Config::Model::HashId(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Config::Model::HashId(3pm)

Config::Model::HashId - Handle hash element for configuration model

version 2.153

See "SYNOPSIS" in Config::Model::AnyId

This class provides hash elements for a Config::Model::Node.

The hash index can either be en enumerated type, a boolean, an integer or a string.

HashId object should not be created directly.

See model declaration section from Config::Model::AnyId.

Returns "hash".

Returns the number of elements of the hash.

Sort an ordered hash. Throws an error if called on a non ordered hash.

Parameters: key

Create a new element in the ordered hash while keeping alphabetical order of the keys

Returns the newly created element.

Throws an error if called on a non ordered hash.

Returns the first key of the hash. Behaves like "each" core perl function.

Returns the next key of the hash. Behaves like "each" core perl function.

Parameters: "( key1 , key2 )"

Swap the order of the 2 keys. Ignored for non ordered hash.

Parameters: "( key1 , key2 )"

Rename key1 in key2.

Also also optional check parameter to disable warning:

 move ('foo','bar', check => 'no')

Parameters: "( key_to_move [ , after_this_key ] )"

Move the first key after the second one. If the second parameter is omitted, the first key is placed in first position. Ignored for non ordered hash.

Parameters: "( key )"

Move the key up in a ordered hash. Attempt to move up the first key of an ordered hash is ignored. Ignored for non ordered hash.

Parameters: "( key )"

Move the key down in a ordered hash. Attempt to move up the last key of an ordered hash is ignored. Ignored for non ordered hash.

Parameters: "( data => ( hash_ref | array_ref ) [ , check => ... , ... ])"

Load data as a hash ref for standard hash.

Ordered hash should be loaded with an array ref or with a hash containing a special "__order" element. E.g. loaded with either:

  [ a => 'foo', b => 'bar' ]


  { __order => ['a','b'], b => 'bar', a => 'foo' }

"__skip_order" parameter can be used if loading order is not important:

  { __skip_order => 1, b => 'bar', a => 'foo'}

load_data can also be called with a single ref parameter.

Returns a list of information related to the hash. See "get_info" in Config::Model::Value for more details.

Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)

Config::Model, Config::Model::Instance, Config::Model::AnyId, Config::Model::ListId, Config::Model::Value

Dominique Dumont

This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2022 by Dominique Dumont.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
2023-08-19 perl v5.36.0