Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::Result(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::Result(3pm) |
Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::Result - A PAML result set object
version 1.7.3
# see Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML for example usage use Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML; my $parser = Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML->new (-file => "./results/mlc", -dir => "./results/"); # get the first/next result; a Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::Result object, # which isa Bio::SeqAnalysisResultI object. my $result = $parser->next_result(); my @seqs = $result->get_seqs; my %input_params = $result->get_input_parameters; my @basfreq = $result->get_codon_pos_basefreq; my $MLmatrix = $result->get_MLmatrix; # get MaxLikelihood Matrix my $NGmatrix = $result->get_NGmatrix; # get Nei-Gojoburi Matrix # for AAML runs my $AAmatrix = $result->get_AADistMatrix; my $AAMLmatrix = $result->get_AAMLDistMatrix; # if -dir contains an rst file get list of # Bio::PrimarySeq ancestral state reconstructions of the sequences my @rsts = $result->get_rst_seqs; # if you want to print the changes on the tree # this will print out the # anc_aa => ANCESTRAL AMINO ACID # anc_prob => ANCESTRAL AA PROBABILITY # derived_aa => DERIVED AA # derived_prob => DERIVE AA PROBABILITY (where appropriate - NA for extant/tip taxas) # site => which codon site this in the alignment @trees = $result->get_rst_trees; for my $t ( @trees ) { for my $node ( $t->get_nodes ) { next unless $node->ancestor; # skip root node my @changes = $node->get_tag_values('changes'); my $chgstr = ''; for my $c ( @changes ) { for my $k ( sort keys %$c ) { $chgstr .= "$k => $c->{$k} "; } $chgstr .= "\n\t"; } printf "node:%s n=%s s=%s\n\t%s\n", $node->id, $node->get_tag_values('n'), $node->get_tag_values('s'), $chgstr; } } # Persite probabilities my $persite = $result->get_rst_persite; # let's score site 1 $site = $persite->[2]; # so site 2, node 2 (extant node, node 2) print $site->[2]->{'codon'}, ' ',$site->[2]->{'aa'},"\n"; # site 2, node 3 print $site->[3]->{'codon'}, ' ',$site->[3]->{'aa'}, "\n"; # ancestral node 9, codon, aa, marginal probabilities; Yang95 is listed as # (eqn. 4 in Yang et al. 1995 Genetics 141:1641-1650) in PAML rst file. print $site->[9]->{'codon'}, ' ',$site->[9]->{'aa'}, ' ', $site->[9]->{'prob'}, ' ', $site->[9]->{'Yang95_aa'},' ', $site->[9]->{'Yang95_aa_prob'},"\n";
This is a container object for PAML Results.
Title : new Usage : my $obj = Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::Result->new(%data); Function: Builds a new Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::Result object Returns : Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::Result Args : -trees => array reference of Bio::Tree::TreeI objects -MLmatrix => ML matrix -seqs => array reference of Bio::PrimarySeqI objects -codonpos => array reference of codon positions -codonfreq => array reference of codon frequencies -version => version string -model => model string -patterns => hashref with the fields '-patterns', '-ns', '-ls' -stats => array ref of misc stats (optional) -aafreq => Hashref of AA frequencies (only for AAML) -aadistmat => Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist (only for AAML) -aamldistmat => Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist (only for pairwise AAML) -ntfreq => array ref of NT frequencies (only for BASEML) -seqfile => seqfile used -kappa_mat => Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist of kappa values (only for BASEML) -alpha_mat => Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist of alpha values (only for BASEML) -NSSitesresult => arrayref of PAML::ModelResult -input_params => input params from .ctl file -rst => array reference of Bio::PrimarySeqI objects of ancestral state reconstruction -rst_persite=> arrayref of persite data, this is a complicated set of AoH -rst_trees => rst trees with changes coded on the tree
See Also: Bio::Tree::TreeI, Bio::PrimarySeqI, Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist, Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML
Title : next_tree Usage : my $tree = $factory->next_tree; Function: Get the next tree from the factory Returns : L<Bio::Tree::TreeI> Args : none
Title : get_trees Usage : my @trees = $result->get_trees; Function: Get all the parsed trees as an array Returns : Array of trees Args : none
