DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql(3pm)

DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql - Perl extension for mysql bulk loading

  use DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql;
  # non repeating portion of the insert statement
  my $insert='insert into bulk_insert (col_a,col_b,col_c) values ';
  # repeating portion of the insert statement
  my $placeholders='(?,?,?)';
  # how many rows to buffer until insert is called
  my $bulk_insert_count=5;
  # db connection
  my $dbh=DBI->connect(db connection info here);
  my $placeholder_count=3;
  my ($bulk,$error)=DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql->new(
   die $error unless $bulk;
   for( 1 .. 50 ) {
     $bulk->insert(qw(a b c));
   # inserted 50 rows at once
   $bulk->insert(qw(l l x));
   # inserted 0 rows
   $bulk->insert(qw(l l x));
   # inserted 0 rows
   # inserted 2 rows 1 at a time

Simple buffering bulk loader interface for mysql.



OO Methods

This section covers the OO methods for this package.

  • my ($bulk,$error)=DBIx::BulkLoader::Mysql->new(%hash);

    Package constructor.

            $bulk is undef on error
            $error explains why $bulk is undef

    Constructor options

                     Sets the DBH object
                     Contains the body of the sql statement minus the
                     placeholder segment.
                     Placeholder segment of the sql statement
                     Optional argument
                      If you get strange insert counts or dbi bails
                      set this option manually
                     Optional argument
                      Sets the number of rows to buffer for insert.
                     Optional argument
                      Arguments to be passed to $dbh->prepare
                      See DBD::mysql
  • $bulk->flush;

    Empties the placeholder buffer

  • $bulk->insert($x,$y,$z);

    Inserts the placeholder arguments onto the buffer stack. This does not cause an insert, unless the total number of rows is the same as the constructor call "bulk_insert_count=>50".

  • my $columns=$bulk->get_placeholder_count;

    Gets the total number of column placeholders.

  • my $buffer_size=$bulk->get_buffer_size;

    Gets the total size of the array used for insert.

  • my $sql_single=$bulk->single_sql;

    Gets the raw sql statement used for single row inserts.

  • my $bulk_sql=$bulk->bulk_sql;

    Gets the raw sql statement used for bulk row inserts.

  • my $single_sth=$bulk->get_prepared_single_sth;

    Gets the prepared statement handle for single row inserts.

  • my $bulk_sth=$bulk->get_prepared_bulk_sth;

    Gets the prepared statement handle for bulk row inserts.

  • my @buffer=$bulk->get_buffered_data;

    Returns a list containing the current buffered data

DBI, DBD::mysql

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DBIx BulkLoader Mysql <https://sourceforge.net/projects/dbix-bulkloader/>

Michael Shipper

Copyright (C) 2010 by Michael Shipper

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

2023-02-14 perl v5.36.0