Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::A(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::A(3pm)

Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC::A - (NBS/ISCC A) Dye Colors

    Kenneth L. Kelly and Deanne B. Judd.
    "Color: Universal Language and Dictionary of Names",
    National Bureau of Standards,
    Spec. Publ. 440, Dec. 1976, 189 pages.
    Color Name Dictionary: (A) Dye Colors
    American Association of Textile Chemists and
    Colorists and Society of Dyers and Colourists

This combinatorial dictionary's 88 names map to 350 colors; 263 out of 267 centroids are covered.


        black                   black                 #222222
        blue                    blue                  #4997d0
        blue                    blue                  #0067a5
        blue                    blue                  #00416a
        blue                    blue                  #a1caf1
        blue                    blue                  #70a3cc
        blue                    blue                  #436b95
        blue                    blue                  #00304e
        blue                    blue                  #b3bce2
        blue                    blue                  #8791bf
        blue                    blue                  #252440
        bluish black            bluishblack           #202428
        bluish gray             bluishgray            #b4bcc0
        bluish gray             bluishgray            #81878b
        bluish gray             bluishgray            #51585e
        bluish green            bluishgreen           #00a693
        bluish green            bluishgreen           #007a74
        bluish green            bluishgreen           #00443f
        bluish green            bluishgreen           #96ded1
        bluish green            bluishgreen           #66ada4
        bluish green            bluishgreen           #317873
        bluish green            bluishgreen           #004b49
        bluish green            bluishgreen           #002a29
        bluish olive            bluisholive           #404f00
        bluish olive            bluisholive           #232f00
        bluish olive            bluisholive           #4a5d23
        bluish olive            bluisholive           #2b3d26
        bluish olive            bluisholive           #515744
        bluish olive            bluisholive           #31362b
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #ffc8d6
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #e68fac
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #de6fa1
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #efbbcc
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #d597ae
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #c17e91
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #e8ccd7
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #c3a6b1
        bluish pink             bluishpink            #af868e
        bluish red              bluishred             #b3446c
        bluish red              bluishred             #78184a
        bluish red              bluishred             #54133b
        bluish red              bluishred             #a8516e
        bluish violet           bluishviolet          #7e73b8
        bluish violet           bluishviolet          #604e97
        bluish violet           bluishviolet          #32174d
        bluish violet           bluishviolet          #dcd0ff
        bluish violet           bluishviolet          #8c82b6
        bluish violet           bluishviolet          #604e81
        bluish violet           bluishviolet          #2f2140
        bluish white            bluishwhite           #e9e9ed
        bordeaux                bordeaux              #673147
        bordeaux                bordeaux              #38152c
        bordeaux                bordeaux              #915f6d
        bright blue             brightblue            #00a1c2
        bright bluish green     brightbluishgreen     #008882
        bright bluish red       brightbluishred       #ce4676
        bright bluish violet    brightbluishviolet    #9065ca
        bright green            brightgreen           #008856
        bright greenish blue    brightgreenishblue    #0085a1
        bright greenish yellow  brightgreenishyellow  #dcd300
        bright orange           brightorange          #f38400
        bright red              brightred             #be0032
        bright reddish blue     brightreddishblue     #30267a
        bright reddish orange   brightreddishorange   #e25822
        bright reddish violet   brightreddishviolet   #870074
        bright reddish yellow   brightreddishyellow   #f6a600
        bright reddish yellow   brightreddishyellow   #f3c300
        bright violet           brightviolet          #9a4eae
        bright yellow           brightyellow          #f3c300
        bright yellowish green  brightyellowishgreen  #8db600
        bright yellowish green  brightyellowishgreen  #27a64c
        bright yellowish orange brightyellowishorange #f6a600
        bright yellowish red    brightyellowishred    #be0032
        bright yellowish red    brightyellowishred    #e25822
        brown                   brown                 #80461b
        brown                   brown                 #593319
        brown                   brown                 #a67b5b
        brown                   brown                 #6f4e37
        brown                   brown                 #422518
        brownish black          brownishblack         #28201c
