DateTime::SpanSet(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation DateTime::SpanSet(3pm)

DateTime::SpanSet - set of DateTime spans

    $spanset = DateTime::SpanSet->from_spans( spans => [ $dt_span, $dt_span ] );
    $set = $spanset->union( $set2 );         # like "OR", "insert", "both"
    $set = $spanset->complement( $set2 );    # like "delete", "remove"
    $set = $spanset->intersection( $set2 );  # like "AND", "while"
    $set = $spanset->complement;             # like "NOT", "negate", "invert"
    if ( $spanset->intersects( $set2 ) ) { ...  # like "touches", "interferes"
    if ( $spanset->contains( $set2 ) ) { ...    # like "is-fully-inside"
    # data extraction 
    $date = $spanset->min;           # first date of the set
    $date = $spanset->max;           # last date of the set
    $iter = $spanset->iterator;
    while ( $dt = $iter->next ) {
        # $dt is a DateTime::Span
        print $dt->start->ymd;   # first date of span
        print $dt->end->ymd;     # last date of span

"DateTime::SpanSet" is a class that represents sets of datetime spans. An example would be a recurring meeting that occurs from 13:00-15:00 every Friday.

This is different from a "DateTime::Set", which is made of individual datetime points as opposed to ranges.

Support is offered through the "" mailing list.

Please report bugs using

Flavio Soibelmann Glock <>

The API was developed together with Dave Rolsky and the DateTime Community.

Copyright (c) 2003 Flavio Soibelmann Glock. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.


For details on the Perl DateTime Suite project please see <>.

2022-06-13 perl v5.34.0