CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4 - V4 signature
#include <curl/curl.h> CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4, char *param);
Provides AWS V4 signature authentication on HTTP(S) header.
Pass a char * that is the collection of specific arguments are used for creating outgoing authentication headers. The format of the param option is:
NOTE: This call set CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH(3) to CURLAUTH_AWS_SIGV4. Calling CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH(3) with CURLAUTH_AWS_SIGV4 is the same as calling this with "aws:amz" in parameter.
Example with "Test:Try", when curl uses the algorithm, it generates "TEST-HMAC-SHA256" for "Algorithm", "x-try-date" and "X-Try-Date" for "date", "test4_request" for "request type", "SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-try-date" for "signed headers"
If you use just "test", instead of "test:try", test is used for every generated string.
By default, the value of this parameter is NULL. Calling CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH(3) with CURLAUTH_AWS_SIGV4 is the same as calling this with "aws:amz" in parameter.
int main(void) { CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4, "provider1:provider2"); /* service and region can also be set in CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4 */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4, "provider1:provider2:region:service"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "MY_ACCESS_KEY:MY_SECRET_KEY"); curl_easy_perform(curl); } }
Added in 7.75.0
Returns CURLE_OK if the option is supported, and CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION if not.
This option overrides the other auth types you might have set in CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH(3) which should be highlighted as this makes this auth method special. This method cannot be combined with other auth types.
A sha256 checksum of the request payload is used as input to the signature calculation. For POST requests, this is a checksum of the provided CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS(3). Otherwise, it's the checksum of an empty buffer. For requests like PUT, you can provide your own checksum in an HTTP header named x-provider2-content-sha256.
For aws:s3, a x-amz-content-sha256 header is added to every request if not already present. For s3 requests with unknown payload, this header takes the special value "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD".
December 4, 2023 | ibcurl 8.5.0 |