Diffing.Define.Parameters(3o) OCaml library Diffing.Define.Parameters(3o)

Diffing.Define.Parameters - no description

Module type Diffing.Define.Parameters

Module type Parameters
= sig end

type update_result

val weight : Diffing.Define.change -> int

weight ch returns the weight of the change ch . Used to find the smallest patch.

val test : D.state -> D.left -> D.right -> (D.eq, D.diff) result

test st xl xr tests if the elements xl and xr are co mpatible ( Ok ) or not ( Error ).

val update : Diffing.Define.change -> D.state -> update_result

update ch st returns the new state after applying a change. The update_result type also contains expansions in the variadic case.

2023-10-26 OCamldoc