DBD::FirebirdEmbedded - embedded Firebird server (and client)
use DBI;
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:FirebirdEmbedded:db=$dbname", undef, undef);
# See the DBI module documentation for full details
DBD::FirebirdEmbedded is a variant of DBD::Firebird, linked
with the Firebird embedded library, libfbembed. In addition to the
ability to work with remote Firebird servers (which DBD::FirebirdEmbedded
has, being linked with the Firebird client library, libfbclient),
DBD::FirebirdEmbedded can be used to work with Firebird databases without
the need of a dedicated Firebird server.
The following things should be set up first:
- Username/password
- These should be unset. Both in the
"DBI->connection(...)" call and in
the environment ("ISC_USER",
"DBI_PASSWORD" variables).
- Firebird lock
- The "FIREBIRD_LOCK" environment variable
should be set to some place where the process can write. Note that if you
plan for several processes to access the database file directly, they all
should have "FIREBIRD_LOCK" set to the
same directory, or else database corruption will occur.
- No "host" in the
- Obviously, do not set any host when calling
"DBI->connection(...)", not even
- Permissions to
read/write the database
- Obviously, the process needs to be able to read/write the database
DBD::FirebirdEmbedded provides exactly the same functionality as
the Firebird server of the same version as the libfbembed library. It
still can work with remote datases, in which case the use is exactly the
same (DSN, environment) as with the regular DBD::Firebird.
- Standalone work
with Firebird databases
- No need to setup/administer a Firebird server. All the server
functionality is available via the libfbembed library. Shared
access to databases is still possible (but read "Firebird lock
directory" above).
- No network latency
- Working directly with the database file eliminates possible network delays
(even if the server is on the local host).
- Memory footprint
- The libfbembed library contains a fully functional Firebird server
and is therefore bigger than the ordinary client library,
- Setup complexity
- It is very important to make sure that all processes that access a given
database use the same lock directory. See "Firebird lock
directory" above.