Title : rewind_tree_iterator Usage : $result->rewind_tree_iterator() Function: Rewinds the tree iterator so that next_tree can be called again from the beginning Returns : none Args : none
Title : add_tree Usage : $result->add_tree($tree); Function: Adds a tree Returns : integer which is the number of trees stored Args : L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>
Title : set_MLmatrix Usage : $result->set_MLmatrix($mat) Function: Set the ML Matrix Returns : none Args : Arrayref to MLmatrix (must be arrayref to 2D matrix whic is lower triangle pairwise)
Title : get_MLmatrix Usage : my $mat = $result->get_MLmatrix() Function: Get the ML matrix Returns : 2D Array reference Args : none
Title : set_NGmatrix Usage : $result->set_NGmatrix($mat) Function: Set the Nei & Gojobori Matrix Returns : none Args : Arrayref to NGmatrix (must be arrayref to 2D matrix whic is lower triangle pairwise)
Title : get_NGmatrix Usage : my $mat = $result->get_NGmatrix() Function: Get the Nei & Gojobori matrix Returns : 2D Array reference Args : none
Title : add_seq Usage : $obj->add_seq($seq) Function: Add a Bio::PrimarySeq to the Result Returns : none Args : Bio::PrimarySeqI See also : L<Bio::PrimarySeqI>
Title : reset_seqs Usage : $result->reset_seqs Function: Reset the OTU seqs stored Returns : none Args : none
Title : get_seqs Usage : my @otus = $result->get_seqs Function: Get the seqs Bio::PrimarySeq (OTU = Operational Taxonomic Unit) Returns : Array of Bio::PrimarySeq Args : None See also : L<Bio::PrimarySeq>
Title : set_codon_pos_basefreq Usage : $result->set_codon_pos_basefreq(@freqs) Function: Set the codon position base frequencies Returns : none Args : Array of length 3 where each slot has a hashref keyed on DNA base
Title : get_codon_pos_basefreq Usage : my @basepos = $result->get_codon_pos_basefreq; Function: Get the codon position base frequencies Returns : Array of length 3 (each codon position), each slot is a hashref keyed on DNA bases, the values are the frequency of the base at that position for all sequences Args : none Note : The array starts at 0 so position '1' is in position '0' of the array
Title : version Usage : $obj->version($newval) Function: Get/Set version Returns : value of version Args : newvalue (optional)
Title : seqfile Usage : $obj->seqfile($newval) Function: Get/Set seqfile Returns : value of seqfile Args : newvalue (optional)
Title : model Usage : $obj->model($newval) Function: Get/Set model Returns : value of model Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
Title : patterns Usage : $obj->patterns($newval) Function: Get/Set Patterns hash Returns : Hashref of pattern data Args : [optional] Hashref of patterns : The hashref is typically : { -patterns => \@arrayref : -ns => $ns : -ls => $ls : }
Title : set_AAFreqs Usage : $result->set_AAFreqs(\%aafreqs); Function: Get/Set AA freqs Returns : none Args : Hashref, keys are the sequence names, each points to a hashref which in turn has keys which are the amino acids
Title : get_AAFreqs Usage : my %all_aa_freqs = $result->get_AAFreqs() OR my %seq_aa_freqs = $result->get_AAFreqs($seqname) Function: Get the AA freqs, either for every sequence or just for a specific sequence The average aa freqs for the entire set are also available for the sequence named 'Average' Returns : Hashref Args : (optional) sequence name to retrieve aa freqs for
Title : set_NTFreqs Usage : $result->set_NTFreqs(\%aafreqs); Function: Get/Set NT freqs Returns : none Args : Hashref, keys are the sequence names, each points to a hashref which in turn has keys which are the amino acids
Title : get_NTFreqs Usage : my %all_nt_freqs = $result->get_NTFreqs() OR my %seq_nt_freqs = $result->get_NTFreqs($seqname) Function: Get the NT freqs, either for every sequence or just for a specific sequence The average nt freqs for the entire set are also available for the sequence named 'Average' Returns : Hashref Args : (optional) sequence name to retrieve nt freqs for
Title : add_stat Usage : $result->add_stat($stat,$value); Function: Add some misc stat valuess (key/value pairs) Returns : none Args : $stat stat name $value stat value
Title : get_stat Usage : my $value = $result->get_stat($name); Function: Get the value for a stat of a given name Returns : scalar value Args : name of the stat
Title : get_stat_names Usage : my @names = $result->get_stat_names; Function: Get the stat names stored for the result Returns : array of names Args : none
Title : get_AADistMatrix Usage : my $mat = $obj->get_AADistMatrix() Function: Get AADistance Matrix Returns : value of AADistMatrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist) Args : none
