CAM::PDF::GS::NoText - PDF graphic state
use CAM::PDF;
my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new($filename);
my $contentTree = $pdf->getPageContentTree(4);
my $gs = $contentTree->computeGS(1);
This class is used to represent the graphic state at a point in
the rendering flow of a PDF page. This does not include the graphics state
for text blocks. That functionality is in the subclass, CAM::PDF::GS.
- $pkg->new($hashref)
- Create a new instance, setting all state values to their defaults. Stores
a reference to $hashref and sets the property
"$hashref-"{fm}> to
- $self->clone()
- Duplicate the instance.
- $self->applyMatrix($m1, $m2)
- Apply $m1 to $m2, save in
- $self->dot($matrix, $x, $y)
- Compute the dot product of a position against the coordinate matrix.
- $self->userToDevice($x, $y)
- Convert user coordinates to device coordinates.
- $self->getCoords($node)
- Computes device coordinates for the specified node. This implementation
handles line-drawing nodes.
- $self->nodeType($node)
- Returns one of "block",
"text" or (the fallback case)
"op" for the type of the specified
- $self->i($flatness)
- $self->j($linejoin)
- $self->J($linecap)
- $self->ri($rendering_intent)
- $self->Tc($charspace)
- $self->TL($leading)
- $self->Tr($rendering_mode)
- $self->Ts($rise)
- $self->Tw($wordspace)
- $self->w($linewidth)
- $self->g($gray)
- $self->G($gray)
- $self->rg($red, $green, $blue)
- $self->RG($red, $green, $blue)
- $self->k($cyan, $magenta, $yellow, $black)
- $self->K($cyan, $magenta, $yellow, $black)
- $self->gs()
- (Not implemented...)
- $self->cm M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6
- $self->d($arrayref, $scalar)
- $self->m($x, $y)
- Move path.
- $self->l($x, $y)
- Line path.
- $self->h()
- $self->c($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
- $self->v($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
- $self->y($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
- $self->re($x, $y, $width, $height)
- Rectangle path.