Bio::Ontology::Term(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Bio::Ontology::Term(3pm)

Bio::Ontology::Term - implementation of the interface for ontology terms

#get Bio::Ontology::TermI somehow.

  print $term->identifier(), "\n";
  print $term->name(), "\n";
  print $term->definition(), "\n";
  print $term->is_obsolete(), "\n";
  print $term->comment(), "\n";
  foreach my $synonym ( $term->each_synonym() ) {
      print $synonym, "\n";

This is a simple implementation for ontology terms providing basic methods (it provides no functionality related to graphs). It implements the Bio::Ontology::TermI interface.

This class also implements Bio::IdentifiableI and Bio::DescribableI.

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rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and data examples if at all possible.

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Christian M. Zmasek

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  Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
  10675 John Jay Hopkins Drive
  San Diego, CA 92121

The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.

 Title   : new
 Usage   : $term = Bio::Ontology::Term->new(
                -identifier  => "16847",
                -name        => "1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase",
                -definition  => "Catalysis of ...",
                -is_obsolete => 0,
                -comment     => "" );
 Function: Creates a new Bio::Ontology::Term.
 Returns : A new Bio::Ontology::Term object.
 Args    : -identifier            => the identifier of this term [scalar]
           -name                  => the name of this term [scalar]
           -definition            => the definition of this term [scalar]
           -ontology              => the ontology this term lives in
                                     (a Bio::Ontology::OntologyI object)
           -version               => version information [scalar]
           -is_obsolete           => the obsoleteness of this term [0 or 1]
           -comment               => a comment [scalar]
           -dblinks               => Bio::Annotation::DBLink objects
                                     [reference to array]
           -references            => Bio::Annotation::Reference objects
                                     [reference to array]

See Bio::Ontology::OntologyI, Bio::Annotation::Reference, Bio::Annotation::DBLink.

 Title   : identifier
 Usage   : $term->identifier( "GO:0003947" );
           print $term->identifier();
 Function: Set/get for the identifier of this Term.
 Returns : The identifier [scalar].
 Args    : The identifier [scalar] (optional).

 Title   : name
 Usage   : $term->name( "N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase" );
           print $term->name();
 Function: Set/get for the name of this Term.
 Returns : The name [scalar].
 Args    : The name [scalar] (optional).

 Title   : definition
 Usage   : $term->definition( "Catalysis of ..." );
           print $term->definition();
 Function: Set/get for the definition of this Term.
 Returns : The definition [scalar].
 Args    : The definition [scalar] (optional).

 Title   : ontology
 Usage   : $ont = $term->ontology();
           $term->ontology( $ont );
 Function: Get the ontology this term is in.
           Note that with the ontology in hand you can query for all
           related terms etc.
 Returns : The ontology of this Term as a Bio::Ontology::OntologyI
           implementing object.
 Args    : On set, the  ontology of this Term as a Bio::Ontology::OntologyI
           implementing object or a string representing its name.

See Bio::Ontology::OntologyI.

 Title   : version
 Usage   : $term->version( "1.00" );
           print $term->version();
 Function: Set/get for version information.
 Returns : The version [scalar].
 Args    : The version [scalar] (optional).

 Title   : is_obsolete
 Usage   : $term->is_obsolete( 1 );
           if ( $term->is_obsolete() )
 Function: Set/get for the obsoleteness of this Term.
 Returns : the obsoleteness [0 or 1].
 Args    : the obsoleteness [0 or 1] (optional).

 Title   : comment
 Usage   : $term->comment( "Consider the term ..." );
           print $term->comment();
 Function: Set/get for an arbitrary comment about this Term.
 Returns : A comment.
 Args    : A comment (optional).

 Title   : get_synonyms
 Usage   : @aliases = $term->get_synonyms;
 Function: Returns a list of aliases of this Term.
 Returns : A list of aliases [array of [scalar]].
 Args    :

 Title   : add_synonym
 Usage   : $term->add_synonym( @asynonyms );
           $term->add_synonym( $synonym );
 Function: Pushes one or more synonyms into the list of synonyms.
 Returns :
 Args    : One synonym [scalar] or a list of synonyms [array of [scalar]].

 Title   : remove_synonyms()
 Usage   : $term->remove_synonyms();
 Function: Deletes (and returns) the synonyms of this Term.
 Returns : A list of synonyms [array of [scalar]].
 Args    :
 Title   : get_dblinks()
 Usage   : @ds = $term->get_dblinks();
 Function: Returns a list of each dblinks of this GO term.
 Returns : A list of dblinks [array of [scalars]].
 Args    : A scalar indicating the context (optional).
           If omitted, all dblinks will be returned.
 Note    : deprecated method due to past use of mixed data types; use
           get_dbxrefs() instead, which handles both strings and DBLink

 Title   : get_dbxrefs()
 Usage   : @ds = $term->get_dbxrefs();
 Function: Returns a list of each link for this term.
           If an implementor of this interface permits modification of
           this array property, the class should define at least
           methods add_dbxref() and remove_dbxrefs(), with obvious
 Returns : A list of L<Bio::Annotation::DBLink> instances
 Args    : [optional] string which specifies context (default : returns all dbxrefs)
  Title   : get_dblink_context
  Usage   : @context = $term->get_dblink_context;
  Function: Return all context existing in Term
  Returns : a list of scalar
  Args    : [none]
  Note    : deprecated method due to past use of mixed data types; use
            get_dbxref_context() instead