        brownish gray           brownishgray          #8e8279
        brownish gray           brownishgray          #5b504f
        brownish gray           brownishgray          #bfb8a5
        brownish olive          brownisholive         #967117
        brownish olive          brownisholive         #6c541e
        brownish white          brownishwhite         #f0ead6
        dull blue               dullblue              #bcd4e6
        dull blue               dullblue              #91a3b0
        dull blue               dullblue              #536878
        dull blue               dullblue              #36454f
        dull blue               dullblue              #202830
        dull blue               dullblue              #c0c8e1
        dull blue               dullblue              #8c92ac
        dull blue               dullblue              #4c516d
        dull bluish green       dullbluishgreen       #c7e6d7
        dull bluish green       dullbluishgreen       #8da399
        dull bluish green       dullbluishgreen       #5e716a
        dull bluish green       dullbluishgreen       #3a4b47
        dull bluish green       dullbluishgreen       #1a2421
        dull bluish red         dullbluishred         #a8516e
        dull bluish red         dullbluishred         #673147
        dull bluish red         dullbluishred         #38152c
        dull bluish violet      dullbluishviolet      #c4c3dd
        dull bluish violet      dullbluishviolet      #9690ab
        dull bluish violet      dullbluishviolet      #554c69
        dull bluish violet      dullbluishviolet      #d6cadd
        dull bluish violet      dullbluishviolet      #aa98a9
        dull bluish violet      dullbluishviolet      #796878
        dull bluish violet      dullbluishviolet      #50404d
        dull bluish violet      dullbluishviolet      #291e29
        dull bordeaux           dullbordeaux          #796878
        dull bordeaux           dullbordeaux          #50404d
        dull bordeaux           dullbordeaux          #291e29
        dull bordeaux           dullbordeaux          #673147
        dull bordeaux           dullbordeaux          #38152c
        dull brownish olive     dullbrownisholive     #3b3121
        dull green              dullgreen             #c7e6d7
        dull green              dullgreen             #8da399
        dull green              dullgreen             #5e716a
        dull green              dullgreen             #3a4b47
        dull green              dullgreen             #1a2421
        dull greenish blue      dullgreenishblue      #bcd4e6
        dull greenish blue      dullgreenishblue      #91a3b0
        dull greenish blue      dullgreenishblue      #536878
        dull greenish blue      dullgreenishblue      #36454f
        dull greenish blue      dullgreenishblue      #202830
        dull greenish yellow    dullgreenishyellow    #ebe8a4
        dull greenish yellow    dullgreenishyellow    #b9b57d
        dull greenish yellow    dullgreenishyellow    #867e36
        dull orange             dullorange            #d9a6a9
        dull orange             dullorange            #a67b5b
        dull red                dullred               #ab4e52
        dull red                dullred               #722f37
        dull red                dullred               #3f1728
        dull red                dullred               #905d5d
        dull red                dullred               #56070c
        dull red                dullred               #79443b
        dull reddish blue       dullreddishblue       #bcd4e6
        dull reddish blue       dullreddishblue       #91a3b0
        dull reddish blue       dullreddishblue       #536878
        dull reddish blue       dullreddishblue       #36454f
        dull reddish blue       dullreddishblue       #202830
        dull reddish blue       dullreddishblue       #c0c8e1
        dull reddish blue       dullreddishblue       #8c92ac
        dull reddish blue       dullreddishblue       #4c516d
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #722f37
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #3f1728
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #905d5d
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #543d3f
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #2e1d21
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #a87c6d
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #79443b
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #3e1d1e
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #977f73
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #674c47
        dull reddish brown      dullreddishbrown      #43302e
        dull reddish orange     dullreddishorange     #b4745e
        dull reddish violet     dullreddishviolet     #aa98a9
        dull reddish violet     dullreddishviolet     #796878
        dull reddish violet     dullreddishviolet     #50404d
        dull reddish violet     dullreddishviolet     #291e29
        dull reddish violet     dullreddishviolet     #aa8a9e
        dull reddish violet     dullreddishviolet     #836479
        dull reddish yellow     dullreddishyellow     #fad6a5
        dull reddish yellow     dullreddishyellow     #f3e5ab
        dull reddish yellow     dullreddishyellow     #c2b280
        dull reddish yellow     dullreddishyellow     #a18f60
        dull violet             dullviolet            #d6cadd
        dull violet             dullviolet            #aa98a9
        dull violet             dullviolet            #796878
