Badger::Duration(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Badger::Duration(3pm)

Badger::Duration - simple class for representing durations

    use Badger::Duration 'Duration';
    my $d = Duration('7 days 4 hours 20 minutes');
    print "$d is ", $d->seconds, " seconds\n";

This is a simple module for parsing durations.

It is ideally suited for things like the calculation of expiry times (e.g. for cookies, items in a cache, etc) allowing them to be specified in human-friendly format, e.g. "4 minutes 20 seconds" (or various alternatives).


This is a shortcut alias to "Badger::Duration".

    use Badger::Duration 'DURATION';
    my $duration = DURATION->new(
        hours   => 4,
        minutes => 20,
    );              # same as Badger::Duration->new(...);


This subroutine returns the name of the "Badger::Duration" class when called without arguments. Thus it can be used as an alias for "Badger::Duration" as per DURATION.

    use Badger::Duration 'Duration';
    my $duration = Duration->new(...);  # same as Badger::Duration->new(...);

When called with arguments, it creates a new "Badger::Duration" object.

    my $duration = Duration(...);       # same as Badger::Duration->new(...);

The following methods are defined in addition to those inherited from the Badger::Comparable and Badger::Base base classes.


Constructor method to create a new "Badger::Duration" object. The duration can be specified as a single "duration" parameter.

    my $d = Badger::Duration->new(
        duration => '4 minutes 20 seconds'

The duration string can contain any number of "<number> <duration>" sequences separate by whitespace, commas or the word "and". The following are all valid:

    4 minutes 20 seconds
    4 minutes,20 seconds
    4 minutes, 20 seconds
    4 minutes and 20 seconds

The canonical names for durations are: "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute" and "second". The following aliases may be used:

    s sec secs seconds
    m min mins minutes
    h hr hrs hours
    d days
    w wk weeks
    M mon mons months
    y yr yrs years

A duration can also be specified using named parameters:

    my $d = Badger::Duration->new(
        minutes => 4,
        seconds => 20,

Or by reference to a hash array:

    my $d = Badger::Duration->new({
        minutes => 4,
        seconds => 20,

This can also be specified as an explicit "duration" option if you prefer:

    my $d = Badger::Duration->new(
        duration => {
            minutes => 4,
            seconds => 20,

In all cases, any of the valid aliases for durations may be used, e.g.

    my $d = Badger::Duration->new(
        h => 1,
        m => 4,
        s => 20,


Returns a reference to a hash array containing the canonical values of the duration.

    my $d = Badger::Duration->new(
        duration => '4 hours 20 minutes'
    my $h = $d->duration;
    print $h->{ hour   };     # 4
    print $h->{ minute };     # 20


Returns the total number of seconds for the duration.

    my $d = Badger::Duration->new(
        duration => '4 hours 20 minutes'
    print $d->seconds;      # 15600

This method is defined to enable the functionality provided by the Badger::Comparable base class.

    use Badger::Duration 'Duration';
    my $d1 = Duration('4 hours 20 minutes');
    my $d2 = Duration('270 minutes');
    if ($d1 < $d2) {
        # something...


Returns a canonical text representation of the duration.

    use Badger::Duration 'Duration';
    my $d1 = Duration('4 hrs 20 mins');
    print $d1->text;            # 4 hours 20 minutes

Note that the units will be pluralised appropriately. e.g.

    1 hour 1 minute 1 second
    2 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds

This method is bound to the auto-stringification operation which is a fancy way of saying it gets called automatically when you simply print a "Badger::Duration" object.

    print $d1;                  # 4 hours 20 minutes

Object initialisation method called automatically by the new() constructor method inherited from the Badger::Base base class.

Internal method to parse a text string and return a hash reference of canonical values.

Internal method to parse a hash reference and return another hash reference of canonical values (e.g. after mapping aliases to canonical names).

Counts the total number of seconds in a duration passed by reference to a hash array.

Andy Wardley <>

Copyright (C) 2013 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2023-08-28 perl v5.36.0