Catmandu::FedoraCommons(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Catmandu::FedoraCommons(3pm)

Catmandu::FedoraCommons - Low level Catmandu interface to the Fedora Commons REST API

  # Use the command line tools
  # Or the low-level API-s
  use Catmandu::FedoraCommons;
  my $fedora = Catmandu::FedoraCommons->new('http://localhost:8080/fedora','fedoraAdmin','fedoraAdmin');
  my $result = $fedora->findObjects(terms=>'*');
  die $result->error unless $result->is_ok;
  my $hits = $result->parse_content();
  for my $hit (@{ $hits->{results} }) {
       printf "%s\n" , $hit->{pid};
  # Or using the higher level Catmandu::Store codes you can do things like
  use Catmandu::Store::FedoraCommons;
  my $store = Catmandu::Store::FedoraCommons->new(
           baseurl  => 'http://localhost:8080/fedora',
           username => 'fedoraAdmin',
           password => 'fedoraAdmin',
           model    => 'Catmandu::Store::FedoraCommons::DC' # default
  $store->bag->each(sub {
        my $model = shift;
        printf "title: %s\n" , join("" , @{ $model->{title} });
        printf "creator: %s\n" , join("" , @{ $model->{creator} });
        my $pid = $model->{_id};
        my $ds  = $store->fedora->listDatastreams(pid => $pid)->parse_content;
  my $obj = $store->bag->add({
        title => ['The Master and Margarita'] ,
        creator => ['Bulgakov, Mikhail'] }
  $store->fedora->addDatastream(pid => $obj->{_id} , url => "http://myurl/rabbit.jpg");
  # Add your own perl version of a descriptive metadata model by implementing your own
  # model that can do a serialize and deserialize.

Catmandu::FedoraCommons is an Perl API to the Fedora Commons REST API ( Supported versions are Fedora Commons 3.6 or better.

Create a new Catmandu::FedoraCommons connecting to the baseurl of the Fedora Commons installation.

Execute a search query on the Fedora Commons server. One of 'query' or 'terms' is required. Query contains a phrase optionally including '*' and '?' wildcards. Terms contain one or more conditions separated by space. A condition is a field followed by an operator, followed by a value. The = operator will match if the field's entire value matches the value given. The ~ operator will match on phrases within fields, and accepts the ? and * wildcards. The <, >, <=, and >= operators can be used with numeric values, such as dates.


  query => "*o*"
  query => "?edora"
  terms => "pid~demo:* description~fedora"
  terms => "cDate>=1976-03-04 creator~*n*"
  terms => "mDate>2002-10-2 mDate<2002-10-2T12:00:00"

Optionally a maxResults parameter may be specified limiting the number of search results (default is 20). This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::findObjects model.

This method returns the next batch of search results. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::findObjects model.


    my $result = $fedora->findObjects(terms=>'*');
    die $result->error unless $result->is_ok;
    my $hits = $result->parse_content();
    for my $hit (@{ $hits->{results} }) {
           printf "%s\n" , $hit->{pid};
    my $result = $fedora->resumeFindObjects(sessionToken => $hits->{token});
    my $hits = $result->parse_content();

This method returns a datastream from the Fedora Commons repository. Required parameters are the identifier of the object $pid and the identifier of the datastream $dsID. Optionally a datestamp $asOfDateTime can be provided. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::getDatastreamDissemination model.

To stream the contents of the datastream a callback function can be provided.


    $fedora->getDatastreamDissemination(pid => 'demo:5', dsID => 'VERYHIGHRES', callback => \&process);
    sub process {
        my ($data, $response, $protocol) = @_;
        print $data;

This method execute a dissemination method on the Fedora Commons server. Required parameters are the object $pid, the service definition $sdefPid and the name of the method $method. Optionally further method parameters can be provided and a callback function to stream the results (see getDatastreamDissemination). This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::getDatastreamDissemination model.

