Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::Neighbor(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::Neighbor(3pm)

Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::Neighbor - Wrapper for the phylip program neighbor by Joseph Felsenstein for creating a phylogenetic tree(either through Neighbor or UPGMA) based on protein distances based on amino substitution rate.

14 Nov 2002 Shawn Works with Phylip version 3.6

  #Create a SimpleAlign object
  @params = ('ktuple' => 2, 'matrix' => 'BLOSUM');
  $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Clustalw->new(@params);
  $inputfilename = 't/data/cysprot.fa';
  $aln = $factory->run($inputfilename); # $aln is a SimpleAlign object.
  # Create the Distance Matrix
  # using a default PAM matrix and id name lengths limit of 30 note to
  # use id name length greater than the standard 10 in neighbor, you
  # will need to modify the neighbor source code
  $protdist_factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::ProtDist->new(@params);
  my $matrix  = $protdist_factory->run($aln);
  #Create the tree passing in the distance matrix
  @params = ('type'=>'NJ','outgroup'=>2,'lowtri'=>1,
  my $neighbor_factory = 
  #you can set your outgroup using either a number specifying
  #the rank in the matrix or you can just use the name of the
  my ($tree) = $neighbor_factory->run($matrix);
  # Alternatively, one can create the tree by passing in a file name 
  # containing a phylip formatted distance matrix(using protdist)
  my $neighbor_factory = 
  my ($tree) = $neighbor_factory->run('/home/shawnh/prot.dist');
  # To prevent PHYLIP from truncating sequence names:
  # Step 1. Shelf the original names:
    my ($aln_safe, $ref_name)=                    #   $aln_safe has serial names
               $aln->set_displayname_safe();      #   $ref_name holds original names
  # Step 2. Run ProtDist and Neighbor:
    $matrix  = $protdist_factory->
                creat_distance_matrix($aln_safe); #  Use $aln_safe instead of $aln
    $tree = $neighbor_factory->run($matrix);
  # Step 3. Retrieve orgininal OTU names:
    use Bio::Tree::Tree;
    my @nodes=$tree->get_nodes();
    foreach my $nd (@nodes){
       $nd->id($ref_name->{$nd->id_output}) if $nd->is_Leaf;


  Title         : TYPE
  Description   : (optional)
                  This sets the type of tree to construct, using
                  neighbor joining or UPGMA.
                  NJ    Neighbor Joining
                  UPGMA UPGMA
  Usage         : @params = ('type'=>'X');#where X is one of the values above
                  Defaults to NJ 
                  For more information on the usage of the different
                  models, please refer to the documentation found in
                  the phylip package.


  Title         : OUTGROUP 
  Description   : (optional)
                  This option selects the species to be used as the outgroup
  Acceptable Values: integer 
  Usage         : @params = ('outgroup'=>'X'); 
                  where X is an positive integer not more than the 
                  number of sequences 
                  Defaults to 1


  Title         : LOWTRI
  Description   : (optional)
                  This indicates that the distance matrix is 
                  input  in  Lower-triangular form  (the  lower-left 
                  half of the distance matrix only, without the zero 
                  diagonal elements)
  Usage         : @params = ('lowtri'=>'X'); where X is either 1 or 0 
                  Defaults to 0


  Title         : UPPTRI 
  Description   : (optional)
                  This indicates that the distance matrix is input  in  
                  upper-triangular form  (the  upper-right half of the 
                  distance matrix only, without the zero diagonal elements.)
Usage           : @params = ('upptri'=>'X'); where X is either 1 or 0 
                  Defaults to 0


  Title         : SUBREP 
  Description   : (optional)
                  This is the Subreplication option.  
                  It informs the program that after each distance will
                  be provided an integer indicating that the distance
                  is a mean of that many replicates.
  Usage         : @params = ('subrep'=>'X'); where X is either 1 or 0 
                  Defaults to 0


  Title        : JUMBLE 
  Description  : (optional)
                 This enables you to tell the program to use a random
                 number generator to choose the input order of
                 species.  seed: an integer between 1 and 32767 and of
                 the form 4n+1 which means that it must give a
                 remainder of 1 when divided by 4.  Each different
                 seed leads to a different sequence of addition of
                 species.  By simply changing the random number seed
                 and re-running programs one can look for other, and
                 better trees.  iterations:
  Usage        : @params = ('jumble'=>'17); where 17 is the random seed
                 Defaults to no jumble

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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

 Title   : program_name
 Usage   : >program_name()
 Function: holds the program name
 Returns:  string
 Args    : None

 Title   : program_dir
 Usage   : ->program_dir()
 Function: returns the program directory, obtained from ENV variable.
 Returns:  string
 Args    :

 Title   : idlength 
 Usage   : $obj->idlength ($newval)
 Returns : value of idlength 
 Args    : newvalue (optional)

 Title   : run 
 Usage   :
        $inputfilename = 't/data/prot.dist';
        $tree = $neighborfactory->run($inputfilename);
        $protdist_factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Phylo::Phylip::ProtDist->new(@params);
        $matrix  = $protdist_factory->create_distance_matrix($aln);
        $tree= $neighborfactory->run($matrix);
 Function: a Bio:Tree from a protein distance matrix created by protidst 
 Example :
 Returns : Bio::Tree 
 Args    : Name of a file containing a protein distance matrix in Phylip format
           or a hash ref to a matrix 
 Throws an exception if argument is not either a string (eg a
 filename) or a Hash. If argument is string, throws exception 
 if file corresponding to string name can not be found.

 Title   : create_tree
 Usage   : my $file = $app->create_tree($treefile);
 Function: This method is deprecated. Please use run method. 
 Returns : File containing the rendered tree 
 Args    : either a Bio::Tree::TreeI 
           filename of a tree in newick format

 Title   :  _run
 Usage   :  Internal function, not to be called directly        
 Function:   makes actual system call to neighbor program
 Example :
 Returns : Bio::Tree object
 Args    : Name of a file containing protein distances in Phylip format 
           and a parameter string to be passed to neighbor


 Title   : _setinput
 Usage   : Internal function, not to be called directly 
 Function: Create input file for neighbor program
 Example :
 Returns : name of file containing the protein distance matrix in Phylip format 
 Args    : name of file created by protdist or ref to hash created by 


 Title   :  names
 Usage   :  $tree->names(\%names)
 Function:  get/set for a hash ref for storing names in matrix
            with rank as values.
 Example :
 Returns : hash reference 
 Args    : hash reference


 Title   :  _setparams
 Usage   :  Internal function, not to be called directly        
 Function:   Create parameter inputs for neighbor program
 Example :
 Returns : parameter string to be passed to neighbor
 Args    : name of calling object

 Title   : outfile
 Usage   : $obj->outfile($newval)
 Function: Get/Set default PHYLIP outfile name ('outfile' usually)
 Returns : value of outfile
 Args    : newvalue (optional)

 Title   : treefile
 Usage   : $obj->treefile($newval)
 Function: Get/Set the default PHYLIP treefile name ('treefile' usually)
 Returns : value of treefile
 Args    : newvalue (optional)
2023-01-22 perl v5.36.0