Bio::Tools::Eponine(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Bio::Tools::Eponine(3pm)

Bio::Tools::Eponine - Results of one Eponine run

 use Bio::Tools::Eponine;
 use strict;
    my $seq = "/data/seq.fa";
    my $threshold  = "0.999";
    my @params = ( -seq => $seq,
                   -threshold => $threshold);
   my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Eponine->new(@params);
     # run eponine against fasta 
        my $r = $factory->run_eponine($seq);
        my $parser = Bio::Tools::Eponine->new($r);
       while (my $feat = $parser->next_prediction){
                #$feat contains array of SeqFeature
               foreach my $orf($feat) {
                   print $orf->seq_id. "\n";

Parser for Eponine, a probabilistic transcription start site detector optimized for mammalian genomic sequence. This module inherits off Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult and therefore implements Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI (see Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult and Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI).

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rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible.

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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

 Usage     : $mzef->analysis_method();
 Purpose   : Inherited method. Overridden to ensure that the name matches
 Returns   : String
 Argument  : n/a

 Title   : next_feature
 Usage   : while($gene = $mzef->next_feature()) {
                  # do something
 Function: Returns the next gene structure prediction of the MZEF result
           file. Call this method repeatedly until FALSE is returned.
           The returned object is actually a SeqFeatureI implementing object.
           This method is required for classes implementing the
           SeqAnalysisParserI interface, and is merely an alias for 
           next_prediction() at present.
           Note that with the present version of MZEF there will only be one
           object returned, because MZEF does not predict individual genes
           but just potential internal exons.
 Example :
 Returns : A Bio::Tools::Prediction::Gene object.
 Args    :

 Title   : next_prediction
 Usage   : while($gene = $mzef->next_prediction()) {
                  # do something
 Function: Returns the next gene structure prediction of the MZEF result
           file. Call this method repeatedly until FALSE is returned.
           Note that with the present version of MZEF there will only be one
           object returned, because MZEF does not predict individual genes
           but just potential internal exons.
 Example :
 Returns : A Bio::Tools::Prediction::Gene object.
 Args    :

 Title   : _parse_predictions()
 Usage   : $obj->_parse_predictions()
 Function: Parses the prediction section. Automatically called by
           next_prediction() if not yet done.
 Example :
 Returns :

    Title   :   create_feature
    Usage   :   obj->create_feature($feature)
    Function:   Returns an array of features
    Returns :   Returns an array of features
    Args    :   none

 Title   : _prediction()
 Usage   : $gene = $obj->_prediction()
 Function: internal
 Example :
 Returns :

 Title   : _predictions_parsed
 Usage   : $obj->_predictions_parsed
 Function: internal
 Example :
 Returns : TRUE or FALSE
2021-08-15 perl v5.32.1