  $fedora->getDissemination(pid => 'demo:29', sdefPid => 'demo:27' , method => 'resizeImage' , width => 100, callback => \&process);

This method returns the version history of an object. Required is the object $pid. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::getObjectHistory model.

 my $obj = $fedora->getObjectHistory(pid => 'demo:29')->parse_content;
 for @{$obj->{objectChangeDate}} {}
    print "$_\n;

This method returns a detailed description of an object. Required is the object $pid. Optionally a version date asOfDateTime can be provided. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::getObjectProfile model.

   my $obj = $fedora->getObjectProfile(pid => 'demo:29')->parse_content;
   printf "Label: %s\n" , $obj->{objLabel};

This method returns a list of datastreams provided in the object. Required is the object $pid. Optionally a version date asOfDateTime can be provided. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::listDatastreams model.

  my $obj = $fedora->listDatastreams(pid => 'demo:29')->parse_content;
  for (@{ $obj->{datastream}} ) {
     printf "Label: %s\n" , $_->{label};

This method return a list of methods that can be executed on an object. Required is the object $pid and the object $sdefPid. Optionally a version date asOfDateTime can be provided. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::listMethods model.

   my $obj = $fedora->listMethods(pid => 'demo:29')->parse_content;
   for ( @{ $obj->{sDef} }) {
        printf "[%s]\n" , $_->{$pid};
        for my $m ( @{ $_->{method} } ) {
            printf "\t%s\n" , $m->{name};

This method returns information about the fedora repository. No arguments required. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::describeRepository model.

    my $desc = $fedora->describeRepository()->parse_content();

This method adds a data stream to the object. Required parameters are the object $pid, a new datastream $dsID and a remote $url, a local $file or an $xml string which contains the content. Optionally any of these datastream modifiers may be provided: controlGroup, altIDs, dsLabel, versionable, dsState, formatURI, checksumType, checksum, mimeType, logMessage. See: for more information. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::datastreamProfile model.

   my $obj = $fedora->addDatastream(pid => 'demo:29', dsID => 'TEST' , file => 'README', mimeType => 'text/plain')->parse_content;
   print "Uploaded at: %s\n" , $obj->{dateTime};

This methods adds a triple to the 'RELS-EXT' data stream of the object. Requires parameters are the object $pid and a relation as a triple ARRAY reference. Optionally the $datatype of the literal may be provided. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::addRelationship model.

  $fedora->addRelationship(pid => 'demo:29' , relation => [ 'info:fedora/demo:29' , '' , 'Peter']);

This method exports the data model of the object in FOXML,METS or ATOM. Required is $pid of the object. Optionally a $context may be provided and the $format of the export. See: for more information. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::export model.

   my $res = $fedora->export(pid => 'demo:29');
   print $res->raw;
   print "%s\n" , $res->parse_content->{objectProperties}->{label};

This method return metadata about a data stream. Required is the object $pid and the $dsID of the data stream. Optionally a version 'asOfDateTime' can be provided and a 'validateChecksum' check. See: for more information. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::datastreamProfile model.

  my $obj = $fedora->getDatastream(pid => 'demo:29', dsID => 'DC')->parse_content;
  printf "Label: %s\n" , $obj->{profile}->{dsLabel};

This method returns the version history of a data stream. Required parameters is the $pid of the object and the $dsID of the data stream. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::datastreamHistory model.

  my $obj = $fedora->getDatastreamHistory(pid => 'demo:29', dsID => 'DC')->parse_content;
  for (@{ $obj->{profile} }) {
     printf "Version: %s\n" , $_->{dsCreateDate};

This method generates a new pid. Optionally a 'namespace' can be provided and the required 'numPIDs' you need. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::pidList model.

    my $pid = $fedora->getNextPID()->parse_content->[0];

This method exports the data model of the object in FOXML format. Required is $pid of the object. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object .

   my $res = $fedora->getObjectXML(pid => 'demo:29');
   print $res->raw;

This method returns all RELS-EXT triples for an object. Required parameter is the $pid of the object. Optionally the triples may be filetered using the 'relation' parameter. Format defines the returned format. See: for more information. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::getRelationships model.