        dull violet             dullviolet            #50404d
        dull violet             dullviolet            #291e29
        dull yellow             dullyellow            #f3e5ab
        dull yellow             dullyellow            #c2b280
        dull yellow             dullyellow            #a18f60
        dull yellowish brown    dullyellowishbrown    #c19a6b
        dull yellowish brown    dullyellowishbrown    #826644
        dull yellowish brown    dullyellowishbrown    #4b3621
        dull yellowish brown    dullyellowishbrown    #ae9b82
        dull yellowish brown    dullyellowishbrown    #7e6d5a
        dull yellowish brown    dullyellowishbrown    #483c32
        dull yellowish green    dullyellowishgreen    #dadfb7
        dull yellowish green    dullyellowishgreen    #8f9779
        dull yellowish orange   dullyellowishorange   #fad6a5
        dull yellowish red      dullyellowishred      #b4745e
        gray                    gray                  #b9b8b5
        gray                    gray                  #848482
        gray                    gray                  #555555
        green                   green                 #3eb489
        green                   green                 #007959
        green                   green                 #00543d
        green                   green                 #8ed1b2
        green                   green                 #6aab8e
        green                   green                 #3b7861
        green                   green                 #1b4d3e
        green                   green                 #1c352d
        greenish black          greenishblack         #25241d
        greenish black          greenishblack         #1e2321
        greenish blue           greenishblue          #239eba
        greenish blue           greenishblue          #007791
        greenish blue           greenishblue          #2e8495
        greenish blue           greenishblue          #9cd1dc
        greenish blue           greenishblue          #66aabc
        greenish blue           greenishblue          #367588
        greenish blue           greenishblue          #004958
        greenish blue           greenishblue          #002e3b
        greenish gray           greenishgray          #8a8776
        greenish gray           greenishgray          #57554c
        greenish gray           greenishgray          #b2beb5
        greenish gray           greenishgray          #7d8984
        greenish gray           greenishgray          #4e5755
        greenish navy           greenishnavy          #00304e
        greenish navy           greenishnavy          #202830
        greenish white          greenishwhite         #dfede8
        greenish yellow         greenishyellow        #e9e450
        greenish yellow         greenishyellow        #beb72e
        greenish yellow         greenishyellow        #9b9400
        greenish yellow         greenishyellow        #eae679
        greenish yellow         greenishyellow        #b9b459
        greenish yellow         greenishyellow        #98943e
        navy                    navy                  #00304e
        navy                    navy                  #202830
        navy                    navy                  #252440
        olive                   olive                 #867e36
        olive                   olive                 #665d1e
        olive                   olive                 #403d21
        olive                   olive                 #8c8767
        olive                   olive                 #5b5842
        olive                   olive                 #363527
        orange                  orange                #fd943f
        orange                  orange                #ed872d
        orange                  orange                #be6516
        orange                  orange                #fab57f
        orange                  orange                #d99058
        orange                  orange                #ae6938
        pink                    pink                  #ffb5ba
        pink                    pink                  #ea9399
        pink                    pink                  #e4717a
        pink                    pink                  #f9ccca
        pink                    pink                  #dea5a4
        pink                    pink                  #c08081
        pink                    pink                  #ead8d7
        pink                    pink                  #c4aead
        pink                    pink                  #ad8884
        pink                    pink                  #af868e
        red                     red                   #bc3f4a
        red                     red                   #841b2d
        red                     red                   #5c0923
        red                     red                   #ab4e52
        reddish black           reddishblack          #543d3f
        reddish black           reddishblack          #282022
        reddish black           reddishblack          #242124
        reddish blue            reddishblue           #6c79b8
        reddish blue            reddishblue           #545aa7
        reddish blue            reddishblue           #272458
        reddish blue            reddishblue           #b3bce2
        reddish blue            reddishblue           #8791bf
        reddish blue            reddishblue           #4e5180
        reddish blue            reddishblue           #252440
