Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder(3pm)

Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder - Event Handler for SearchIO events.

  # Do not use this object directly, this object is part of the SearchIO
  # event based parsing system.
  # to use the FastHitEventBuilder do this
  use Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder;
  my $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => $format, -file => $file);
  while( my $r = $searchio->next_result ) {
   while( my $h = $r->next_hit ) {
    # note that Hits will NOT have HSPs

This object handles Search Events generated by the SearchIO classes and build appropriate Bio::Search::* objects from them. This object is intended for lightweight parsers which only want Hits and not deal with the overhead of HSPs. It is a lot faster than the standard parser event handler but of course you are getting less information and less objects out.

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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

 Title   : new
 Usage   : my $obj = Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder->new();
 Function: Builds a new Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder object 
 Returns : Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder
 Args    : -hit_factory    => Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI
           -result_factory => Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI

See Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI for more information

 Title   : will_handle
 Usage   : if( $handler->will_handle($event_type) ) { ... }
 Function: Tests if this event builder knows how to process a specific event
 Returns : boolean
 Args    : event type name

SAX methods

 Title   : start_result
 Usage   : $handler->start_result($resulttype)
 Function: Begins a result event cycle
 Returns : none 
 Args    : Type of Report

 Title   : end_result
 Usage   : my @results = $parser->end_result
 Function: Finishes a result handler cycle Returns : A Bio::Search::Result::ResultI
 Args    : none

 Title   : start_hit
 Usage   : $handler->start_hit()
 Function: Starts a Hit event cycle
 Returns : none
 Args    : type of event and associated hashref

 Title   : end_hit
 Usage   : $handler->end_hit()
 Function: Ends a Hit event cycle
 Returns : Bio::Search::Hit::HitI object
 Args    : type of event and associated hashref

 Title   : register_factory
 Usage   : $handler->register_factory('TYPE',$factory);
 Function: Register a specific factory for a object type class
 Returns : none
 Args    : string representing the class and

See Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI for more information

 Title   : factory
 Usage   : my $f = $handler->factory('TYPE');
 Function: Retrieves the associated factory for requested 'TYPE'
 Returns : a Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI or undef if none registered
 Args    : name of factory class to retrieve

See Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI for more information

See Bio::SearchIO::blast::inclusion_threshold.

2021-08-15 perl v5.32.1