CGI::FormBuilder::Util(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | CGI::FormBuilder::Util(3pm) |
CGI::FormBuilder::Util - Utility functions for FormBuilder
use CGI::FormBuilder::Util; belch "Badness"; puke "Egads"; debug 2, "Debug message for level 2";
This module exports some common utility functions for FormBuilder. These functions are intended for internal use, however I must admit that, from time to time, I just import this module and use some of the routines directly (like "htmltag()" to generate HTML).
These can be used directly and are somewhat useful. Don't tell anyone I said that, though.
This prints out the given string only if $DEBUG is greater than the $level specified. For example:
$CGI::FormBuilder::Util::DEBUG = 1; debug 1, "this is printed"; debug 2, "but not this one";
A newline is automatically included, so don't provide one of your own.
A modified "warn" that prints out a better message with a newline added.
A modified "die" that prints out a useful message.
Returns a properly escaped string suitable for including in URL params.
Returns an HTML-escaped string suitable for embedding in HTML tags.
Returns a string suitable for including in JavaScript. Minimal processing.
This generates an XHTML-compliant tag for the name $name based on the %attr specified. For example:
my $table = htmltag('table', cellpadding => 1, border => 0);
No routines are provided to close tags; you must manually print a closing "</table>" tag.
This cleans any internal FormBuilder attributes from the specified tag. It is automatically called by "htmltag()".
This is responsible for the auto-naming functionality of FormBuilder. Since you know Perl, it's easiest to just show what it does:
$name =~ s!\.\w+$!!; # lose trailing ".suf" $name =~ s![^a-zA-Z0-9.-/]+! !g; # strip non-alpha chars $name =~ s!\b(\w)!\u$1!g; # convert _ to space/upper
This results in something like "" becoming "Cgi Script".
Turns a string into a variable name. Basically just strips "\W", and prefixes "fb_" on the front of it.
Returns true if $el is in @array
These are totally useless outside of FormBuilder internals.
This dereferences $ref and returns the underlying data. For example:
%hash = autodata($hashref); @array = autodata($arrayref);
This returns a hash of options passed into a sub:
sub field { my $self = shift; my %opt = arghash(@_); }
It will return a hashref in scalar context.
This returns a list of args passed into a sub:
sub value { my $self = shift; $self->{value} = arglist(@_);
It will return an arrayref in scalar context.
A simple sub that returns 4 spaces x $num. Used to indent code.
This returns the options specified as an array of arrayrefs, which is what FormBuilder expects internally.
This sorts and returns the options based on $sortref. It expects @opt to be in the format returned by "optalign()". The $sortref spec can be the string "NAME", "NUM", or a reference to a &sub which takes pairs of values to compare.
This takes one of the elements of @opt and returns it split up. Useless outside of FormBuilder.
Rearranges arguments designed to be per-field from the global inheritor.
Returns the script name or $0 hacked up to the first dir
$Id: 100 2007-03-02 18:13:13Z nwiger $
Copyright (c) Nate Wiger <>. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you may copy this under the terms of the GNU General Public License, or the Artistic License, copies of which should have accompanied your Perl kit.
2022-10-15 | perl v5.36.0 |