  Title   : get_dbxref_context
  Usage   : @context = $term->get_dbxref_context;
  Function: Return all context strings existing in Term
  Returns : a list of scalars
  Args    : [none]
 Title   : add_dblink
 Usage   : $term->add_dblink( @dbls );
           $term->add_dblink( $dbl );
 Function: Pushes one or more dblinks onto the list of dblinks.
 Returns :
 Args    : One or more L<Bio::Annotation::DBLink> instances
 Note    : deprecated method due to past use of mixed data types; use
           add_dbxref() instead, which handles both strings and
           DBLink instances

 Title   : add_dbxref
 Usage   : $term->add_dbxref( @dbls );
           $term->add_dbxref( $dbl );
 Function: Pushes one or more dblinks onto the list of dblinks.
 Returns :
 Args    : -dbxrefs : array ref of Bio::Annotation::DBLink instances
           -context : string designating the context for the DBLink
                       (default : '_default' - contextless)
  Title   : has_dblink
  Usage   : $term->has_dblink($dblink);
  Function: Checks if a DBXref is already existing in the OBOterm object
  Return  : TRUE/FALSE
  Args    : [arg1] A DBxref identifier
  Note    : deprecated method due to past use of mixed data types; use
            has_dbxref() instead, which handles both strings and
            DBLink instances

  Title   : has_dbxref
  Usage   : $term->has_dbxref($dbxref);
  Function: Checks if a dbxref string is already existing in the OBOterm object
  Return  : TRUE/FALSE
  Args    : [arg1] A DBxref identifier (string).
            Bio::Annotation::DBLink::display_text() is used for comparison
            against the string.
  Title   : add_dblink_context
  Usage   : $term->add_dblink_context($db, $context);
  Function: add a dblink with its context
  Return  : [none]
  Args    : [arg1] a Bio::Annotation::DBLink instance
            [arg2] a string for context; if omitted, the
                   default/context-less one will be used.
  Note    : deprecated method due to past use of mixed data types; use
            add_dbxref() instead
 Title   : remove_dblinks()
 Usage   : $term->remove_dblinks();
 Function: Deletes (and returns) the definition references of this GO term.
 Returns : A list of definition references [array of [scalars]].
 Args    : Context. If omitted or equal to 'all', all dblinks
           will be removed.
 Note    : deprecated method due to past use of mixed data types; use
           remove_dblinks() instead, which handles both strings and
           DBLink instances

 Title   : remove_dbxrefs()
 Usage   : $term->remove_dbxrefs();
 Function: Deletes (and returns) the definition references of this GO term.
 Returns : A list of definition references [array of [scalars]].
 Args    : Context. If omitted or equal to 'all', all dblinks
           will be removed.

  Title   : get_references
  Usage   : @references = $self->get_references
  Fuctnion: Returns a list of references
  Return  : A list of objects
  Args    : [none]

  Title   : add_reference
  Usage   : $self->add_reference($reference);
            $self->add_reference($reference1, $reference2);
  Fuctnion: Add one or more references
  Returns : [none]

  Title   : remove_references
  Usage   : $self->remove_references;
  Function: Deletes (and returns) all references
  Returns : A list of references
  Args    : [none]

 Title   : get_secondary_ids
 Usage   : @ids = $term->get_secondary_ids();
 Function: Returns a list of secondary identifiers of this Term.
           Secondary identifiers mostly originate from merging terms,
           or possibly also from splitting terms.
 Returns : A list of secondary identifiers [array of [scalar]]
 Args    :

 Title   : add_secondary_id
 Usage   : $term->add_secondary_id( @ids );
           $term->add_secondary_id( $id );
 Function: Adds one or more secondary identifiers to this term.
 Returns :
 Args    : One or more secondary identifiers [scalars]

 Title   : remove_secondary_ids
 Usage   : $term->remove_secondary_ids();
 Function: Deletes (and returns) the secondary identifiers of this Term.
 Returns : The previous list of secondary identifiers [array of [scalars]]
 Args    :

 Title   : object_id
 Usage   : $string    = $obj->object_id()
 Function: a string which represents the stable primary identifier
           in this namespace of this object.
           This is a synonym for identifier().
 Returns : A scalar

 Title   : authority
 Usage   : $authority    = $obj->authority()
 Function: a string which represents the organisation which
           granted the namespace, written as the DNS name for
           organisation (eg,
           This forwards to ontology()->authority(). Note that you
           cannot set the authority before having set the ontology or
           the namespace (which will set the ontology).
 Returns : A scalar
 Args    : on set, the new value (a scalar)

 Title   : namespace
 Usage   : $string    = $obj->namespace()
 Function: A string representing the name space this identifier
           is valid in, often the database name or the name
           describing the collection.
           This forwards to ontology() (set mode) and
           ontology()->name() (get mode). I.e., setting the namespace
           will set the ontology to one matching that name in the
           ontology store, or to one newly created.
 Returns : A scalar
 Args    : on set, the new value (a scalar)

 Title   : display_name
 Usage   : $string    = $obj->display_name()
 Function: A string which is what should be displayed to the user.
           The definition in Bio::DescribableI states that the
           string should not contain spaces. As this is not very
           sensible for ontology terms, we relax this here. The
           implementation just forwards to name().
 Returns : A scalar
 Args    : on set, the new value (a scalar)

 Title   : description
 Usage   : $string    = $obj->description()
 Function: A text string suitable for displaying to the user a
           description. This string is likely to have spaces, but
           should not have any newlines or formatting - just plain
           This forwards to definition(). The caveat is that the text
           will often be longer for ontology term definitions than the
           255 characters stated in the definition in
 Returns : A scalar
 Args    : on set, the new value (a scalar)

Used for looking up the methods that supersedes them.

2021-08-15 perl v5.32.1