CPANPLUS::Shell::Default(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation CPANPLUS::Shell::Default(3pm)

CPANPLUS::Shell::Default - the default CPANPLUS shell

    ### loading the shell:
    $ cpanp                     # run 'cpanp' from the command line
    $ perl -MCPANPLUS -eshell   # load the shell from the command line
    use CPANPLUS::Shell qw[Default];        # load this shell via the API
                                            # always done via CPANPLUS::Shell
    my $ui = CPANPLUS::Shell->new;
    $ui->shell;                             # run the shell
    $ui->dispatch_on_input( input => 'x');  # update the source using the
                                            # dispatch method
    ### when in the shell:
    ### Note that all commands can also take options.
    ### Look at their underlying CPANPLUS::Backend methods to see
    ### what options those are.
    cpanp> h                 # show help messages
    cpanp> ?                 # show help messages
    cpanp> m Acme            # find acme modules, allows regexes
    cpanp> a KANE            # find modules by kane, allows regexes
    cpanp> f Acme::Foo       # get a list of all releases of Acme::Foo
    cpanp> i Acme::Foo       # install Acme::Foo
    cpanp> i Acme-Foo-1.3    # install version 1.3 of Acme::Foo
    cpanp> i <URI>           # install from URI, like
    cpanp> i <DIR>           # install from an absolute or relative directory
    cpanp> i 1 3..5          # install search results 1, 3, 4 and 5
    cpanp> i *               # install all search results
    cpanp> a KANE; i *;      # find modules by kane, install all results
    cpanp> t Acme::Foo       # test Acme::Foo, without installing it
    cpanp> u Acme::Foo       # uninstall Acme::Foo
    cpanp> d Acme::Foo       # download Acme::Foo
    cpanp> z Acme::Foo       # download & extract Acme::Foo, then open a
                             # shell in the extraction directory
    cpanp> c Acme::Foo       # get a list of test results for Acme::Foo
    cpanp> l Acme::Foo       # view details about the Acme::Foo package
    cpanp> r Acme::Foo       # view Acme::Foo's README file
    cpanp> o                 # get a list of all installed modules that
                             # are out of date
    cpanp> o 1..3            # list uptodateness from a previous search
    cpanp> s conf            # show config settings
    cpanp> s conf md5 1      # enable md5 checks
    cpanp> s program         # show program settings
    cpanp> s edit            # edit config file
    cpanp> s reconfigure     # go through initial configuration again
    cpanp> s selfupdate      # update your CPANPLUS install
    cpanp> s save            # save config to disk
    cpanp> s mirrors         # show currently selected mirrors
    cpanp> ! [PERL CODE]     # execute the following perl code
    cpanp> b                 # create an autobundle for this computers
                             # perl installation
    cpanp> x                 # reload index files (purges cache)
    cpanp> x --update_source # reload index files, get fresh source files
    cpanp> p [FILE]          # print error stack (to a file)
    cpanp> v                 # show the banner
    cpanp> w                 # show last search results again
    cpanp> q                 # quit the shell
    cpanp> e                 # exit the shell and reload
    cpanp> /plugins          # list available plugins
    cpanp> /? PLUGIN         # list help test of <PLUGIN>
    ### common options:
    cpanp> i ... --skiptest # skip tests
    cpanp> i ... --force    # force all operations
    cpanp> i ... --verbose  # run in verbose mode

This module provides the default user interface to "CPANPLUS". You can start it via the "cpanp" binary, or as detailed in the SYNOPSIS.

Please report bugs or other issues to <<gt>.

This module by Jos Boumans <>.

The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c) 2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans <>. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

CPANPLUS::Shell::Classic, CPANPLUS::Shell, cpanp

2021-11-24 perl v5.32.1