Ast_helper.Typ(3o) OCaml library Ast_helper.Typ(3o)

Ast_helper.Typ - Type expressions

Module Ast_helper.Typ

Module Typ
: sig end

Type expressions

val mk : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.core_type_desc -> Parsetree.core_type

val attr : Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.attribute -> Parsetree.core_type

val any : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> unit -> Parsetree.core_type

val var : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> string -> Parsetree.core_type

val arrow : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Asttypes.arg_label -> Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type

val tuple : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.core_type list -> Parsetree.core_type

val constr : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Ast_helper.lid -> Parsetree.core_type list -> Parsetree.core_type

val object_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.object_field list -> Asttypes.closed_flag -> Parsetree.core_type

val class_ : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Ast_helper.lid -> Parsetree.core_type list -> Parsetree.core_type

val alias : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.core_type -> string -> Parsetree.core_type

val variant : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.row_field list -> Asttypes.closed_flag -> Asttypes.label list option -> Parsetree.core_type

val poly : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Ast_helper.str list -> Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type

val package : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Ast_helper.lid -> (Ast_helper.lid * Parsetree.core_type) list -> Parsetree.core_type

val extension : ?loc:Ast_helper.loc -> ?attrs:Ast_helper.attrs -> Parsetree.extension -> Parsetree.core_type

val force_poly : Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type

val varify_constructors : Ast_helper.str list -> Parsetree.core_type -> Parsetree.core_type

varify_constructors newtypes te is type expression te , of which any of nullary type constructor tc is replaced by type variable of the same name, if tc 's name appears in newtypes . Raise Syntaxerr.Variable_in_scope if any type variable inside te appears in newtypes .

Since 4.05

2023-10-26 OCamldoc