DBIx::Class::Factory(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::Class::Factory(3pm)

DBIx::Class::Factory - factory-style fixtures for DBIx::Class

Version 0.04

Create factory:

    package My::UserFactory;
    use base qw(DBIx::Class::Factory);
        name => __PACKAGE__->seq(sub {'User #' . shift}),
        status => 'new',
    package My::SuperUserFactory;
    use base qw(DBIx::Class::Factory);
    __PACKAGE__->field(superuser => 1);

Use factory:

    my $user = My::UserFactory->create();
    my @verified_users = @{ My::UserFactory->create_batch(3, {status => 'verified'}) };
    my $superuser = My::SuperUserFactory->build();

Ruby has "factory_girl", Python has "factory_boy". Now Perl has "DBIx::Class::Factory".

Creating big fixture batches may be a pain. This module provides easy way of creating data in database via DBIx::Class.

To create a factory just derive from DBIx::Class::Factory and apply some settings. You can also add some data at the moment of creating instance, redefining factory defaults.

Tests for this module contains a bunch of useful examples.

Use this to create one factory derived from another. Don't use direct inheritance.
Set resultset this factory is going to work with.
Accept hashref as an argument. Add fields to factory. See "field" for more details.
    __PACKAGE__->field($name => $value);

Add field to the factory. $name is directly used in resultset's "new" method. $value must be any value or helper result (see "Helpers"). "CODEREF" as a value will be used as callback. However, you must not rely on this, it can be changed in future releases — use "callback" helper instead.

Sometimes you want some fields to be in the factory but not in the created object.

You can use "exclude" to exclude them. Both arrayref and scalar are accepted.

        package My::UserFactory;
        use base qw(DBIx::Class::Factory);
            first_name => __PACKAGE__->callback(sub {shift->get('all_names')}),
            last_name => __PACKAGE__->callback(sub {shift->get('all_names')}),
    My::UserFactory->create({all_names => 'Bond'});

Sometimes you want the value of the field to be not just static value but something special. Helpers are here for that.

Sometimes you want field value to be calculated every time fields for object are created. Just provide "callback" as a value in that case.

It will be called with the DBIx::Class::Factory::Fields instance as an argument.

        status => __PACKAGE__->callback(sub {
            my ($fields) = @_;
            return $fields->get('superuser') ? 3 : 5;
Same as "callback", but the callback is called with an additional first argument: the iterating counter.

You can also provide the initial value of the counter (0 is default).

    __PACKAGE__->field(id => __PACKAGE__->seq(sub {shift}, 1));
This helper just calls another factory's "get_fields" method. Thanks to "DBIx::Class", the returned data will be used to create a related object.

    package My::UserFactory;
    use base qw(DBIx::Class::Factory);
        # create a new city if it's not specified
        city => __PACKAGE__->related_factory('My::CityFactory'),
Same as "related_factory", but calls "get_fields_batch" method.

        # Add three accounts to the user
        accounts => __PACKAGE__->related_factory_batch(3, 'My::AccountFactory')

Returns fields that will be used to create object without creating something.
Creates DBIx::Class::Row object without saving it to a database.
Creates DBIx::Class::Row object and saves it to a database.

"discard_changes" in DBIx::Class::Row is also called on the created object.

Runs "get_fields" "n" times and returns arrayref of results.
Runs "build" "n" times and returns arrayref of results.
Runs "create" "n" times and returns arrayref of results.

You can define the following methods in your factory to be executed after corresponding methods.

They take result of the corresponding methods as an argument and must return the new one.

    sub after_create {
        my ($class, $user_row) = @_;
        return $user_row;

This module is lovingly dedicated to my wife Catherine.

Vadim Pushtaev, "pushtaev@cpan.org"

Bugs are possible, feature requests are welcome. Write me as soon as possible.

Copyright 2015 Vadim Pushtaev.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2023-02-14 perl v5.36.0