Barcode::ZBar::Processor - self-contained bar code reader
use Barcode::ZBar;
my $reader = Barcode::ZBar::Processor->new();
$reader->init("/dev/video1", 1);
scan an image:
scan from video:
A Barcode::ZBar::Processor may be used to quickly create
stand-alone bar code scanning applications. It has interfaces to scan images
or video and to optionally display a video/image preview to a window.
This interface is not well suited for integration with an existing
GUI, as the library manages the optional preview window and any user
interaction. Use a Barcode::ZBar::ImageScanner or Investigate the available
widget interfaces for GUI applications.
- new()
- Create a new bar code reader instance.
- init([video_device],
- Open a video input device and/or prepare to display output.
- set_data_handler([handler],
- Setup a callback to process results whenever new results are available
from the video stream or a static image. The specified callable will be
invoked with the associated Barcode::ZBar::Processor object and
closure as arguments. Closure may be achieved either using standard
Perl closure or by manually passing a scalar via closure.
- is_visible()
- set_visible([visible])
- Test/set visibility of the output window.
- set_active([active])
- Enable/disable video streaming and scanning for bar codes.
- get_results()
- Return a list of Barcode::ZBar::Symbol results from the last scanned image
or video frame.
- user_wait([timeout])
- Wait for the user to press a key/button or close the window. Bar codes
will continue to be processed if video is active.
- process_one([timeout])
- Enable video and scan until at least one barcode is found. Note that
multiple results may still be returned.
- process_image([image])
- Scan a Barcode::ZBar::Image for bar codes.
- parse_config(configstr)
- Apply a decoder configuration setting. See the documentation for
for available configuration options.
- request_size(width,
- Request a preferred size for the video image from the device. The request
may be adjusted or completely ignored by the driver. Must be called before
- force_format(input,
- force specific input and output formats for debug/testing.
- set_config(symbology,
config, value)
- Set config for indicated symbology (0 for all) to specified value.
@returns 0 for success, non-0 for failure (config
does not apply to specified symbology, or value out of range)
Barcode::ZBar, Barcode::ZBar::Image,
zbarimg(1), zbarcam(1)
Jeff Brown, <>
Copyright 2008-2010 (c) Jeff Brown
The ZBar Bar Code Reader is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.