Bio::SeqIO::game::gameSubs(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Bio::SeqIO::game::gameSubs(3pm)

Bio::SeqIO::game::gameSubs -- a base class for game-XML parsing

Not used directly

A bag of tricks for game-XML parsing. The PerlSAX handler methods were stolen from Chris Mungall's XML base class, which he stole from Ken MacLeod's XML::Handler::Subs

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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

 Title   : new
 Usage   : not used directly
 Returns : a gameHandler object
 Args    : an XML filename

 Title   : go
 Usage   : not used directly
 Function: starts PerlSAX XML parsing

 Title   : start_document
 Usage   : not used directly

 Title   : end_document
 Usage   : not used directly

 Title   : start_element
 Usage   : not used directly

 Title   : end_element
 Usage   : not used directly

 Title   : characters
 Usage   : not used directly

 Title   : strip_characters
 Usage   : not used directly
 Function: cleans up XML element contents

 Title   : curr_element
 Usage   : not used directly
 Function: returns the currently open element

 Title   : flush
 Usage   : $self->flush($element) # or $element->flush
 Function: prune a branch from the XML tree
 Returns : true if successful
 Args    : an element object (optional)

 Title   : complain
 Usage   : $self->complain("This is terrible; I am not happy")
 Function: throw a non-fatal warning, formats message for pretty-printing
 Returns : nothing
 Args    : a list of strings

 Title   : dbxref
 Usage   : $self->db_xref($el, $tags) 
 Function: an internal method to flatten dbxref elements
 Returns : the db_xref (eg wormbase:C02D5.1)
 Args    : an element object (reqd) and a hash ref of tag/values (optional)

 Title   : comment
 Usage   : $self->comment($comment_element)
 Function: a method to flatten comment elements
 Returns : a string
 Args    : an comment element (reqd) and a hash ref of tag/values (optional)
 Note    : The hope here is that we can unflatten structured comments
           in game-derived annotations happen to make a return trip

 Title   : property
 Usage   : $self->property($property_element)
 Function: an internal method to flatten property elements
 Returns : a hash reference
 Args    : an property/output element (reqd) and a hash ref of tag/values (optional)
 Note: This method is aliased to 'output' to handle structurally identical output elements

 Title   : evidence
 Usage   : $self->evidence($evidence_element)
 Function: a method to flatten evidence elements
 Returns : a string
 Args    : an evidence element

 Title   : date
 Usage   : $self->date($date_element)
 Function: a method to flatten date elements
 Returns : true if successful
 Args    : a date element

 Title   : protein_id
 Usage   : $pid = $self->protein_id($cds, $standard_name)
 Function: a method to search for a protein name
 Returns : a string
 Args    : the CDS object plus the transcript\'s 'standard_name'
2021-08-15 perl v5.32.1