Title : set_AADistMatrix Usage : $obj->set_AADistMatrix($mat); Function: Set the AADistrance Matrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist) Returns : none Args : AADistrance Matrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist)
Title : get_AAMLDistMatrix Usage : my $mat = $obj->get_AAMLDistMatrix() Function: Get AAMLDistance Matrix Returns : value of AAMLDistMatrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist) Args : none
Title : set_AAMLDistMatrix Usage : $obj->set_AAMLDistMatrix($mat); Function: Set the AA ML Distrance Matrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist) Returns : none Args : AAMLDistrance Matrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist)
Title : add_NSSite_result Usage : $result->add_NSSite_result($model) Function: Add a NSsite result (PAML::ModelResult) Returns : none Args : Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::ModelResult
Title : get_NSSite_results Usage : my @results = @{$self->get_NSSite_results}; Function: Get the reference to the array of NSSite_results Returns : Array of PAML::ModelResult results Args : none
Title : set_CodonFreqs Usage : $obj->set_CodonFreqs($newval) Function: Get/Set the Codon Frequence table Returns : value of set_CodonFreqs (a scalar) Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
Title : get_CodonFreqs Usage : my @codon_freqs = $result->get_CodonFreqs() Function: Get the Codon freqs Returns : Array Args : none
Title : get_KappaMatrix Usage : my $mat = $obj->get_KappaMatrix() Function: Get KappaDistance Matrix Returns : value of KappaMatrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist) Args : none
Title : set_KappaMatrix Usage : $obj->set_KappaMatrix($mat); Function: Set the KappaDistrance Matrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist) Returns : none Args : KappaDistrance Matrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist)
Title : get_AlphaMatrix Usage : my $mat = $obj->get_AlphaMatrix() Function: Get AlphaDistance Matrix Returns : value of AlphaMatrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist) Args : none
Title : set_AlphaMatrix Usage : $obj->set_AlphaMatrix($mat); Function: Set the AlphaDistrance Matrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist) Returns : none Args : AlphaDistrance Matrix (Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist)
Title : set_input_parameter Usage : $obj->set_input_parameter($p,$vl); Function: Set an Input Parameter Returns : none Args : $parameter and $value
Title : get_input_parameters Usage : $obj->get_input_parameters; Function: Get Input Parameters Returns : Hash of key/value pairs Args : none
Title : reset_input_parameters Usage : $obj->reset_input_parameters; Function: Reset the Input Parameters hash Returns : none Args : none
Title : add_rst_seq Usage : $obj->add_rst_seq($seq) Function: Add a Bio::PrimarySeq to the RST Result Returns : none Args : Bio::PrimarySeqI See also : L<Bio::PrimarySeqI>
Title : reset_rst_seqs Usage : $result->reset_rst_seqs Function: Reset the RST seqs stored Returns : none Args : none
Title : get_rst_seqs Usage : my @otus = $result->get_rst_seqs Function: Get the seqs Bio::PrimarySeq Returns : Array of Bio::PrimarySeqI objects Args : None See also : L<Bio::PrimarySeq>
Title : add_rst_tree Usage : $obj->add_rst_tree($tree) Function: Add a Bio::Tree::TreeI to the RST Result Returns : none Args : Bio::Tree::TreeI See also : L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>
Title : reset_rst_trees Usage : $result->reset_rst_trees Function: Reset the RST trees stored Returns : none Args : none
Title : get_rst_trees Usage : my @otus = $result->get_rst_trees Function: Get the trees Bio::Tree::TreeI Returns : Array of Bio::Tree::TreeI objects Args : None See also : L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>
Title : set_rst_persite Usage : $obj->set_rst_persite($newval) Function: Get/Set the per-site RST values Returns : value of set_rst_persite (a scalar) Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
Title : get_rst_persite Usage : my @rst_persite = @{$result->get_rst_persite()} Function: Get the per-site RST values Returns : Array Args : none
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Jason Stajich <>
Aaron Mackey <>
Albert Vilella <>
This software is copyright (c) by Jason Stajich <>, and by Aaron Mackey <>.
This software is available under the same terms as the perl 5 programming language system itself.
2022-10-14 | perl v5.36.0 |