 my $obj = $fedora->getRelationships(pid => 'demo:29')->parse_content;
 my $iter = $obj->get_statements();
 print "Names of things:\n";
 while (my $st = $iter->next) {
     my $s = $st->subject;
     my $name = $st->object;
     print "The name of $s is $name\n";

This method ingest an object into Fedora Commons. Required is the $pid of the new object (which can be the string 'new' when Fedora has to generate a new pid), and the $filename or $xml to upload written as $format. Optionally the following parameters can be provided: label, encoding, namespace, ownerId, logMessage. See: for more information. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::ingest model.

  my $obj = $fedora->ingest(pid => 'new', file => 't/', format => 'info:fedora/fedora-system:ATOMZip-1.1')->parse_content;
  printf "created: %s\n" , $obj->{pid};

This method updated a data stream in the object. Required parameters are the object $pid, a new datastream $dsID and a remote $url, a local $file or an $xml string which contains the content. Optionally any of these datastream modifiers may be provided: controlGroup, altIDs, dsLabel, versionable, dsState, formatURI, checksumType, checksum, mimeType, logMessage. See: for more information. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::datastreamProfile model.

   my $obj = $fedora->modifyDatastream(pid => 'demo:29', dsID => 'TEST' , file => 'README', mimeType => 'text/plain')->parse_content;
   print "Uploaded at: %s\n" , $obj->{dateTime};

This method updated the metadata of an object. Required parameter is the $pid of the object. Optionally one or more of label, ownerId, state, logMessage and lastModifiedDate can be provided. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::modifyObject model.

  $fedora->modifyObject(pid => 'demo:29' , state => 'I');

This method purges a data stream from an object. Required parameters is the $pid of the object and the $dsID of the data stream. Optionally a range $startDT to $endDT versions can be provided to be deleted. See: for more information. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::purgeDatastream model.

  $fedora->purgeDatastream(pid => 'demo:29', dsID => 'TEST')->parse_content;

This method purges an object from Fedora Commons. Required parameter is the $pid of the object. Optionally a $logMessage can be provided. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::purgeObject model.

  $fedora->purgeObject(pid => 'demo:29');

This method removes a triple from the RELS-EXT data stream of an object. Required parameters are the $pid of the object and the relation to be deleted. Optionally the $dataType of the literal can be provided. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::purgeRelationship model.

  $fedora->purgeRelationship(pid => 'demo:29' , relation => [ 'info:fedora/demo:29' , '' , 'Peter'])

This method can be used to put a data stream on/offline. Required parameters are the $pid of the object , the $dsID of the data stream and the required new $dsState ((A)ctive, (I)nactive, (D)eleted). This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::datastreamProfile model.

  $fedora->setDatastreamState(pid => 'demo:29' , dsID => 'url' , dsState => 'I');

This method updates the versionable state of a data stream. Required parameters are the $pid of the object, the $dsID of the data stream and the new $versionable (true|false) state. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::datastreamProfile model.

  $fedora->setDatastreamVersionable(pid => 'demo:29' , dsID => 'url' , versionable => 'false');

This method can be used to validate the content of an object. Required parameter is the $pid of the object. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::validate model.

  my $obj = $fedora->validate(pid => 'demo:29')->parse_content;
  print "Is valid: %s\n" , $obj->{valid};

This method uploads a file to the Fedora Server. Required parameter is the $file name. This method returns a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response object with a Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Model::upload- model.

 my $obj = $fedora->upload(file => 't/marc.xml')->parse_content;
 print "Upload id: %s\n" , $obj->{id};

Catmandu::FedoraCommons::Response, Catmandu::Model::findObjects, Catmandu::Model::getObjectHistory, Catmandu::Model::getObjectProfile, Catmandu::Model::listDatastreams, Catmandu::Model::listMethods

Patrick Hochstenbach, "<patrick.hochstenbach at>"

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See <> for more information.

2023-02-05 perl v5.36.0