationships_by_subj 
  Synonym - get_relationships_by_subject 
  Synonym - get_obj_relationships 
  Synonym - get_object_relationships
  Returns - ref to an array of GO::Model::Relationship objects
  Args    - identifier/acc (string)

See also GO::Model::Relationship

  Usage   - my $rel_listref = $graph->get_child_relationships('GO:0003677');
  Synonym - get_relationships_by_parent
  Synonym - get_relationships_by_obj 
  Synonym - get_relationships_by_object
  Synonym - get_subj_relationships
  Synonym - get_subject_relationships
  Returns - ref to an array of GO::Model::Relationship objects
  Args    - identifier/acc (string)

See also GO::Model::Relationship

  Usage   -
  Returns - GO::Model::Relationship list
  Args    -

returns all the relationships/statements in this graph

See also GO::Model::Relationship

  Usage   - my $term_lref = $graph->get_parent_terms($parent_term->acc);
  Synonym - get_obj_terms
  Synonym - get_object_terms
  Returns - ref to array of GO::Model::Term objs
  Args    - the accession of the query term

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - 
  Synonym - get_obj_terms_by_type
  Synonym - get_object_terms_by_type
  Returns - ref to array of GO::Model::Term objs
  Args    - the accession of the query term
          - the type by which to constrain relationships

See also GO::Model::Term

 Title   : get_recursive_parent_terms
 Usage   :
 Synonyms: get_recursive_obj_terms
 Synonyms: get_recursive_object_terms
 Example :
 Returns : 
 Args    : accession of query term

See also GO::Model::Term

 Title   : get_recursive_parent_terms_by_type
 Usage   :
 Synonyms: get_recursive_obj_terms_by_type
 Synonyms: get_recursive_object_terms_by_type
 Example :
 Returns : 
 Args    :

if type is blank, gets all

See also GO::Model::Term

 Title   : get_reflexive_parent_terms
 Usage   :
 Example :
 Returns : 
 Args    : acc

returns parent terms plus the term (for acc) itself

[reflexive transitive closure of relationships in upward direction]

See also GO::Model::Term

 Title   : get_reflexive_parent_terms_by_type
 Usage   :
 Example :
 Returns : listref of terms
 Args    : acc, type

closure of relationship including the term itself

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $term_lref = $graph->get_child_terms($parent_term->acc);
  Synonym - get_subj_terms
  Synonym - get_subject_terms
  Returns - ref to array of GO::Model::Term objs
  Args    -

See also GO::Model::Term

  Synonym - get_subj_terms_by_type
  Synonym - get_subject_terms_by_type
  Returns - ref to array of GO::Model::Term objs
  Args    - the accession of the query term
          - the type by which to constrain relationships

See also GO::Model::Term

 Title   : get_recursive_child_terms
 Usage   :
 Synonyms: get_recursive_subj_terms
 Synonyms: get_recursive_subject_terms
 Example :
 Returns : a reference to an array of L<GO::Model::Term> objects
 Args    : the accession of the query term

See also GO::Model::Term

 Title   : get_recursive_child_terms_by_type
 Usage   :
 Synonyms: get_recursive_subj_terms_by_type
 Synonyms: get_recursive_subject_terms_by_type
 Example :
 Returns : a reference to an array of L<GO::Model::Term> objects
 Args    : accession, type

if type is blank, gets all

See also GO::Model::Term

 Title   : _get_recursive_related_terms_by_type
 Usage   :
 Function: Obtain all relationships of the given kind and type for the
           term identified by its accession, and recursively repeat
           this with all parents and children as query for parent and
           child relationships, respectively.
           This is an internal method.
 Example :
 Returns : A reference to an array of L<GO::Model::Term> objects.
 Args    : - the kind of relationship, either "child" or "parent"
           - the accession of the term with which to query
           - the type to which to constrain relationships (optional,
             all types if left undef)
           - TRUE if reflexive and FALSE otherwise (default FALSE)

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   - my $term_lref = $graph->_get_related_terms_by_type("child",$acc);
  Returns - ref to array of GO::Model::Term objs
  Args    - the kind of relationship, either "child" or "parent" 
          - the accession of the term for which to obtain rel.ships
          - the type by which to constrain relationships (optional,
            defaults to all terms if left undef)

This is an internal method.

  Usage   -
  Returns -
  Args    - acc, type

 Title   : get_reflexive_parent_accs_by_type
 Usage   :
 Example :
 Returns : listref of terms
 Args    : acc, type

closure of relationship including the term itself

See also GO::Model::Term

 Title   : get_relationships_between_terms
 Usage   :
 Example :
 Returns : [] of relationships
 Args    : parent id, child id

See also GO::Model::Relationship

 Title   : get_parent_closure_hash_by_type
 Usage   :
 Function: given a term-acc and relationship type, will give a hash that
           can be used to check if a term X is a parent of term Y
 Example :
 Returns : 
 Args    :

keys will be lower-cased

See also GO::Model::Relationship

    parent relationships are as valued as child relationships

See also GO::Model::Relationship

  Usage   - $graph->close_below(3677);
  Returns -
  Args    - term (as acc or GO::Model::Term object)

gets rid of everything below a node

used by AmiGO for when a user closes a term in the graph

  Usage   - my $terms = $graph->find_roots;
  Returns - arrayref of GO::Model::Term objects
  Args    -

All terms withOUT a parent

See also GO::Model::Term

  Usage   -
  Returns -
  Args    -

See also GO::Model::GeneProduct

 Usage   - $g->merge($g2);
 Returns -
 Args    - GO::Model::Graph

merges two graphs

  Usage   - $graph->export({format=>$format});
  Returns -
  Args    - opt hash

writes out the graph in any export format, including obo, go_ont, owl, png (graphviz) etc

  Usage   -
  Returns -
  Args    -

 Usage   - $g->add_term($term)
 Returns - 
 Args    - GO::Model::Term

  Usage   -
  Returns -
  Args    -

synonym for add_term

  Usage   - $graph->add_relationship({acc1=>from_id, acc2=>to_id});
  Usage   - $graph->add_relationship($from_id, $to_id, $type});
  Usage   - $graph->add_relationship($obj, $subj, $type});
  Returns -
  Args    -

only one relationship between id1 and id2 is allowed

See also GO::Model::Relationship

 Usage   -
 Returns -
 Args    -

adds bucket terms to non-leaf nodes

this is useful for making GO slims

  Usage   -
  Returns -
  Args    - fmt, assocs [bool]

hacky text output

this method should probably move out of the model code into output adapters

2023-12-18 perl v5.36.0