        reddish brown           reddishbrown          #841b2d
        reddish brown           reddishbrown          #5c0923
        reddish brown           reddishbrown          #722f37
        reddish brown           reddishbrown          #905d5d
        reddish brown           reddishbrown          #882d17
        reddish brown           reddishbrown          #56070c
        reddish brown           reddishbrown          #79443b
        reddish gray            reddishgray           #c1b6b3
        reddish gray            reddishgray           #8f817f
        reddish gray            reddishgray           #5c504f
        reddish gray            reddishgray           #bfb9bd
        reddish gray            reddishgray           #8b8589
        reddish gray            reddishgray           #5d555b
        reddish navy            reddishnavy           #2f2140
        reddish orange          reddishorange         #d9603b
        reddish orange          reddishorange         #aa381e
        reddish orange          reddishorange         #cb6d51
        reddish orange          reddishorange         #9e4732
        reddish violet          reddishviolet         #9e4f88
        reddish violet          reddishviolet         #702963
        reddish violet          reddishviolet         #54194e
        reddish violet          reddishviolet         #b784a7
        reddish violet          reddishviolet         #915c83
        reddish violet          reddishviolet         #5d3954
        reddish violet          reddishviolet         #341731
        reddish white           reddishwhite          #eae3e1
        reddish white           reddishwhite          #e8e3e5
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #ffc14f
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #eaa221
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #c98500
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #fbc97f
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #e3a857
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #be8a3d
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #fada5e
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #d4af37
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #af8d13
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #f8de7e
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #c9ae5d
        reddish yellow          reddishyellow         #ab9144
        violet                  violet                #d399e6
        violet                  violet                #875692
        violet                  violet                #602f6b
        violet                  violet                #401a4c
        violet                  violet                #d5badb
        violet                  violet                #b695c0
        violet                  violet                #86608e
        violet                  violet                #563c5c
        violet                  violet                #301934
        white                   white                 #f2f3f4
        yellow                  yellow                #fada5e
        yellow                  yellow                #d4af37
        yellow                  yellow                #af8d13
        yellow                  yellow                #f8de7e
        yellow                  yellow                #c9ae5d
        yellow                  yellow                #ab9144
        yellowish brown         yellowishbrown        #996515
        yellowish brown         yellowishbrown        #654522
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #bdda57
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #7e9f2e
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #467129
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #c9dc89
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #8a9a5b
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #4a5d23
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #83d37d
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #44944a
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #00622d
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #003118
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #b6e5af
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #93c592
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #679267
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #355e3b
        yellowish green         yellowishgreen        #173620
        yellowish orange        yellowishorange       #ffc14f
        yellowish orange        yellowishorange       #eaa221
        yellowish orange        yellowishorange       #c98500
        yellowish orange        yellowishorange       #fbc97f
        yellowish orange        yellowishorange       #e3a857
        yellowish orange        yellowishorange       #be8a3d
        yellowish pink          yellowishpink         #ffb7a5
        yellowish pink          yellowishpink         #f88379
        yellowish pink          yellowishpink         #e66761
        yellowish pink          yellowishpink         #f4c2c2
        yellowish pink          yellowishpink         #d9a6a9
        yellowish pink          yellowishpink         #c48379
        yellowish pink          yellowishpink         #ecd5c5
        yellowish pink          yellowishpink         #c7ada3
        yellowish red           yellowishred          #d9603b
        yellowish red           yellowishred          #aa381e
        yellowish red           yellowishred          #cb6d51
        yellowish red           yellowishred          #9e4732
2022-11-27 perl v5.36.0