Data::HAL::Link(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Data::HAL::Link(3pm)

Data::HAL::Link - Hypertext Application Language link

This document describes Data::HAL::Link version 1.001

    map { +{
        href => $_->href->uri->as_string,
        rel  => $_->relation->uri->as_string
    } } @{ $resource->links }

This section is completely quoted from the specification:

A Link Object represents a hyperlink from the containing resource to a URI.



When the "deprecation" attribute is set, the constructor logs a Log::Any warning:

"The link (relation: "%s", href: "%s") is deprecated, see <%s>"

You can consume it with a Log::Any::Adapter of your choice, e.g.

    use Log::Any::Adapter 'Stderr';

Otherwise the constructor behaves like the default Moo constructor. Returns a "Data::HAL::Link" object.

Perl strings are coerced to the Data::HAL::URI type in the attributes "relation", "href", "deprecation", "profile".


Type Data::HAL::URI, required, link relation <>


Type Data::HAL::URI, required, link target URI or URI template <>


Type boolean, whether "href" is a URI template <>

Perl boolean values are coerced to the boolean type.


Type MIME::Type, media type of the "href" resource <>


Type Data::HAL::URI, if existing indicates the link is deprecated <>

Setting the attribute triggers a log message in the constructor "new".


Type "Str", secondary key for selecting link objects which share the same relation type <>


Type Data::HAL::URI, RFC 6906 profile of the target resource <>


Type "Str", labels the link with a human-readable identifier <>


Type "Str", indicates the language of the target resource <>


Returns the link as a RFC 5988 "link-value" <> string, e.g. "</orders?page=2>;rel="next"".


See "new" constructor.

Requires no configuration files or environment variables.

2022-08-28 perl v5.36.0